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Everything posted by vibol

  1. vibol

    Create Product

    hello it work now thz. but this package i don't set to manual and i connect to cpanel plugin why it don't automate create cpanel account ? automate not allow on offline payment ?
  2. vibol

    Create Product

    Hello again after starting with blesta i found that now way to provide a free package because we need at leas paypal as payment and paypal don't allow paying for $0.00 and disable all paypal for package will make this package not work!.. is that a bug ? or i'm just wrong ?
  3. vibol

    Create Product

    hmmm.. maybe that is now way if i use the cpanel module as i think .. anyway thz again But and how about reseller package do i need to manual order it too ? i don't see any docs related to this..
  4. vibol

    Create Product

    Hello really sorry for spam this forum. one more thing! i want to provide a free hosting packet but i wan to set the limit only 1 account can order 1 free hosting package. is there anyway to do this? thz..
  5. vibol

    Create Product

    thz i got it now XD
  6. vibol

    Create Product

    Wow thz really helpful. And is that anyway to allow user to register before they order ? Because i just want to let them easy open the support ticket before they make a payment. thz
  7. vibol

    Create Product

    Hello yeah i get it but when i create order form i choose domain and other. When i start order it show domain not support. Please let me know i just sell webhosting package only not domain reseller
  8. vibol

    Create Product

    I want to selling hosting only and not domain. and i want to provide free and also paid hosting. Hosting only but.. it have function transfer, check ability order other item i think i shut choose check availability right ? But all function i get domain not supported
  9. vibol

    Create Product

    In order from i see only domain and other, client registration and general. i don't see like hosting or etc
  10. vibol

    Create Product

    Hello i want ot sell webhosting. I start with connect to cpanel server and create package and order form but i seen no product on order system. I just think that it really hard to use. I think i got an recommended from other experience user. thz
  11. thz i will try this
  12. Hello i don't know and i span forum or not. It possible to move my cpanel client on blesta? and i use boxbilling as my billing software and do we have the manual way ? Please really need a suggestion
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