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Everything posted by xxxxx

  1. Thank you for getting back to me, Tyson. I made the changes to cpanel.php as requested, then attempted to edit a cPanel Package. As expected, the list of available WHM Packages was empty, and the Module log simply shows: jin.webserversystems.com|listpkgs Please find attached a screenshot of the log. Any further help is much appreciated. Thank you, Daniel.
  2. Any update on this please? it's really holding me back from migrating to v3.1.
  3. Thank you. Much appreciated.
  4. I don't really want to install the Extended module, much rather stick with the Blesta supported cPanel module. Could you please have a word with one of the Devs regarding this?
  5. Package config on WHM looks fine too, and it's working on Blesta 2.5.1 fine (have it installed on another subdomain). No errors the the logs either. Any suggestions?
  6. Hi bud, thanks for the reply. Server OS: CentOS PHP Version: 5.3.27 MySQL Version: 5.1.67-rel14.3-log Mod setup area: Attached.
  7. Describe the issue you're experiencing. Blesta 3.1's cPanel Module doesn't seem to be importing packages correctly. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Log in to WHM, add a new package, log in to Blesta 3.1, edit a package, under cPanel properties the package does not show up. Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". http://accounts.hosthallam.com/admin/packages/edit/5/ Attach screenshots. Attached. Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable. Blesta 3.1, cPanel Module
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