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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. Yeah, it's possible and not too hard to do. But not a great solution if you want to use just one DNS provider unless you manually edit all modules to use your chosen provider. An option for some would be to use cPanel/Plesk/DirectAdmin DNS control panels with replication to remote servers, that doesn't work if you just want the domain + DNS though.
  2. To add to the above: Need to allow 3rd party DNS via a separate module I.e. I use zonomi.com at the moment (although I'd like to replace it with my own service later) for all domains at all of the registrars. Zonomi does testing to check the domain's nameservers are correctly set among other tests and emails you periodically to remind you to make changes. This could be a nice feature for Blesta but not highest priority. You can try it out with a free Zonomi account. Sometimes it's hard to know how much of the DNS/Hosting management etc should be in the billing system, I'm wondering whether this is best served by an external control panel accessed in the same way as cPanel etc.
  3. This are all the ideas related to domains I have, not all of them are for the domain manager. I'll expand on the list later and say how I think they should actually be implemented. Allow clients to set default nameservers Easy way to set nameservers back to hosting company's default Select whois contacts from client's contacts - will fill in all fields possible leaving extended fields to be populated manually. Easy way to set contacts "same as registrant" or "same as tech" Possible linking of whois contacts and client contacts Allow customers to set auto renew and term Expiration reminders set per extension to comply with registries Group extensions by allowing multiple package groups on domain and other form List all extensions with prices and module/account Set pricing for registration, renewal and transfer Automatic import of existing domains from registrar Periodic price import from registrar Sync expiry dates with registrar After renewal update expiry dates as renewal term may start from payment date not expiry date Log domain history Allow pre-registrations Check transfers completed Set if registration/transfer allowed New "universal module" for domains with whois check Add new statuses like pre-registered, transfer in progress
  4. Works for me now, have you done a full refresh?
  5. Looks like the icon you're using (fa-life-saver) isn't included in the version of font awesome.
  6. Are you able to post a link to your site?
  7. Can you copy the code from Settings > Company > Plugins > Portal > Manage from the fresh install to your main site?
  8. Max, I think that is correct for PCI DSS v2.0, but is it still the case for PCI DSS v3.0? This document says that SAQ C is not applicable to e-commerce channels. Edit: maybe SAQ A-EP actually covers what SAQ C used to: This does seem to contradict what the document says earlier though Edit 2: I think the above quote about "Direct Post" is just talking about posting customer and cart data, but the credit card is entered on the gateway's site. So it still looks to me like SAQ D is the one for merchants transmitting card data.
  9. flangefrog

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    Is there a thread specifically for discussing the upcoming domain manager?
  10. I don't think any current gateway implementations can allow credit card reuse without storing the data yourself (tokenised storage). You should do some research into the PCI-DSS standard - if you transmit or store credit card data you will be required to fill out a PCI-DSS SAQ D form. Even if you are only redirecting to a third party like PayPal which accepts the credit card details you are still supposed to fill out an SAQ A-EP form but I think most gateways won't require that. Have a read of this document: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/Understanding_SAQs_PCI_DSS_v3.pdf This is a good checklist with all the details of each requirement: https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/Prioritized_Approach_v3.xlsx
  11. vQmod intercepts any included php files and does this by changing some code in index.php. This is only done when running yoursite.com/vqmod/install so after you have installed vQmod you can remove the write permissions. You will need to make vqmod/vqcache and vqmod/logs writable. No special server config should be neccesary, if php files can already run then that's enough. You may want to read https://github.com/vqmod/vqmod/wiki for some more info.
  12. Ok, thanks for your reply. I'll use $vars or maybe override the function.
  13. The EventObject vars that store the info are protected so that might be var_dump() doesn't output them. Yes, if you look at where the transaction event is registered and triggered you can see it is the transaction id (seems there is actually a transaction.transaction_id and transaction.id, this is the former. $this->Events->register("Transactions.add", array("EventsTransactionsCallback", "add")); $this->Events->trigger(new EventObject("Transactions.add", compact("transaction_id"))); $this->Events->register("Transactions.edit", array("EventsTransactionsCallback", "edit")); $this->Events->trigger(new EventObject("Transactions.edit", compact("transaction_id"))); You can get the actual transaction like this if (!isset($this->Transactions)) Loader::loadModels($this, array("Transactions")); $this->Transactions->getByTransactionId($transaction_id);
  14. Looks a little like https://trello.com/
  15. If you look at the transactions in the billing area, it shows all recorded payments, regardless of whether they partially pay an invoice, pay several or just added as credit. I would guess that the events would be the same.
  16. If you look at the EventObject class, you should be able to call the following methods. $event->getName(); $event->getParams(); $event->getReturnVal(); A useful thing to note is that you can use print_r($event, true); and it will return the data instead of printing it.
  17. An example is the select field. If you look in ModuleFields::fieldSelect() it has a parameter especially for the selected_value. Therefore I assumed that I would be able to set this parameter in the array like this: 'country' => array( 'label' => Language::_("Webdrive.whois.Country", true), 'type' => "select", 'selected_value' => "NZ", 'options' => array( 'NZ' => "New Zealand" ) ), However with the current implementation of Module::arrayToModuleFields() the only way is to set the attribute_option for 'NZ'. What I am suggesting is to add $selected_value = isset($field['selected_value']) ? $field['selected_value'] : null; Under: $attributes = isset($field['attributes']) ? $field['attributes'] : array(); And then pass the selected_value to ModuleFields::fieldSelect() here: case "select": $field_label->attach($fields->fieldSelect($name, $options, isset($vars->{$name}) ? $vars->{$name} : null, $attributes)); break; All the code above is applicable to the placeholder attribute as well. Edit: Just checked and Module::arrayToModuleFields() does not support using option_attributes either, so currently there is no way to set the selected value of a select box in the first param $arr
  18. What page are you accessing? Does the error mention which file does not exist? The error is from the View::fetch() method so you need to find out which controller is calling that method and why it is passing an invalid file. BTW to any Blesta devs reading this, line 120 of lib/view.php has a spelling mistake: "Files does not exist"
  19. Only a plugin can react to events (this is dictated by the components/events/default/* files) but if you're wanting to call the redirect function from any file I think it should be in a component while the plugin handles the event, loads the component and performs the redirect. I don't think there are any docs on components, just look at a simple one like components/json. It's pretty much just a standard class.
  20. I haven't looked at the plugin architecture in Blesta but I don't think they are designed to be called manually. I think it would be better suited for a component, which would be called like this: Loader::loadComponents($this, array("MyComponent")); $this->MyComponent->redirect($url); You may want to look at the built in redirect function Controller::redirect() in lib/controller.php
  21. The plugin is called by lib/dispatcher.php. I don't think it would be a good idea to modify that file to pass any variables. If you want to set a member variable you can declare it at the top of the class then initialise it within the constructor, optionally setting it's value to that from a config file. class MyPlugin extends Plugin { private $memberVar; public function __construct() { $this->memberVar = "http://domain.com"; } public function doSomething() { echo $this->memberVar; } }
  22. Although Blesta might be fine with it, it might not be best to use their logo. Some people could think it's a Blesta product.
  23. The Module::arrayToModuleFields() function does not include selected_value or placeholder values from the array in the returned object.
  24. I was referring to an ajax get request. If you want to do a redirect then modify this line in app/controllers/client_logout.php $this->redirect($this->base_uri . "login");
  25. If you can't get the user to make a get request and you need it to be seamless then you could get Blesta to redirect users to your main page after logging out. So there will be two redirects upon logging out of your main site.
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