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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. I would like to see more variables like the client_id passed to some of the module methods. For example when adding a domain from the admin or client area (getAdminAddFields, getClientAddFields) I would like the WHOIS fields populated with the client data.
  2. I agree, the top one is nice but I don't think the bottom one is necessary.
  3. Probably at the top of buildProcess() or maybe just under the $amount = round($amount, 2);
  4. Nice work! I will probably use this myself once you release it.
  5. Bump Does anyone know the answer to to #entry23853 I'm guessing there is an issue at the moment which will need to be resolved by updating the renewal date after a successful renewal.
  6. I also overlooked it when I was new to Blesta
  7. Be sure to try the NetBeans plugin for Chrome, it will allow you to reload automatically on save, and even bring changes from dev tools back to NetBeans. As for responsive frameworks, I actually don't like to use any. I understand the use of them for apps like Blesta where it needs to support plugins, but for most smaller websites I build in OpenCart/Joomla I write all the CSS myself (mobile first) which reduces the page size a lot and makes the site much faster. If I was writing a large web application or one that supports plugins I would probably just use bootstrap as a lot of developers already know how to use it.
  8. If it is part of the portal I think there should be an option to disable the portal except for the navigation. Because in my case as I'm using Joomla as my CMS I want Blesta to go straight to the account overview/login page.
  9. The way I read the documentation I don't think it's incorrect. getRules() is not meant to be called automatically as it is a private method. The getRules() method can be named whatever you want and you need to call it in your code like: $this->Input->setRules($this->getRules($vars));
  10. $controller_name .= Loader::toCamelCase(basename("admin_clients.php", ".php")); Or $controller_name .= Loader::toCamelCase(pathinfo("admin_clients.php")['filename']);
  11. You don't need 777 permissions. If Blesta already runs fine and you can upload files to it then you probably won't need to change anything. Depending on your server configuration file permissions of 644 or even 640 will be enough.
  12. If you want to use a vQmod you have to install vQmod using the files here and the instructions here. Then you can copy the xml files from my links into the /vqmod/xml folder on your installation.
  13. The structure.pdt will be overwritten sometimes when you upgrade Blesta. If you want the changes to be permanent you can copy the "bootstrap" template and rename it, but you will need to add any new changes to your template when upgrading. You could also write a vQmod with the modifications.
  14. I think what I was trying to say is that the getTld() function should never see test.domain.co.nz (unless you actually want to sell subdomains of domain.co.nz) and should be validated by a different function first.
  15. I think what wfitg is referring to is a menu on the client side header, which you can add or remove items from in the admin panel. Basicly what I have on my site: https://account.orangehost.co.nz but customisable.
  16. +1 Should override default formatting.
  17. Yes, I understand that but what I don't understand is the real world difference between the small function I wrote and the original one. Consider the following code: function getTldA($domain) { $domain = strtolower($domain); return strstr($domain, "."); } function getTldB($domain) { $tlds = array( ".co.nz", ".kiwi.nz", ".nz", ); $domain = strtolower($domain); foreach ($tlds as $tld) { if (substr($domain, -strlen($tld)) == $tld) return $tld; } return strstr($domain, "."); } function getHtml($function, $domain) { return $domain . ": <strong>" . $function($domain) . "</strong><br>"; } echo "<h1>getTldA()</h1>"; echo getHtml("getTldA", "domain.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "domain.co.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "domain.net.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "domain.com"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "test.domain.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "test.domain.co.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "test.domain.com"); echo getHtml("getTldA", "test.domain.net.nz"); echo "<h1>getTldB()</h1>"; echo getHtml("getTldB", "domain.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "domain.co.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "domain.net.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "domain.com"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "test.domain.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "test.domain.co.nz"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "test.domain.com"); echo getHtml("getTldB", "test.domain.net.nz"); The output given by this code is:getTldA() domain.nz: .nz domain.co.nz: .co.nz domain.net.nz: .net.nz domain.com: .com test.domain.nz: .domain.nz test.domain.co.nz: .domain.co.nz test.domain.com: .domain.com test.domain.net.nz: .domain.net.nz getTldB() domain.nz: .nz domain.co.nz: .co.nz domain.net.nz: .nz domain.com: .com test.domain.nz: .nz test.domain.co.nz: .co.nz test.domain.com: .domain.com test.domain.net.nz: .nz As you can see the main difference is with subdomains or domains not specified in the configuration. getTldA() is more consistent and gets domains like domain.net.nz right. I would argue that the subdomains are also correct as all CentralNic domains are subdomains for example or you may even want to sell subdomains of a domain you own like *.shop.nz. If there is any validation to be done (e.g. not allowing subdomains) it should be in the user input phase like when ordering or adding through the admin panel.
  18. If you have more than one language, is email delivery enabled on the email template page for both languages?
  19. flangefrog

    Logo Not Scaling

    This vQmod will make the logo responsive as long as you haven't already modified that part of the structure.pdt. You can look at the generated file in vqmod/vqcache to find out what the resulting structure.pdt looks like when the changes have been applied. responsive_logo.xml
  20. Have you tried running cron manually from Settings > System > Automation? And are all the settings in Settings > General > Automation fine?
  21. Thanks for that, I actually ended up removing the getTld() function as my registrar doesn't require me to split the TLD off. I still don't understand why the method would even be getting the TLDs from the configuration, there seems to be no point in it?
  22. What I meant was you can use the domain and other form, but when you set up your product in the universal module settings, add a text field called "Domain" that way when someone skips adding a domain they will still have entered the domain they want the hosting for.
  23. I've updated the mod to remove the tax id from client edit page, registration page and ajax, standard and wizard templates.
  24. Did you remember to install vQmod by going to yourblestadomain.com/vqmod/install or yourdomain.com/blesta/vqmod/install? You can also check /vqmod/logs. I did notice there is also a tax id field on the registration page so I'll update the mod to remove that soon.
  25. Thanks for your reply naja7host. I had though I was missing something but maybe Blesta devs were/are planning to use it but it's unfinished. I'll put both the whois fields and transfer fields on the admin page and have an option whether to use the whois fields.
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