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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. - Yes, if he custummer changes to 2 years, it will charge/renew for 2 years - After you add the domain/service, click again on the Domain in Manage->Actions select the option in "Action" select box, "Change Renew Date", then you can change the date (dont forget to uncheck "Use module"), and click "Save"
  2. Yes, your custommer will recive automaticly an order to pay the domain renew, after payment confirmation, OpenSRS Module will auto renew the domains for XX years of he/she order for, in the begining
  3. It works out of the box witout using TLD on the domain, you can Select multiple TLD's and Blesta will check and list them as Available and/or Taken
  4. Here it is the solution http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1928-blesta-live-chat-rc-107-4%C2%BArc/page-8#entry22817
  5. Hello, I remember some else having the same problem I think its something to do with php.ini I will try to find it and ten post it back for you Regards, PV
  6. Excelent work Many thanks for sharing What about sharing a PayPal donation link or email to we all start donating?
  7. Hello blestars Update 12-08-2015 Finally whois fileds works 100% thanks for the live account and credit from OpenSRS/TwoCows theme Fixed: Whois Get/Edit fields Fixed: Renew Added: Commands TAB (for now only Renew works, later on I will finish the Transfer and Registter Command) See first post how to install/update. Hope you like it Please send feedback Regards, PV
  8. Simple, install a new blesta in a subdomain, then copy the database to your original database
  9. Can you try to re-upload all files, and uninstall and install it again?
  10. Thanks for finding the bugs, I will try to fic it ASAP The litle time I have to develop the free modules like OpenSRS, sometimes I try to implement in the Quickiest Way just to make it work for now, of course all the code have to be revised in the end and polish all to work as we all aspected Also OpenSRS tecnitions are helping me, and they will revise all code in the end and advise on things that I have to do to be approved oficially by OpenSRS (TwoCows)
  11. PauloV

    Release 3.5.2

    Thanks for the upgrade Litle late on replying, lol, Im still very buisy on finish some projects to blesta clients
  12. Hello Did you add your server/domain IP to the internetbs alowed IPs? Check with internetbs your connection limit, maybe they blocked you to make connections. The WHOIS is the module internal, in this case its internetbs module and not blesta.
  13. Do you have ask InternetBS to active in your accoiunt the "Test Mode"? Did it worked?
  14. Hello, Just to anyone elese also knows. How did you solved? Thanks
  15. Not yet, sorry Im finishing some work to fix the issues on OpenSRS Module, first, then upgrade Support Manager Pro and all Order Forms, after that I will finish this Plugin
  16. Maybe its better to you, to contact sypport center of OpenSRS @ all Blestars: We have recived an live OpenSRS account on Monday with a credit to test the Registration/Get Whois/Edit Whois/Transfer KEY/Lock Domain/Unlock Domain functions In the Sandbox all tests work at 100%, now in Live, only now we can test it I will try to test on Tusday and report here the resullts and all outher fixes to make the first "OpenSRS Release Candidate" module release
  17. Try to re-upload all files again maybe you have uploaded in ASCII insted of BINARY
  18. For now no news on the new Domain Manager (hope they will bring us a suprise ) For the problem reported, very strange dosent happen on my tests. a) are you using any custom order page beside any original from blesta? what TLD are you using for testing? c) are you using my latest internetbs module? d) are you using the latest blesta 3.5.1 ? thanks in advance
  19. Many thanks for sharing I will also tomorow doing a litle donation (im on my smartphone in bed lol its 23:20/at night eheh)
  20. PauloV

    Release 3.5.1

    lol Well Im going to WebHostingTalk to add a new post eheh
  21. Thanks Cody I will try to test it on Friday
  22. Thank you naja7host I have sended you anouther PayPal litle donation I also encourage all that will install this Plugin to do it also If everyone makes a litle donation it will helps us all a lot Keep it coming naja7host
  23. PauloV

    Release 3.5.1

    Great Updating it now eheh @Licensecart, you are "Fast and Furious" wen updating eheh
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