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xxxxx last won the day on May 24 2014

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  1. The awesome thing about having a 'Kubernetes Module' would be that it'd be a single API end-point for Blesta to hook in to, with no other knowledge or orchestration required by Blesta. Kubernetes offers the abstraction. I'll be publishing a paper on Kubernetes (and various other alternatives such as the CoreOS stack) shortly and I'm more than happy to help out where required. Some pointers on the API can be found here, although still in Beta: http://kubernetes.io/third_party/swagger-ui/#!/v1beta3/createPod It's worth noting that Kubernetes only currently supports the likes of Docker and Rocket containers, although there is interest in LXC/LXD runtime support it may take a while to come.
  2. You know what'd be awesome? To be able to be able to sell Linux containers. Containers are becoming increasingly popular, and orchestration frameworks with simple REST API's are coming out of the woodwork such as Google's Kubernetes (kubernetes.io). I know this is gonna be a while of...but one to think about.
  3. I'm aware of the 3rd party plugin. If the Blesta developers determine that it's of good enough quality they can feel free to reject my feature request here.
  4. Now that Digital Ocean's v2 API is stable, it'd be great to have an official module to allow our customers to spin up custom-branded Droplets.
  5. Guys, any plans to possibly add this to the feature list?
  6. I've just experienced the same issue in 3.3.1. Adding the service manually via the Enom module also threw the registered_for error forcing me too add the service not via module and register it manually via the Enom site.
  7. "...never stated it was necessarily a public module..."
  8. Not that I wish to drag this out, but... 1) As far as "you" know ... you don't know everything, and I never stated it was necessarily a public module. Don't assume things. 2) Yes, you are missing something. "Hold off" referring to holding off the feature implementation, and the second part was simply stating a fact. 3) See 1.
  9. 1) I didn't specify whose module I was speaking out. 2) Never once did I say that the V1 API should be used, quite the opposite actually. 3) This is a request for an official module. 4) If I want support with your module, whichever that is, I'll contact you, but don't hold your breath.
  10. If anyone else is interested in this please +1. There is a 3rd party (paid) module but it seems sketchy to say the least. The V2 API is in Beta so obviously they devs may wish to hold off, the the V1 API is stable and established.
  11. If anyone else is interested please +1. This would allow us to be dynamically competitive on domain pricing with no effort.
  12. Awesome. Thanks for taking the request on-board Paul.
  13. The V1 API is stable and well established, but I understand the holding off until V2 is out of beta. They've not released the Droplet MetaData API which is pretty cool.
  14. They've released a Public Beta of the new API. It looks super easy to use: https://developers.digitalocean.com/
  15. It looks like everyone is up for this. Any plans to implement please?
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