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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. Try Services::getList()
  2. If they actually looked at an existing module they would find that every method is documented well with PHPDoc and that it's pretty simple to make one.
  3. When I add a service through the admin panel my module is not able to validate info after pressing continue, only on the confirm page when pressing add service. This means I need to use the back button a couple of times to correct the info. There should be some way for modules to access and validate the POST data before going to the confirm page.
  4. I personally don't like the term "Merchant Gateway" because it implies you need to have a merchant account. There are several gateways in that category that don't require you to have your own merchant account and will transfer funds to your bank account within a few days or a week. I don't know much about the included gateways as most aren't available where I live so I'll leave it to someone else to recommend one that works like this.
  5. Unfortunately it looks like they misunderstood your question. Are you able to use an alternative gateway? you would need one listed under Merchant Gateways for what you're wanting.
  6. Sorry, Blesta doesn't support that currently. That would only be available with PayPal Express Checkout which would need a new gateway developed.
  7. PayPal subscriptions are just automatic payments, but you are right that they can only be set up for recurring services. I think the client can log into PayPal and manually set up an automatic payment as well.
  8. Is there a way for an input rule to validate multiple fields? I.e. if one of a set of three fields is filled out, then make sure they are all not empty?
  9. If you have the subscribe option enabled in the gateway settings, clients can click the PayPal subscribe button instead of the pay now button on the payment page.
  10. Yes of course, a receipt is different than an invoice is the point I was making.
  11. I think this was answered on your other thread but you need to uninstall the portal plugin. Whenever clients visit your blesta url they will be redirected to the login page, or if already logged in then the client dashboard.
  12. Licensecart is correct, but note that it doesn't create an invoice, just adds credit to the clients account. I don't think you should ever create an invoice without providing services, you can create a receipt though. If you just created an invoice, the payment would go towards the invoice so wouldn't be added as credit on the account.
  13. Submitting the domain form without a CSRF token.
  14. I'm using Joomla with a custom template which matches my Blesta template. Makes it easier to display different menu items/pages depending on whether a user is logged in or display menus only to admins.
  15. I would also like to see this for package names. I.e. instead of Domain (.co.nz), Domain (.nz) etc customers should just see Domain.
  16. I tried setting it up from /admin/myinfo first and it didn't work (username already exists error - possibly a bug?) but I managed to set it up from /admin/settings/system/staff/edit/1/ instead.
  17. Are you using the vQmod or making the change manually? If you are using vQmod, make sure you download it using the link in my signature and install it according to the first post on that page. Check /vqmod/logs for any errors. If you are making the changes manually, are you doing this on the correct template? Bootstrap is the default but an upgraded install might have an old "default" template. Mike, I haven't tried that plugin yet but I don't think it can modify the PHP?
  18. Is this CORE-1170? URL /order/config/preconfig/domains Blesta 3.3.0 PHP 5.5.17
  19. Sounds like you may have PDO enabled, but not pdo_mysql. Can you post a screenshot of the PDO section in phpinfo()?
  20. You can run cron manually from /admin/settings/system/automation/. If you don't have cron installed (i.e. if you're on Windows) you could use scheduled tasks, or you could use an online service to request the cron url every 5 min.
  21. Not without modifying the core files. Is there a reason why you can't run cron?
  22. As naja7host said above, but the rest is working how it should. addservice is not supposed to be called when a client adds a service. Cron checks every 5 min to see if the service is activated, paid, approved etc and only then will it call addservice.
  23. naja7host, the page should only return JSON if called via ajax // Render the request if ajax return $this->renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync(isset($this->get[1]) || isset($this->get['sort'])); Unfortunately the renderAjaxWidgetIfAsync() function seems to be declared in the encoded AppController class so I can't look at it. MiikaaQC, Does this happen when using another browser? Have you changed your user-agent at all? What are those two plugins I see in your screenshot? Does it happen for other widgets like /admin/billing/transactions/pending/?
  24. +1, tooltips like this would be nice
  25. You said you deleted the files, did you delete the database as well? Reinstalling Blesta shouldn't overwrite the database.
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