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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. Not sure why it would need that, I would have thought RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on was enough. Someone else can probably tell you why that is. Does it work with RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off ?
  2. That's great. Why don't you start changing each part back to more closely match the original, so you can find what the problem was? You could start by 1. Adding the NE flag 2. Removing RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 3. Changing the redirect to a 307, ultimately it should probably be a 301 because those are cached. 4. Changing my.hostmyheart.com/$1 to %{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} 5. Changing ^(.*)$ to ^ or .* This could help if anybody else has the same problem.
  3. Do you have any results from the logs based on my above post? What did you do to get it working on some pages and what error did you receive on the portal/login pages? I really need a bit more info to help.
  4. Adding LogLevel rewrite:trace6 (Apache 2.4) or RewriteLogLevel 4 (Apache 2.3) might help you to find the problem. I think both should work in the .htaccess file (RewriteLogLevel only works in .htaccess on Apache > 2.3.6)
  5. Someone else can probably recommend a developer, but I would guess it would be less than $500 for a payment gateway. A good developer could complete it in a few days or less.
  6. I made this mod in response to another thread but I figured it would be best to cross post it here. If that's not allowed then please remove this thread. When you add a payment manually, it will automatically apply the payment to the invoices, oldest first. It will check any invoices with an amount above zero. E.g. if the client has three invoices - $30 and $10, and $20 and paid $37, $30 will be paid to the first invoice and $7 to the second. The third invoice will be unpaid. Note: this doesn't actually add any real functionality to Blesta, it will just make it easier to apply the payments without having to work out manually how much to apply to each invoice. /app/views/admin/default/admin_clients_recordpayment.pdt After line 79 $(document).ready(function() { add: $("#amount").change(function() { amountRemaining = Math.max($(this).val(), 0); if (!isNaN(amountRemaining)) { $("#invoices_to_pay").find("tr").not(".heading_row").each(function() { checkBoxElement = $(this).find("input[name^=\'invoice_id\']"); applyAmountElement = $(this).find("input[name^=\'applyamount\']"); amountDueElement = applyAmountElement.parent().next(); amountDue = Number(amountDueElement.text().substr(1).replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, "")); applyAmount = Math.min(amountRemaining, amountDue); amountRemaining = (amountRemaining - applyAmount).toFixed(2); applyAmountElement.val(applyAmount); checkBoxElement.prop("checked", applyAmount > 0); if (!amountRemaining) return false; }); } }); If you want the calc to run while typing, change line 80 to: $("#amount").on("input",function() { Just be aware that this is unsupported or buggy on older browsers. apply_payments_calc.xml
  7. Would something like this work? When you add a payment manually, it will automatically apply the payment to the invoices, oldest first. It will check any invoices with an amount above zero. E.g. if the client has three invoices - $30 and $10, and $20 and paid $37, $30 will be paid to the first invoice and $7 to the second. The third invoice will be unpaid. Note: this doesn't actually add any real functionality to Blesta, it will just make it easier to apply the payments without having to work out manually how much to apply to each invoice. /app/views/admin/default/admin_clients_recordpayment.pdt After line 79 $(document).ready(function() { add: $("#amount").change(function() { amountRemaining = Math.max($(this).val(), 0); if (!isNaN(amountRemaining)) { $("#invoices_to_pay").find("tr").not(".heading_row").each(function() { checkBoxElement = $(this).find("input[name^=\'invoice_id\']"); applyAmountElement = $(this).find("input[name^=\'applyamount\']"); amountDueElement = applyAmountElement.parent().next(); amountDue = Number(amountDueElement.text().substr(1).replace(/[^0-9\.]+/g, "")); applyAmount = Math.min(amountRemaining, amountDue); amountRemaining = (amountRemaining - applyAmount).toFixed(2); applyAmountElement.val(applyAmount); checkBoxElement.prop("checked", applyAmount > 0); if (!amountRemaining) return false; }); } }); If you want the calc to run while typing, change line 80 to: $("#amount").on("input",function() { Just be aware that this is unsupported or buggy on older browsers.
  8. I can confirm that all PDFs (draft or not) show a the Invoice Date (Date Billed) and Due Date one day behind the interface. My timezone is UTC+12, start day Monday and I've tested this on both my Windows dev server and Ubuntu production server. I tested this on my dev server at 9:00 AM, the invoices on my production server were created a few days ago at around 5:00 AM.
  9. Just a little bump, it would nice to know if this is really a bug or if I'm just doing something wrong (most likely ) Thanks!
  10. I'm going to be supporting the same browsers as Google Apps does for any web apps such as Blesta, Freshdesk, hosting CP etc. Google Apps supports the latest and previous version of major browsers which means at the moment IE10+. The best thing about developing for IE10+ is it allows me to use the flex layout system. For websites I usually support IE9+. I find the main problem with IE8 is the lack of media query support - it usually shows the mobile site fine though. I don't usually bother with polyfills for that sort of thing. I think from IE8+ instead of having bugs, they just don't have so many features which is a lot better. IE11 is starting to catch up though, Microsoft have some very nice features that they are trying to get standardised like grid layout and pointer events.
  11. The reason your url https://billing.licensecart.com/api/ can't be reached is because your rewriting is not set up. You probably just need to rename your .htaccess file if you're using Apache. You can see this is the problem by changing the url in your file to http://billing.licensecart.com/index.php/api/ and it should work. The second problem is that when accessed over https, Apache is looking for the files in the wrong directory. You need to adjust the apache.conf or virtualhost conf file to point to the same directory as port 80. You can see this problem by going to https://billing.licensecart.com/ and it's pointing to a different directory than http://billing.licensecart.com/
  12. flangefrog

    Credit Note?

