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Everything posted by a.daniello

  1. In Support > Department we can set an Auto-Close Predefined Response. I think that this "response" should be an "email template", as "Ticket Updated", for example "Ticket Auto-Close". This change will produce two big improvements: 1. Blesta will became a little more "multi-language" (at this moment we can't have an "auto-close response" for every our languages, but only one); 2. we can use all dedicated tags available in email templates. Thanks
  2. Thanks! It's simple to code, but very nice. Waiting for Blesta team feedback about this idea.
  3. Many thanks and... Happy Working!!!
  4. I think that styling html email is good and using cross client/browser compatible email (also responsive) is better. Moreover add the necessary code html and css to make it through the WYSIWYG editor of Blesta, it is virtually impossible (if it is good, after saving you lose pieces). I image, editing email templates in Blesta, that i can select for each template a "model", stored in company folder: so i can make transactional emails more attractive and effective. I made some changes that work for us: - we get and update an html email from https://github.com/mailgun/transactional-email-templates; - we put one or more placeholders (eg, "@BODY@") in this template; - we put this template in "uploads/[COMPANY_ID]/email_templates" folder and name (e.g. "tpl_email.htm"); - we added in app/models/emails.php after row #806 $email->html = $parser->parseString($email->html, $parser_options_html)->render($tags); the following Loader::loadComponents($this, array("SettingsCollection")); $tmp = $this->SettingsCollection->fetchSetting(null, Configure::get("Blesta.company_id"), "uploads_dir"); $template_path = $tmp['value'] . Configure::get("Blesta.company_id") . DS . "email_templates" . DS; if (file_exists($template_path . "tpl_email.htm")) { $tpl = file_get_contents($template_path . "tpl_email.htm"); $email->html = str_replace('@BODY@', $email->html, $tpl); } Attached you can see one of results. But now i like to have a more friendly management of this feature. What do you think about?
  5. Here is a little update of Namecheap Module, with: - added support for a Promotion Code (coupon) (providers, as WebHostingBuzz, offers a Namecheap coupon to their reseller); - fixed of fields related to specific TLD (e.g. ".eu", ".ca",... requires additional fields in order); - fix of a misspelling (EN). namecheap.zip
  6. Any news, naja7host?
  7. A simple "visual note" about a selected password, is good and not invasive: user can choose arbitrarily if accept or not. https://www.dropbox.com/register (based on https://tech.dropbox.com/2012/04/zxcvbn-realistic-password-strength-estimation/) is a great sample.
  8. This issue is related to http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3101-namecheap-option-for-custom-name-servers/, solved with http://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1456 and reported only in "sandbox" mode.
  9. I confirm the issue and add the following: in "invoice delivery" log, i see that "invoice" was sent at the date/time of "proforma". Try to explain better with an use case: - System generates a "proforma" for a service renewal; - System sends an email with "proforma" attached, at 2015-01-19 12:00:00; - Client pays at 2015-01-19 12:35:00; - System converts "proforma" to "invoice"; "invoice" is "closed" and "sent"; - In Tools > Logs > "Invoice delivery" there is the "invoice" as sent at 2015-01-19 12:00:00 (this is the problem!!! so the client will not receive the invoice!). Thanks
  10. Very very nice!
  11. Great news, PauloV. Thanks
  12. Tyson, i try to explain better: - the issue is only with invoices sent in emails (other case works fine, eg send an invoice copy from dashboard, as staff or as customer) - the issue is not related to an email template - if system send an email with invoice (or proforma, is the same) attached (for example, when client buy or renew a service), i expect (also client expect ) that the invoice is in client's language, but the invoice is sent in default language system. Hope that this can clarify the problem. Thanks
  13. Ah, ok! Thanks
  14. Hi, this issue is, in my opinion, related to http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3511-not-send-invoice-generated-by-proforma/ I select proforma as invoice. My customers renew a service and so proforma is generated. After payment, proforma is converted to invoice. as "closed" but its status is "SENT", so cron task not send anything! Thanks Note: this issue is only related to renewals and not to new service!
