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Everything posted by a.daniello

  1. Perfect! Matching my data and log, i confirm that the case is as you describe: invoices not delivered was generated by proforma before they sent. Many thanks
  2. ok, i understand +1
  3. licensecart, what are you thinking? {count} as {num} but auto-magically reset every new year?
  4. Tyson, there's a little problem, as reported in http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3511-not-send-invoice-generated-by-proforma/: If i disable the unpaid email template, using "proforma" as default, customer don't gets anything (invoice generated by proforma are "unsent"): i just tested it now. Otherwise, Tyson's suggestion should suffice for me (also if this not resolve data optimization).
  5. +1 so we do not remember to do it every "midnight" of "new year"
  6. Blesta ver: 3.3.0 Settings: Deliver Invoices: Enabled/every 5 minutes Use case: 1. create a proforma (manually or via order form); 2. user pay this "proforma invoice"; 3. Blesta convert "proforma" to regular invoice "closed" as expected, but this new invoice has status "Unsent"; 4. cron task process as expected generating and delivering other invoices (e.g. renew), but these invoices aren't sent (status is always "unsent"). Note: Invoices and ProForma are delivered via email as expected; in Tools > Logs > Invoice Delivery no record found about these invoice
  7. Thanks Tyson! It's clear and right. The problem is that, sometimes Blesta documentation is a little lacking, especially in clarifying some aspects of "logic" that can be interpreted differently by your users: but we know that your staff needs more time (36 hours/day)!
  8. As reported in this topic http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3509-disable-send-invoice-from-order, i think that can be useful disable (or better define an option to select to disable or not) the send of invoice when a user insert an order: invoices, should be sent only when a customer pay the service or via cron task. As domaingood reported Another improvement: a cron task that remove orders pending without payment after certain time. Thanks, Achille
  9. naja7host is right! I can't use {year}{num} because i need "num" formatted as 4 digits (e.g, "0071"). The issue is strange, because the first time the numeration starts correct, but after edit "Invoice start value" {num} is always increased by 1 unit.
  10. This is a small bug that isn't a problem in many countries and can be fixed friendly. Use case: - In "Invoice customizations" i set "Invoice start value" first time, e.g. 20140001; invoices start with 20140001; - then i change "Invoice start vslue" (this is necessary in Italy because law want that numeration restart every year), e.g. 20150001; in this case Blesta fails because invoices start with 20150002! Banally, solve if i set, in next updates, a number - 1, e.g. 20150000. But isn't a normal flow. Thanks, Achille
  11. Hi, if i create a proforma invoice (manually or via order form), after payment Blesta generates invoice but don't send this. Also cron task not send these invoices. Thanks, Achille
  12. Hi, i want disable send invoice from order. Why? Because, in my opinion is no good that Blesta generates (and sends) invoice every time that a customer put an order, also without payment: i would like that Blesta generates and sends invoice only after payment confirmed. I think that is a big issue in Italy, where i write (we can't void invoice, but process is more complex). With ProForma invoice i solved the first point (Blesta not generates invoice, but a ProForma invoice) and now i'ld like disable the "send" (so, with cron task, i send invoices only one time/day and so we send invoice only if payment is completed, otherwise, in rare case, send a ProForma). Can anyone help me about where i can find the method that send invoice when an order is inserted? Sorry for my poor english. Many thanks, Achille
  13. Wow! This is a great notice! I'll wait patiently Thanks
  14. Ok, perfect. Thanks, Achille
  15. naja7host, it works!!! Many many thanks!! Only a little question/curiosity: you use this sintax to call api $services = $api->Services->getList($client_id); but i use (and only in this matter works) $api = new BlestaApi($url_api, $user, $key); ... $services = $api->post("services", "getList", array('client_id' => $client_id )); Why if i use your sintax it not works? Thanks, Achille
  16. naja7host, thank you! Now everything is clearer. Achille
  17. Mmmmhh... Nothing! I'm trying, but nothing. Now i go to sleep, maybe tomorrow "is another day"... Many thanks, flangefrog & naja7host
  18. Hi, i'ld like use API if an user X has purchased the service Y, but i don't understand what "class" and "method" i should use. I already know, via API, user, client and contact id for X and know also id for service Y. Can anyone help me? Thanks, Achille
  19. Hi, i'm trying to add an "input rule" in "universal module" to check if the field "url" is a specific subdomain. I'm using this code in "input rules": {"url":{ "valid":{ "rule": {"matches", "/^[\w.-]+\.midomain\.(com|it)$/"}, "message":"URL is invalid" } }} But seems that no rule is applied so i can write anything in my "url" field. Can someone help me, please? Achille
  20. I know, and i done so. But i should have so many template, one for every service/"return url".
  21. Hi, this is a little improvement for order form: i would like to add in order form an optional field "return url"; if you populate it, after order confirmed the button "Place another order" becomes "Go back" (or similiar) and go to "return url". I think that this add is useful specially when use order form for "order" by an external service (e.g. i have a service at www.mysite.com, i link to my order form so my customers can order my services and, at the end, after payment, can return to www.mysite.com). I hope you can understand me for my poor english. Thanks, Achille P.S.: i think that this update isn't very expensive
  22. Found problem! I' missing 'vars' in call: $api = new BlestaApi($url_api, $user, $key);$_add = $api->get("users", "add", array('vars' => array( 'username' => $email, 'new_password' => $_pwd, 'confirm_password' => $_pwd, 'two_factor_mode' => 'none', 'two_factor_key' => '', 'two_factor_pin' => '' ))); Thanks, Achille
  23. I'm trying to add an user from another service, calling the API users->add, like follow: $api = new BlestaApi($url_api, $user, $key);$_add = $api->get("users", "add", array( 'username' => $email, 'new_password' => $_pwd, 'confirm_password' => $_pwd, 'two_factor_mode' => 'none', 'two_factor_key' => '', 'two_factor_pin' => '' )); I get always this response: {"message":"An unexpected error occured.","response":"Internal error"}500 No errors are reported in web server logs, and i don't know how to debug this error. In documentation (http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/API) i read: But i don't get other info. Anyone can help me? How i can find more info to debug an error in Blesta? Many thanks, Achille
  24. Many thanks gutterboy! Finally i found problem, wrote in log: "pending_reason" "multi_currency". Achille
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