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Everything posted by Anuranjan

  1. Hi All, Is there any method to make the Invoice paid from external website via API? Actually, Some of my Client pay via different methods of payment for their invoices which is generated by Blesta API Itself. I want to change the status of their invoice to paid from my website's admin control panel. Please help me. Thanks a lot in advance!! -Anuranjan
  2. Hello, I am trying to add new service from admin panel of blesta protal for a client. When I select package from dropdown list and the click on continue button is display noting. Please help. Thanks in advance!
  3. I have created a package which pricing id is 1. I want to add this service under the client id 1. Below is my code: $api = new BlestaApi($url, $user, $key); $data= array('vars'=>array('pricing_id'=>1,'client_id'=>1,'qty'=>1)); $response = $api->post("Services", "add", $data); print_r($response->response()); var_dump($response->errors()); second last line output blank. last line output bool(false). This code was working for me before flushing database. I flushed old data because of testing records. Please let me know what I am doing incorrect. Thanks in advance! -Anuranjan
  4. I got that Cody. Thanks a lot.
  5. Dear Developers, I want to get invoice in pdf format using API from one of my web portal. Please advice me how can I achieve this. Thanks in advance!! -Anuranjan
  6. Thank you Tyson! But I want to use Clients::edit(). Would you please explain me an example? I tried below code to edit first name of the client $data = array('client_id'=> 11, 'vars' => array('first_name' => 'Piyushh'));$response = $api->post("Clients", "edit", $data); But it thrown an error: your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE `id` = '15'' at line 1stdClass Object
  7. Hi, I am facing problem while updating client details via api. Error is : My php code is : Please help me guys!! Thanks in advance!! Cheers
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