  15. I've installed Namecheap module and set name servers. During order, user see these name servers. After customer place an order: 1. managing service (select "client" > "service" > "manage"), in tab "Basic Options" the staff can see name servers (OK); 2. managing service (select "client" > "service" > "manage"), in tab "Name Servers" the staff see all name servers blank (i expect a clone of my name servers, as default value); 3. managing service, customer can't see a tab "Basic options" with name servers (OK) and in section "Name Servers" see all name servers blank (i expect a clone of my name servers, as default value). Thanks
  16. Editing account/contact, there’s a great function “generate password”, but input type is “password” so if i click on link "generate password" i can generate a new "secure" password... ... so secure that i can’t see it!!
  17. i have often asked myself: what i can do with "calendar"? It's nice, Blesta team spent so much time to develop it, but it's so "useless" as if it missing something... Yes! Why not add checkbox (or a select box with predefined options, eg. "Not send memo"/"Send a memo 15 minture before"/"Send memo 30 minutes before"....) to select if send or not a memo before event starting? Only a new field in database and a new task for cron, .... ...so we can use only Blesta in our work, and we can say "good bye" to Wunderlist!
  18. Hi, using Namecheap module, but i think that is so for every domain module, i note that editing service > "whois" user should compile registrant, admin, tech... Why not add a simple javascript code to copy data (eg. "copy data from billing information" and/or "copy data from admin" and so on)? All providers (eg. Namecheap) works in doing so. There are many good point to start (eg http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1435852/copying-from-form-to-form-in-jquery). Thanks
  19. Ops! There is another issue that i want post: the list of state/province has a logical problem in some country. E.g.: in Italy we have Regione (=State) and Province (main city of Regione). Listing "State/Province" i have all together but this is wrong (we'ld have only province). But i understand that so with this list i can select different VAT based on state/province (and not only on province). Not consider this as a real problem, only to know. Thanks
  20. Hi, i think that Blesta is a far cry from a "multi-language" system. I must add to your items: Settings > Company > Invoice Customization > "Terms" is not multi-language; Email signatures are not multi-language; Settings > Company > General > Localization: “Calendar Start Day”, “Date Format” and “Date Time Format” are not multi-language (now i can only select a date format not correct for some users); Package description is not multi-language (also name should be multi-language to); Support Department name and description are not multi-language; "Responses" in Support Manager ara not multi-language; Knowledge base "category"'s name and description are not multi-language; ... In this list, there are some items with "low priority" because we can fix these with simple tricks. e.g.: 1. we have created a custom invoice template and we use for "terms" a variable that we set in language file; 2. isn't very critical (for us), because we use only one signature with more languages; 6. very low priority, we solve it simply with naming with language code in title, e.g. "IT - Chiusura ticket" and "EN - Ticket closed". Others that i think so hard to solve (or not?), e.g. the item 3. Others that i consider "high priority", e.g. 4 (the first! how i can sell in multi-language if my products and its description aren't multi-language?), 5 e 7. On this theme, i want also suggest to uniform UI: in a form with multi-language fields, please use tabs without reloading page (as is in staff/packages/add)! Try for example to edit email template!!! At the end, always about multi-language,... sorry for my bad english! Regards
  21. Hi, i found a bug with invoice attached to email, also for renewals: invoices attached to email are always in "default language" of Blesta and not in the language selected by customer (as i expect). Naturally, to verify this issue i'ld have at least two languages in system. Thanks
  22. Hi, maybe this is not properly a bug, but a big limitation: in knowledge base, articles are multilanguage, categories not (for "name" and "description" fields). Thanks
  23. Finally! Thanks Tyson, but nothing: it not works! I wrote rules as in http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module#UniversalModule-InputRules but also with your suggestion no check is processed (i can write everything, without control). Is there a mode to check if order form use this rule? Thanks, Achille
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