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Everything posted by aosoft

  1. Hello, After setting up the Opensrs module in the Domain Manager and registering a domain to a customer, I'm not seeing any way to access/edit the authoritative nameservers for the domain. I would expect there to be a Nameservers tab like there is for Namesilo. Is this not supported for Opensrs? Also, DNS management is enabled for the TLD in the Domain Manager, but there is no DNS management tab for the domain. Am I missing something? Thanks.
  2. Is anyone using this at all with v5.0.4? After upgrading to 5.0.4 and ensuring the module was up-to-date, we're unable to perform any write functions. Read functions seem to be fine, meaning the client can view whois info, nameservers, etc., but attempting to update anything fails with no error message, just an empty red area at the top of the page where an error would normally be displayed. Anyone else encounter this issue?
  3. aosoft

    Upgrading 3.6.2

    Thanks. Good to know we don't need to upgrade to each minor release. The only additional step I'm seeing in the upgrade doc with upgrading from 3.x to 4 is removing the unneeded files. Is that correct? Would it then be safe to expect that upgrading from 4.0 to 5.0.4 should go smoothly, provided system requirements are met and we use the command line method? Also, if we want to test the upgrade in a dev environment, would we need an additional license? Thanks, again.
  4. aosoft

    Upgrading 3.6.2

    Similar to sunrisepro here, we fell off the horse keeping up with upgrades a ways back and are wanting to get caught up. Is it generally safe to jump minor versions when upgrading? For example, as with the suggestion of upgrading from 4.0.0 to 4.4.2, would it be advisable to upgrade from 4.4.2 (or 4.0.0, for that matter) all the way to 4.12.3, or might that be too big a jump? Also, is it necessary to upgrade to 4.12.3 before upgrading to 5.0? We're hoping to avoid having to incrementally upgrade to each minor version along the way. That would take a while. Thanks in advance.
  5. aosoft

    Server Migrations

    Well, I believe I found the database field to update. But then realized that the dropdown menu for the server is, indeed, appearing in the service management page. Must have been a browser cache thing or something. Anyway, you can disregard my last question. Thanks.
  6. aosoft

