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  1. Any updates? It is passed more than two years after my first post with a feature request
  2. Any updates?
  3. Any updates?
  4. SimWhite

    Text At Boxes

    Yeah, there is no any services at UM, just package options. Thanks a lot!
  5. And what about variables? Can I pre-define some and use it at POST requests?
  6. SimWhite

    Text At Boxes

    Label shows other than "Name" field inside Universal Module. Please see at screenshots. Here is UM settings: Here is package settings: Results:
  7. SimWhite

    Text At Boxes

    Got it! I'm using Universal Module, can I disable label or change it?
  8. SimWhite

    Text At Boxes

    Sorry for English, but I don't mean to change "Order summary" text. I mean on screenshot we see description as "Quad Core i5-760 (server.myhostname.com)", but I see doubled package name as at attach. Where can I set second small text field?
  9. SimWhite

    Text At Boxes

    And what about "Order Summary"? Now I have doubled name of the package there. I.e. "Quad Core i5-760" and small text "Quad Core i5-760" once more.
  10. SimWhite

    Text At Boxes

    Hello, could someone explain, what places system takes selected texts from?
  11. Any updates?
  12. Is there an IPv6 support at Proxmox and SolusVM provision modules?
  13. Talking about WebMoney, there are some different interfaces, the simplest of them is here and here is the list all of them. The second most popular of the Russian gateway is Yandex.Money (link goes to an API). Also there is an aggregator of all major payment systems in Russia - Robokassa (link goes to an API as well) it is support WebMoney, QIWI, Yandex.Money, Visa/Mastercard and so on in one interface.
  14. Hello, I have some questions about universal module. Does it have only POST requests to an API or I can user GET requests too? And what about of using different variables at requests?
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