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  1. I have a hundred of customer in my directadmin that contain username length more that 8. As i try blesta today and seem like i can't import my existing account due to limit of username length is only 8 but directadmin has increase the limit to 30. Referring to this Cpanel already got that update. So not for directadmin ? So as i'm directadmin hoster its might not fit my requirement.
  2. Tiny is it still available how much is it ?
  3. thz guy and sorry for delay but.. if the user choose their choose so does it will automate to the right direction i mean right datacenter? or we need to manual this ?
  4. Hello, besta! i want to have a select box with multiple location or data center while user are buying webhosting Are this feature is already include in blesta ?
  5. Sorry, if i'm wrong but. if we start a second order for my addon and set to manual activated so the addon package will not show as the hosting addon on the first order Many thz
  6. Hello, besta team ! I have some problem with my using with blesta. Let me have some explaination. i create the 3 hosting form that point to order form name Webhosting and i have created and addon and point it the the order form name Webhosting too. but all of the package in this order are manual activated also the plugin to but if i check on Require Manual Review and Approval of All Orders box all the hosting package also plugin will need to manual activated. Is there anyway if i want to manual it for the plugin package only not my hosting package ? How guy can understand my question And apologize for my English Many thz
  7. Hello, i have request the Random user generated in cpanel. here is the threat we are talking about http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2810-generation-cpanel-username/
  8. Correct! if only random username will be find. So did we need to move my threat to the feature request forum ? thz
  9. thz you for good info but as i know i just want a random username for s1**** s2**** because i just to be sure that i can know that the s1 come from server 1 and the s2 come frome server 2 this why i want to generated the username like this... but sorry yes maybe it not possible because not the easy way to do this at all. Many thz
  10. Hello, as i may know when use order the host blesta will generating username look like.. if domain.com username will be domain But is there any possible way to make blesta generate the username with a random string or number etc? Thz you blesta team and everybody for suggestion. And please apologize for my English.
  11. Thz you ...
  12. Thz you sorry can i know what did you use blesta for ? and what problem that you have the most with blesta ? absolutely no problem ?
  13. Hello, it word that guy i mean blesta team obb! did i use a bad word ? really sorry for that. But.. did we have solusvm module or cpanel reseller module? what i need is sell the reseller hsoting with cpanel. thz
  14. Hello, Blesta! I'm very interest with blesta billing software with the beautiful interface. But first let me apologize for my English. here is my question 1. Did i get full support from blesta? and how fast did the blesta reply my ticket? i mean if i have the emergency problem 2. I'm no experience with billing software anymore so it mean can i start to use blesta as my new billing system with my hosting (cpanel)?Did the blesta team help me out with this ? 3. Anyone have experience with that guy ? did the blesta team is friendly to u ? thz. you
  15. vibol

    Error When Active Order

    Hello can i request to deleted this page because it show my site content directory thz
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