    Server Migrations

    Revisiting this question again. We are using the Interworx module, and after adding a new server to the server group, I'm not seeing a dropdown menu to specify the server in the service management page under the client. While it would be nice to make the change in the interface, to do it manually would it be as simple as updating a single field in the database? If so, which field?
  7. Any update on this? Did you ever get a response from the opensrs tech? Is anyone else having problems renewing domains using this module? Thanks.
  8. The error is consistent any time a renewal is attempted, and I have tried many different times. Updating whois information, changing lock status, and changing nameservers all work fine with no error, so it does not seem to be a problem with opensrs servers. Comparing the Output for a successful lock change request and the Output for a failed renewal, they are quite similar (including the references to _socketTimeout and _socketReadTimeout), except the failed renewal output has no response data on the last line between 's:5:"_data";' and 's:9:"_pointers";N;s:20:"_last_was_data_block";N;}}'. Does the Input request look correct? rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net a:3:{s:4:"func";s:9:"provRenew";s:4:"data";a:5:{s:6:"domain";s:24:"[domain.com]";s:6:"handle";s:7:"process";s:6:"period";s:1:"1";s:10:"auto_renew";s:1:"0";s:21:"currentexpirationyear";b:0;}s:7:"connect";a:10:{s:13:"osrs_username";s:6:"[username]";s:13:"osrs_password";s:11:"placeholder";s:8:"osrs_key";s:4:"xxxx";s:16:"osrs_environment";s:4:"PROD";s:9:"osrs_host";s:21:"rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net";s:9:"osrs_port";s:5:"55000";s:12:"osrs_sslPort";s:5:"55443";s:13:"osrs_protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:21:"osrs_baseClassVersion";s:5:"2.8.0";s:12:"osrs_version";s:7:"XML:0.1";}} Thanks for your help.
  9. After recording payment for a domain renewal today, the domain was not renewed and the following error was recorded in the logs for the opensrs module: rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net O:9:"provRenew":23:{s:22:"�provRenew�_dataObject";O:8:"stdClass":3:{s:4:"func";s:9:"provRenew";s:4:"data";O:8:"stdClass":5:{s:6:"domain";s:21:"[domain.com]";s:6:"handle";s:7:"process";s:6:"period";s:1:"1";s:10:"auto_renew";s:1:"0";s:21:"currentexpirationyear";b:0;}s:7:"connect";O:8:"stdClass":10:{s:13:"osrs_username";s:6:"[username]";s:13:"osrs_password";s:11:"placeholder";s:8:"osrs_key";s:112:"xxxx";s:16:"osrs_environment";s:4:"PROD";s:9:"osrs_host";s:21:"rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net";s:9:"osrs_port";s:5:"55000";s:12:"osrs_sslport";s:5:"55443";s:13:"osrs_protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:21:"osrs_baseclassversion";s:5:"2.8.0";s:12:"osrs_version";s:7:"XML:0.1";}}s:24:"�provRenew�_formatHolder";s:5:"array";s:13:"resultFullRaw";N;s:9:"resultRaw";N;s:19:"resultFullFormatted";N;s:15:"resultFormatted";N;s:16:"�*�osrs_username";s:6:"[username]";s:16:"�*�osrs_password";s:11:"placeholder";s:11:"�*�osrs_key";s:112:"xxxx";s:19:"�*�osrs_environment";s:4:"PROD";s:16:"�*�osrs_protocol";s:3:"XCP";s:12:"�*�osrs_host";s:21:"rr-n1-tor.opensrs.net";s:12:"�*�osrs_port";s:5:"55000";s:15:"�*�osrs_sslPort";s:5:"55443";s:24:"�*�osrs_baseClassVersion";s:5:"2.8.0";s:15:"�*�osrs_version";s:7:"XML:0.1";s:13:"�*�crypt_type";s:3:"ssl";s:21:"�openSRS_base�_socket";b:0;s:29:"�openSRS_base�_socketErrorNum";b:0;s:29:"�openSRS_base�_socketErrorMsg";b:0;s:28:"�openSRS_base�_socketTimeout";i:120;s:32:"�openSRS_base�_socketReadTimeout";i:120;s:14:"�*�_opsHandler";O:11:"openSRS_ops":11:{s:12:"_OPS_VERSION";s:3:"0.9";s:4:"_OPT";s:0:"";s:7:"_SPACER";s:1:" ";s:5:"_CRLF";s:1:" ";s:12:"_MSGTYPE_STD";s:8:"standard";s:7:"_SESSID";i:3187;s:7:"_MSGCNT";i:0;s:4:"CRLF";s:2:" ";s:5:"_data";N;s:9:"_pointers";N;s:20:"_last_was_data_block";N;}} Please advise.
  10. I sent you a PM with the details. Thanks.
  11. Just tried to renew a domain using the 'Renew Domain' button on the Commands tab in the admin interface, but it didn't appear to do anything. It gave me the green "The data has been updated successfully" message, but the domain wasn't renewed. Is that function supposed to be working?
  12. We are using the OpenSRS module, but so far it only supports domain registration (thanks to PauloV for that, though). Do the TheSSLStore or GoGetSSL modules support automated cert renewal?
  13. Question: How should the Transfer service be used? If I set up a package for Transfer, should I set an annual term, or should it be a One-time fee? If set to annual term, once a domain is transferred, will the module renew the domain when the term is up, just as it does with Registration? Thank you.
  14. Currently, it looks like our SSL provider (OpenSRS) is not supported by Blesta. So we are looking into possibly using SSLStore or GoGetSSL, as they are supported by Blesta and apparently have better prices. But we don't have any experience with either of those providers. Can anyone provide any feedback/advice on choosing between these services? Is one better than the other? Are support issues handled well? Do the Blesta modules support automated certificate renewal? Thanks in advance for any input.
  15. I just got the following error when attempting to update nameservers from the admin side: Oh noes! Undefined variable: values on line 1573 in /[system-path]/html/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php This has happened on three occasions. Each time I was able to refresh the page and successfully set the nameservers on the second try. Just tried updating from the client side and got the same behavior.
  16. That is what I did yesterday. And yet 'Date Renews' under Service Information was still showing the old date. However, I just tried again and now it is working. I must have done something wrong. Thanks again for this contribution. You have a donation coming your way.
  17. Excellent! If the customer changes their term, say to 2 years, will the module renew the domain for 2 years? We are wanting to provide domain management to customers who already have domains registered, and it looks like this is going to work. But one thing I noticed so far: Through the admin side, after adding Domain Registration service for a domain that is already registered (by unchecking 'Use module'), I am unable to change the renew date to match the actual expiration date at Opensrs. It looks like the new date is saved in the Change Renew Date form, but it is not reflected in the Date Renews field for the service. I'm not seeing any errors or anything. Is this a bug? Please let me know if this is unclear. Thanks again.
  18. Thanks for the most recent update. I uninstalled the old one, installed the new one, and now it seems to work. One question: If I register a domain with Domain Registration and the package price period is set as recurrent (1 year), will the module automatically renew the domain the following year? Or should Domain Registration only be used as one-time, and Domain Renew be set up as recurrent? Thank you so much for your work on this!
  19. Hello. I am trying out this module. I have installed and set up a package for domain registration. But when trying to add the service to a client account via the admin interface, I get an "Oh noes!" with the following error: array_intersect_key() [<a href='function.array-intersect-key'>function.array-intersect-key</a>]: Argument #2 is not an array on line 251 in /[system-path]/components/modules/opensrs/opensrs.php It seems like this must be working for most folks. What could be causing this failure? Thank you for your hard work on this module. It is a much needed addition to Blesta.
  20. aosoft

    Server Migrations

    Yes, but the Package can be updated to interact with a new server if you needed it to. Here, I'm envisioning a senario where, for some reason, we have to move a large number of accounts from one server to another. It would be very inconvenient if we had to recreate each service for each customer to get Blesta to manage it on the new server. Does that make sense?
  21. aosoft

    Server Migrations

    Is it possible to change which server an existing service is associated with, without re-provisioning the service? Thanks.
  22. Right. I'm concerned with the data sent to Authorize.Net, as that is what gets stored with them for accounting purposes and emailed to the client in the receipt. Authorize.net is set to receive client ID, invoice number, and email address. Our other billing system sends that info to the same Authorize.net account, but it seems that Blesta does not. I'm not sure how I would 'update the gateway' to accomplish this. Can you clarify what you mean by that? Is there any way to change what data Blesta sends to the gateway? Thanks.
  23. Does anyone know if there's a way to change what information is sent to the payment gateway when a credit card transaction is submitted? Specifically, we need the client id number, invoice number, and contact email address to be included so it shows up on the email receipt from authorize.net. Currently, the invoice number shows as somekind of internal number that is not an actual invoice number, and the client id and email address appear to be excluded altogether. Is there an easy way to fix this, or should I submit a feature request? Thanks.
  24. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I found the email settings in the department setup (Support > Departments > Edit), somehow I missed that before. Haven't gotten it to work yet, but I have some things to try now, and might have to fix some email routing stuff to get it straightened out. Thanks again.
  25. The default text of the email sent to a customer when an admin creates/updates a support ticket suggests that the customer can simply reply to the email to update the ticket. This does not appear to be set up currently on our system. Assuming this functionality is available, how does one go about configuring this? Thanks.
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