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Everything posted by marcel

  1. No , not yet..
  2. Yes, that would be a nice option.
  3. Don't worry about me mate,am already addicted to this forum..
  4. Nice work mate, looking good..
  5. problem solved... Thanks to Mike.. Thanks Mate.
  6. OKe thanks, How we can get in contact ,so you know am online..do you got a messenger.. or ad you as contact in teamviewer..
  7. Thanks mike, Yes i got teamviewer.we can make an active connection.. But first i need to go to work i have late shift from 14:00 to 22:00 European time..can we make an appointment.. Thanks for helping me out!! regards marcel
  8. Hello Mike, 1.Oke i enabled the Error reporting, but still the same issue, 2. I have Re-install the Cpanel module, Still the same issue..No Errors where found.. I hope someone could help me with it..
  9. Hello, Just want to test the account creation and service setup for hosting..if it will be creating the hosting account. I made an free hosting package..so everything is setup as €0,00 When i order the package and fill in the information when i hit on checkout it says: An internal error occurred. The module row is unavailable What can i do to make a test package, to only see if it will setup and create the package..automatically true cron-job.. Regards Marcel
  10. Thanks Mike and Paul, for helping me out.. The problem was not Blesta ,and i did not enable the maintenance mode. The problem was in the Gohigheris J!Blesta plugin.that i have installed, for later use.. I uninstalled the J!Blesta plugin for now.. And did make the upgrade..and all was going well.. So thumbs up.. regards marcel
  11. Hello all, I got a problem..i uploaded the patch files for 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 .and overwrite the files.i than go to /admin/upgrade page..but i get a Blank screen..is this normal? Best regards Marcel
  12. marcel

    Release 3.1.2

  13. Thankx Mike, That did the trick..
  14. Hi all, Can someone tell me how to sync. or edit the domain, when i am adding a domain to a customer the date is not the same as when he bought it. Is there a possibility to update the date? Best regards marcel
  15. Thankx ,this works perfectly...
  16. Thank you Cubic, So It works just a little bit differed than whm**? Because when i select option one in your description, it will first go to the domain order form, and than i must select the hosting package.is there a possibility to only show that package that they have selected before?So that they only see one package in stead of all packages.. Best regards Marcel
  17. Whats the best way to create a hosting package. What i mean by this is, when a client ordered a hosting package it will go first to transfer or buy a domain ,than it will go strait to the selected Hosting package and then order that package.. Or is this not possible? Best regards marcel
  18. Thankx Cubic, For answering my questions..Than i think i will go for the Demo and try me this piece of art..hahaha It can only be better.. Best regards marcel
  19. So correct me if am wrong, when i make a package in whm. blesta will give that person automatically reseller rights.when i select that package in blesta? On this moment i use WHMCS and this future was missing in WHMCS..So i had to buy me a plugin to do this for me? Bud when blesta can create it automatically..thats amazing!! Best Regards, Marcel
  20. Does blesta create automatic reseller packages in whm..just asking..or do i need a whm plugin to do this..
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