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Everything posted by flangefrog

  1. Here's the NZ gateway I'm going to be using: http://www.flo2cash.co.nz/pdf/Flo2Cash%20Recurring%20Payments%20Integration%20Guide.pdf (see page 9). They need the account/routing number split into four fields and don't require the account type. That's for their hosted option but their API option (which is probably what I will use) requires the same information. Granted, this is not a big problem but it would be nice if I could customise the fields shown on Blesta. Other documentation here: http://www.flo2cash.co.nz/downloadAPI.php Note that this gateway allows fully online direct debits without sending the customer a form.
  2. Is the secret key the same? I just tried changing it and it caused the login issue (I think I might have had the same issue earlier). I'm not quite sure why this causes a login issue though, I had a quick looks through the auth classes and didn't see the key being used. /config/blesta.php Configure::set("Blesta.system_key", '*****************************'); I also tried changing the directory in the database but it didn't cause any login issues for me.
  3. Instead of sending them a PDF statement they could log in and see all their invoices, payments and account credit. Depends what sort of customers you have though
  4. Could be something to do with URL rewriting being enabled/disabled. Could you get to the login page? Or was there an error when trying to log in?
  5. I would like to see this on the service WHOIS tab as well. Although some registries have additional requirements for contacts, Blesta should just replace all array elements that have matching keys with the new contact data.
  6. I've been playing with VestaCP the last few days, it seems to be the best open source CP around (at least for my needs). I'm going to be building a new more simple interface around it based on angular/node so that the one interface will control multiple hosting servers. My idea is to have one controller daemon which the browser talks to, and that will control all the other servers including hosting (VestaCP), MySQL, DNS (PowerDNS), backup, CDN etc. I won't be using the DNS or DB services on VestaCP because I don't want any duplication when using multiple servers. I also won't be using the FTP service (only SCP/SFTP via rssh). I will be using a combination of Google Apps and a transactional email provider to provide mail functionality for now. There's a whole lot of other functionality I want to add including PHP-FPM support, a file manager, auto CSS and JS minification (different than how Google Pagespeed works), SSL cert integration with my provider, new backup centre, advanced client permissions settings, Nginx/Apache templates and a module specifically for OpenCart (the platform I'm foccusing on). Ultimately I will be writing new modules for my own system, not VestaCP, as I want more flexibility in regards to the API, storage system, authentication system and distributed/horizontally scaled servers. All the above is a very big project though, so I will probably have to just theme the standard interface for the launch of my company. I'm looking forward to the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release in a few hours, hopefully VestaCP won't require too many changes. Exactly, I was thinking the same thing. The install script however is pretty minimal and should be easy enough to customise (the http://vestacp.com/pub/vst-install-ubuntu.sh) one not http://vestacp.com/pub/vst-install.sh Oh and by the way, not sure if you guys found this, but they do have English API docs: http://vestacp.com/docs/api/ A link to their bug tracker as well: https://bugs.vestacp.com/
  7. Most common P2P ports were blocked, but people still found ways around it. It think it was the management, because talking to the IT guy I found out they had fibre but they were only paying for 5Mbps for the students lab/campus and 5Mbps for the office. Apparently it's much better now though.
  8. At my college (studying 3D Animation) we had 5Mbps for a couple hundred or so students (similar speed per user as medfordite's work and sometimes near 80% packet loss). No phone reception and no personal computers or laptops allowed in the labs. Sometimes our campus internet was switched off when a particular group was supposed to be using digital tutors as course material... Combined with a large amount of students torrenting 24/7 and others trying to watch YouTube It was a nightmare I was so happy to go home every now again and use my 0.36Mbps connection.
  9. This was my speed until about a year ago: Now: I did a speed test (using speedtest.net CLI version) on my VPS where Blesta is installed and got 100Mbps down/50MBps up using a 100Mbps shared pipe.
