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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. On the client's "Edit My Information" page there is a field marked Tax ID/VATIN. I have no idea what this is used for but in New Zealand and probably many other countries it is not applicable.
  2. How can I add a restricted service to a client? When I use the add service link from the admin panel all the restricted services are greyed out. I've been working around it by temporarily changing the service to a standard one.
  3. I still think this should be a feature. Most people who have a service with me pay up so I don't suspend their account, but the people who don't pay in time are ones I've done dev work for. There isn't much I can do apart from keep sending reminders (manually) and they do pay up after a while.
  4. Bump... Has a fix been added to the core yet?
  5. A well made vQmod won't usually have to be updated unless there has been a big change to the code. It's also possible to use several vQmods that modify one file.
  6. flangefrog

    Text Logo?

    If you've upgraded from a previous version of Blesta you'll also have the "default" theme so make sure you're not changing the wrong file.
  7. Have you made sure you have cleared the cache on Chrome? It is very unlikely to be an issue on the server if it works on one browser and not the other. Edit: maybe you were right, there is a SPDY specific issue related to this https://code.google.com/p/mod-spdy/issues/detail?id=34
  8. I don't always like to suspend them as they can be paying every other invoice but just missed that one. (related - when a customer uses pay now link, it should show their full balance owing and give them the option to pay it). It can also be for something like web dev services which can't be suspended.
  9. In the new domain manager allow the domains to be grouped (e.g. gTLDs, ccTLDS etc). Depending how much has changed it could be done by allowing multiple domain groups on the order form. It would then show them in a fieldset or something. With all the new gTLDs being released It could even be useful to have tags on them like https://www.namecheap.com/domains/new-tlds/explore.aspx
  10. +1 Even though the welcome email asks the customer to change their password I don't think many will.
  11. I sometimes have clients that don't pay by the third reminder email and so they don't get any more emails after that so I have to remind them manually. It would be good if I could set Blesta to resend that last reminder email every week/fortnight/month until they pay.
  12. I often charge 50% up front when doing big jobs. It would be nice to be able to attach multiple invoices to a quote. Unlike the draft invoices I think the quote should stay in the system and the client can view the quote and all invoices attached to it.
  13. +1, this will allow clients to use vanity nameservers
  14. I think the focus for Blesta 3.3 is supposed to be invoices so you might see it then. I'm also interested in this.
  15. +1 looks like a useful addition to Blesta
  16. I don't really see the point of this myself. As the affiliate gets a percentage of sales they already have an incentive to get lots of customers.
  17. PDF invoice dates for blesta users in certain time zones are not correct. For example, in a UTC+12 timezone an invoice created on the 25th would show it was created on the 24th on the PDF. N/A admin/clients/viewinvoice/ N/A Blesta 3.2.1, PHP 5.5.13 I was playing around with this issue today and implemented a temporary fix. The model supplies the dates in UTC, and when they are displayed in the admin area they are converted to the correct timezone by the date helper. The PDF invoice template however does not use the date helper or any substitute and thus does not show the date in the correct timezone. Refer to http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1977-invoice-dates-incorrect/
  18. Bugfix to enable Blesta to work in PHP CLI mode (i.e. to enable cron jobs to run) vqmod/install/index.php Change line 65 from require_once(\'./vqmod/vqmod.php\'); to require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . \'/vqmod/vqmod.php\'); vqmod-2.4.1-blesta.zip
  19. flangefrog

    Release 3.2.1

    Great to see that CORE-1301 has been fixed.
  20. Made this into a vQmod - See above.
  21. Thanks for the link. I hadn't realised that the dev tools were decoding the html. However, looking at the raw ajax response, it returns this: index.php?_m=news&_a=viewnews&newsid=1339
  22. Cody, I don't think that's correct. For a URL index.php?foo=bar&baz=quz foo = bar baz = qux For a URL index.php?foo=bar&baz=qux foo = bar amp;baz=quz The ampersand should only be encoded when it's part of a param i.e. when you're passing a URL as a param. Refer to http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2 I think instead of using HTML entity encoding, you should be using something like rawurlencode() which encodes the URL according to the RFC mentioned above. Simplepie may do this itself, it seems to at least escape the content (which is why Blesta was double encoding it)
  23. No, I'm not running it in production yet. I only have a few clients on a DirectAdmin reseller account at the moment (from a previous business) and I won't be accepting new customers until my company launches which will probably be at least another month.
  24. I don't know if it got cancelled: https://forum.vestacp.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4982#p12040 https://bugs.vestacp.com/index.php?do=details&task_id=117
  25. Yes that's right, although with either credit cards or direct debits it can create create an account which could be used by the Blesta payment account system. Not much point in using the hosted option for direct debits though as PCI DSS doesn't apply. Are you talking about the latency for multiple HTTP requests? Just under that method they have another one for scheduling multiple transactions for different clients. Well it would be very easy to split the two fields into four values, the point is that nobody in New Zealand would know what to type in the two fields as every bank here uses four fields for that information. So it's possible to implement the gateway already, it would just be a lot more user friendly in NZ if it could be changed to multiple fields.
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