    So I just had a call with my accountant. I am doing cash based accounting through the year for GST (Tax) purposes, and switching to accrual accounting at the year end for income tax (as it's a requirement here in NZ). That means I do need to issue invoices, and also credit notes. Another reason is that if I issued a customer an invoice and then voided it without a credit note, they could still claim GST on the invoice. I am currently using the Xero GST cashbook which doesn't included invoices/purchase orders, but in the future I might switch to their standard plan, and sync the invoices from Blesta which would allow me to do full accrual accounting.
  13. Ok, I've found the problem: /plugins/feed_reader/views/default/admin_main.pdt Line 19, Column 145 Replace <?php $this->Html->_($articles[$i]->data['title']);?> With <?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($articles[$i]->data['title']);?> Any chance you could add this fix (or an equivalent one) to the core?
  14. I may be interested in developing a module for VentraIP, although I need to find time to finish my one for Webdrive first.
  15. flangefrog

    Credit Note?

    Thanks, that looks like what I want, I will have a look at it tomorrow. I guess I wasn't searching in the right forums.
  16. flangefrog

    Credit Note?

    Isn't pro rata when you bill them for a portion of the term because they started for example on the 10th, and all invoices are sent on the first?
  17. flangefrog

    Credit Note?

    What's the usual way you guys fix a problem with an incorrect invoice being sent out? I added the wrong service to a client, and my accountant tells me that I should be sending out a credit note (which is sometimes a negative invoice) instead of voiding the invoice. I tried a negative invoice, but it doesn't add any credit. If I have to void the invoice instead, is Blesta supposed to email the customer? I checked the Invoice Delivery: Email box but didn't receive any mail.
  18. This thread's a bit old but I wanted to show my solution. I am using a transactional email provider to send all my mail from Blesta. At the moment I am using Mandrill as it integrates well with my MailChimp account and is free for 12,000 emails/month (dedicated IP costs extra). I may try other providers later though such as SendGrid, Postmark, Mailjet, Postage, SocketLabs or Amazon SES. Mandrill keeps a log of email sent, and allows you to resend any of it. For a small cost ($0.02 per thousand emails) I can keep up to 30 days of logs. I can see a log of all the links sent out, who clicked each email and which emails have been opened. There are lots of other reasons for using a provider like this.
  19. Yeah looks like an encoding issue, I would guess that Apache or PHP is overwriting the character encoding set in the HTML. I suggest you add the below code into your .htaccess file. AddDefaultCharset UTF-8 You can also set the PHP character set. Use the below in your .htaccess file if you run PHP as an Apache module: php_value default_charset "UTF-8" Or use this in you php.ini or user.ini if PHP is running as FastCGI default_charset = "utf-8"
  20. This seems like a bug to me. When I create a recurring payment, the tax is only added to the first month's charge, but the recurring amount is tax free. I've put my settings below. In the PayPal screenshot (last image) the first payment was only $1.80, that's because the customer had already paid 11.99 via bank transfer. I'm also wondering why Blesta uses the trial period instead of the initial payment.
  21. It would be really helpful to allow setting custom prices for each client group in a package, or a percent discount either in a package or the group itself. If the discount was set in a package it would override the discount set in the group. It would also be nice if this feature was extended to support coupons, such that a coupon could have different settings (not just price) per group, or even only be usable by one group. What is the best workaround currently? Say I have a group of sponsored people, and a group of Not for profits which have a discount. As I understand it, the only way to give them a different price is to create a separate package, or apply a coupon to their package. Is this correct? A related feature which I think is important is the ability to edit any service on a customers account and override the price that was set on the package.
  22. The 3.1.3 patch overwrote the files included in this patch, and after re-patching the installation with this patch the version number is back at 3.1.2. I guess it could be that nothing has changed in these files except the version number though. So far I haven't encountered any errors.
  23. Hey, would you be able to release a 3.1.3 version of this?
  24. Just a small issue with the feed reader plugin here. I'm sure you're aware it, but the HTML special characters are getting encoded twice, making an ampersand display as & (&amp; in the source). I would look into this myself but it will probably be a lot quicker for the original developer, and I'm currently busy with work and creating my Web Drive module.
  25. Cool, thanks for the reply. I am about 25% finished (module manage page, nameserver management and domain availability are working) so I'll post the module here in a few days under the MIT license for critique/testing.
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