  10. Ok, I have had a look at the Stripe module and the thread, and it seems the card details are just stored offsite, but still pass through your server. I'm pretty sure all of the Non-Merchant gateways I mentioned use a hosted payment page (as Blesta doesn't support collecting credit card details for Non-Merchant gateways) so you will not be subject to PCI requirements. I haven't used or tested any of those gateways myself though as PayPal is currently the only supported gateway that works in my Country.
  11. Any of the gateways under Non-Merchant should be fine - 2Checkout, CCAvenue Payment or Payza (I'm assuming you don't want to use PayPal) Edit: Stripe and Authorize.Net do say they support "Credit Card offsite" so they may already support a hosted payment page mode as well.
  12. Is redirecting to a hosted payment page not an option for you? If I remember right some core changes are required for the Stripe tokenised mode to allow custom JavaScript on checkout. A hosted payment page (I'm pretty sure Stripe can do this) would be pretty easy for a developer to implement and does not need any changes to the Blesta core.
  13. There is another thread about this issue: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1550-the-gateway-does-not-exist-or-is-not-enabled/ It looks like you may not have the currency checked?
  14. There is not currently a mass mail option, it is going to be added in 3.3.0 though. http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-621
  15. mrrsm, I think the problem you're experiencing is that PDF invoices don't currently show partial payment. I found a couple of feature requests here. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1944-invoice-list-partial-payments/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1336-show-credits-payments-on-invoice-pdfs/ I did some testing and if there was enough credit to fully pay the invoice before I created it, then it was always paid before sending out.
  16. It's up to you, if it doesn't work then there's probably no reason to keep it there.
  17. flangefrog


  18. Any chance en-nz could be added? We have specific requirements for stuff like the invoice name, tax name etc. Our spelling is similar to en-uk.
  19. This is one of the best articles about PCI compliance I have read: http://kencochrane.net/blog/2012/01/developers-guide-to-pci-compliant-web-applications/ You can tell your customer they can be liable for up to a $500,000 fine if they breach these requirements. The article also has a section about Tokenization services. Note that if any card is still passing through your servers, you will still need to complete at least SAQ-C.
  20. I would like to see a feature that allowed a module to give the usage of an service such as bandwidth or VOIP minutes. Blesta would find the usage at the time of creating the invoice via the modules getUsage function or something similar. There would also be an option to allow the client to view there usage. This would probably help increase adoption of Blesta for small ISPs and Telcos.
  21. The button is moving on hover because of the margin being applied .btn:hover { display: inline; margin: 13px 8px; font-weight: normal; text-align: center; text-color: #FFF; vertical-align: middle; background-color: #1875D4; height: 25px; width: 200px; cursor: pointer; padding: 6px; white-space: nowrap; font-size: 10px; line-height: 20px; border-radius: 2px; } You might want to adjust the below CSS .button_row .right_btn { margin: 0 16px 0 0; } To .button_row .right_btn, .button_row .right_btn:hover { margin: 0 16px 0 0; } Also the button is overlapping the border, this is because the parent element is 100% width + 25px padding. With the standard box model, this is over 100%. You could Remove the float, add overflow:hidden or use another method to clear the floating children and set width to auto (or leave it out as auto is default) Change the box model. This is a good introduction: http://css-tricks.com/box-sizing/ Remove the padding .button_row { float: left; padding: 17px 25px 25px; width: 100%; }
  22. In addition to the above, it looks like the same thing needs to be done for the URLs. URLs like index.php?foo&bar are encoded like index.php?foo&bar. /plugins/feed_reader/views/default/admin_main.pdt Line 19 Column 75 Replace <?php $this->Html->_($articles[$i]->data['link']);?> With <?php echo $this->Html->ifSet($articles[$i]->data['link']);?>
  23. You will need to give him the log from when the issue occurred. Easiest is to cause the issue to appear then copy the last log entry.
  24. I've done some testing and it seems that usually the credit is applied to an invoice before it gets sent out, but occasionally it's not. Could someone clarify this?
  25. That's right. The credit will automatically be applied to any new invoices created.
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