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  1. Hmm, I don't have any experience working with services, that's an aspect of Blesta I don't use. I have no issues creating an invoice and adding line items though. The problem could be that you're nesting lists in the dictionary. The API wrapper expects you to nest dictionaries within dictionaries, for example: value_dict = {'vars': { 'client_id': 12, 'date_billed': '2015-07-13 06:24:27 UTC', 'date_due': '2015-07-13 06:24:27 UTC', 'status': 'active', 'currency': 'AUD', # ISO 4217 3-character currency code 'lines': { '0': { 'description': 'Test line item', 'qty': '1', 'amount': '12', 'tax': 'true' }}, }} r = blesta.api().call(verb='post', classname='invoices', method='add', value_dict=value_dict)
  2. Nice work! Just to anyone looking to implement this, it looks like it needs the associated Blesta plugin installed to work. Of course I discovered your work too late, after developing my own wrapper for python. It's pretty basic but also quite battle tested. You can feed in array args as a standard python dictionary and it outputs to the API in a format Blesta likes, e.g. {"vars": {"type": "cc", "account_id": "48"}, "client_id": 1} becomes [('vars[type]', 'cc'), ('client_id', 1), ('vars[account_id]', u'48')] It does have one external dependency though (the wonderful requests module).
  3. One of our more old-school clients wanted to urgently contact us this morning, and was frustrated to find our phone number was not included on our invoices. I admit I was a little surprised to confirm this. I found that under Settings > Company > Billing/Payment > Invoice Customisation, it's possible to enable Logo, Name/Address, or PAID Watermark on the invoice. Would it be difficult to add Phone Number to this list? Thanks!
  4. How did you go with this? I for one would be willing to chip in to support development of this plugin!
  5. Confirmed working for me in 3.3.1! Custom nameservers are correctly set at Namecheap on service creation.
  6. Will be more than happy to test once it's out. Thanks!
  7. I'm having the same problem as dazeck. Custom nameservers are specified in the Package, but after creating a Service, the domain is registered using Namecheap's default nameservers. Checked the module logs which suggest my custom nameservers aren't being passed in the API request. I can fix this by editing the newly created Service, clicking Name Servers tab, entering the server names and updating. This is just a work around though, would ideally like to have the nameservers set automatically when a new Namecheap domain Service is created.
  8. I've since tested this with prod API credentials, using exactly the same settings, and it works fine. So I'm the problem is probably with GoGetSSL. It's a bit of a bummer if I'm not able to use the test API though. Don't want to actually buy a cert every time I need to do a test order. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
  9. I'm trying to set up the GoGetSSL module on my v3.2.2 install. I'm using a sandbox API connection for testing. I've set up a package, but when I try and create a service from the admin portal, I click "Add Service" and get an error "Use https://my.gogetssl.com/api/ to get list of all available API methods". Checked the module logs, and got a bit more info: I checked the GoGetSSL dashboard and it does actually create an order, however I never receive verification email, and the Blesta service is never created. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  10. +1... I would love to have this feature via the HTTP API. Unfortunately PHP hacking is out for us...
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