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About Sitrus

  • Birthday 10/30/1989

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  1. Brilliant.. thank you for your quick response mate! Also another question, will reseller packages be automatically created when a user buys through Blesta or will I need to manually activate their domain in WHM?
  2. I have created an extra Reseller plan but this is the Starter option and I would like this to be displayed at the top of the Reseller group of plans, but it displays at the bottom below the highest priced plan. How do I move this to the top?
  3. Completely agree with some of whats being said here, tapping into the local market is fundamental and generally much easier to become an authority and build trust through word of mouth too! To be honest I don't believe incorporating a limited company is essential at all, as long as customer service remains consistent then this shouldn't make a difference to your clients, after all its only a status thing (and more paperwork) unless you need to be protected from being personally liable.. but for now being a sole trader will do me fine. Also, do any of you think it would be worth me printing out some business cards and posting around on ad boards around the city? Or would this just be a waste of time/money... any thoughts on this would be appreciated
  4. Right now I'm using eBay haha, but I'm looking to expand as a local authority and also on forums like WebHostingTalk, DigitalPoint, etc.. don't really see much point in using adwords because the competition with huge budgets will just eat me up
  5. Damn just missed this..
  6. Excellent plugin.. thank you so much
  7. Yeah I overwrote .htaccess with the Blesta installation one and it worked
  8. Hi... I'm having trouble figuring out why this is happening but I've just created a subdomain for Blesta installation and now when you click on any of the modules it shows /index.php/ in the URL pathway? http://billing.sitrushosting.com/index.php/client/login/ If anybody knows how to get it back to normal without 500 Error that I keep getting when I try then this would be a big help
  9. Ahh... that's quite disappointing. Hopefully this is sorted sooner rather than later
  10. Thanks for sorting this, but now have another problem.. When I select the product on the order page it is showing 0.00 in the SubTotal/Total Due to the right of the Checkout again, probably something really simple!
  11. Looks awesome, will definitely be interested in this. Have sent you a PM bro Nice work!
  12. Hi I've just installed the trial.. really liking the product and will most likely be purchasing after the 30 days Anyway, its probably a really simple thing I'm missing here, but when I'm on order page all it shows is the group and not the packages inside it.. I'm racking my brain trying to figure it out! http://sitrushosting.com/x/plugin/order/main/index/host Any light shed on this problem would be much appreciated
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