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    Southampton, UK

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  1. Thanks for your help, sounds like a job for a rainy day
  2. Hi I have just moved all my domains to a new server. The old server was running Plesk 11.5.30 and the new server has Plesk Onyx 17.0.17 My questions are: The subscription id's have changed during the move. Is there an easy way of updating them in Blesta or do I need to update them manually? The Plesk Module for Blesta (version 2.1.2) asks for the Plesk Panel version but does not list anything later than version 11.5. Will it work OK with Plesk Onyx 17.0.17? Thanks Trevor
  3. Trev

    Cron Jobs

    If it helps anyone, my cron jobs stopped running after updating Blesta. (My server is using Plesk) I was using: /usr/bin/php /home_dir/user_dir/public_html/blesta/index.php cron I am now switched to curl instead: curl -L --max-redirs 1000 -v "https://yourdomain.com/blesta_dir/cron/?cron_key=your_cron_key" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null regards Trevor ## Update ## Curl is a bit fussy about who issued the server certificate so if the above doesn't work try: curl -L -k --max-redirs 1000 -v "https://yourdomain.com/blesta_dir/cron/?cron_key=your_cron_key" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
  4. Trev

    Pending Report

    Is it possible to get a report of invoices pending for a set period? For example can I get a list of payments due for the following month or quarter or between given dates? Thanks Trevor
  5. In Plesk, go to Subscriptions and hover over the link to the subscription and you will see something like this: https://panel ip:8443/admin/subscription/overview/id/72 The ID is at the end - 72 in this case. Trevor
  6. I also had a problem with the environment path but it resulted in the Apache CPU usage shooting up to 100%. I didn't notice anything until I started receiving health monitor alerts from the server. In the end I had to kill the cpu process for the cron job. Perhaps there needs to be a test of some sorts to prevent this occuring?
  7. Trev

    Powered By Blesta

    Yes you are correct, it was my logo at the top of the page that was causing the problem. I changed it to a relative link and it's working fine now. <img src="/billing/app/views/client/default/images/logo.png" alt="Logo" /> Thanks Trevor
  8. Trev

    Powered By Blesta

    OK, found it in /billing/app/views/client/default/structure.pdt btw. It looks as if some css is missing if I go to https://www.blesta.com/ The other thing I need to change is the logo url. I will try and change it to a relative link which should solve the problem.
  9. Trev

    Powered By Blesta

    I am trying to get ssl set up on my site but the link on the bottom of the pages: Powered by Blesta, © Phillips Data, Inc. breaks the lock on the browser. I would like to change the link to: https://www.blesta.com/ which I think should solve the problem. Is this the right way of going about it and if so where can I find it in the code? Thanks Trevor
  10. This might point you in the right direction: http://bitboost.com/ref/international-address-formats.html#Formats
  11. Un-installed, re-installed and all working OK thanks. Placed an order with you a couple of days ago and am installing it now!
  12. Yes I have already done so but not everyone is comfortable editing php scripts. The address displayed on the client's dashboard will also look strange to them (the three letter state) so that would be another script to edit.
  13. +1 for this. At the very least the State/Province field should be optional and not displayed if left blank.
  14. I am evaluating Blesta - a couple of questions please. . . When setting up existing clients is it possible to set/change the 'Date Created'? Is there a way of importing Clients and Subscriptions directly from Pesk? Thanks Trevor
  15. No I didn't realise I had to do that! I have upgraded all the plugins and have run the 3.1 upgrade again and the problem has been resolved thanks. However when I click on the Upgrade button for the 'Billing at a glance' plugin I get the following. . .
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