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First of all nice April fool on your website you fool me nice eheh You can move everything to the top in one single horizontal line, and on each "Parent Menu" you can organize it better adding multiple options witout affecting space. A really bad exemple is how WHMCS default Admin navbar is, and Blesta is in the same boath. The best I have seen and tested is from ClientExec, you have an huge working area and the top and left navbars are just in the right place You will only click once on the top menu you dont need the top menu to ocupy such space, by default is using 139px, and you really only need about 44px , so its wasting about will not "look" at the menu wen you are for exemple seeing the details of a client, invoice, ticket etc But like I have said, its a great improvment on the new upcoming Blesta 4.0, I only add my ideas @Paul @Tyson @Cody Great Bootsrap is comming to Admin What about an option to change betwin Admin Templates? if you add I will make an Admin View in Bootsrap that I have in my head (its only 229 files to converte eheh)
lol Well im still tinking on something to get them today lol, I have until midnight eheh
- 6 replies
- april fool
- 1 april
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Hello Looks greate Some opinions: - Brackground Effect (change color) on Houver - Add Font Awesome Icons before text - Maybe, Maybe, convert it alredy to Boostrap (only the navbar) and you can use for exemple the NavBar: https://getbootstrap.com/components/#navbar - If converted, its best to add the Brand Image inside the navbar to optimise space area on Blesta like this exemple: https://getbootstrap.com/components/#navbar-brand-image - Move "My Info", "Settings", "Logout" to the right of NavBar using only one Font Awsome Icon, and wen "clicked" show subnav options, this way we can improve a lot the space area to work Just some ideas But its much better now thanks Paul/Tyson/Cody
Hello Blestars Do you have a smart idea to fool your loveones tomorow on 1 April? please share, Im out of ideas eheh In 2015 I have send anonimous SMS's telling that a Big Supermarket here in Portugal where giving 50% discount on all things, lol I have fool everyone with this one, I always get them, but this year Im not getting any new ideas Regards, PV
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- april fool
- 1 april
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[Module] Internet.bs Domain Registrar Module - R/c 1.0.4
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
Thanks I have to review all Domain Modules, im only waiting some feedback on how the new 4.1 Blesta will work with Domains to not make changes twice -
Change Package Belong To Universal Module To A Custom Module
PauloV replied to Blesta Addons's topic in General
Hello, It will take more time that I expected to finish the Plugin to work with any outher Module, But I will post below the Code I have iis working in my client case that I have "comment" below for you to understand Im sure there are many outher ways, maybe more easy, but its working great I have set the code below in a Plugin on Blesta, so you can use as you want // Set your email adress to send the report $universaltoany_email = "email@mydomain.com"; // Set Universal Module module_row_id $universal_module_row_id = "1"; // Set the main key to be changed to anouther module key $universal_key_change = "user1"; // Set all Universal Module Keys to be deleted that dosent make sense on the new Module $universal_delete_key = array("opt1","opt2","pass","user2"); // Set Outher Module to transfer to module_row_id $any_module_row_id = "2"; // Set the main key for the new Module to be changed from $universal_key_change $any_key_change = "domain"; // Add all Universal Package Pricing ID's you want to transfer here $universal=array('16','17','26','27','28','38','48','52','53','57','59','66','67','70','74','75','79'); // Add all equivalent new Module Package Pricing ID's here to match the above "universal" $any_module=array('108','86','88','109','107','89','110','111','106','105','104','103','102','112','101','99','84'); // Now we map the array to match each Package Pricing $univ_to_opensrs_map = array_map(null, $universal, $any_module); // Now we start the processes for transfer foreach ($univ_to_opensrs_map as &$value) { // get all universal Packages mapped above $upackages = $this->Record->select(array("pricing_id","package_id"))->from("package_pricing")->where("package_pricing.package_id", "=", $value[0])->fetchAll(); // we start logging the Transfer Report to recive as an email $sendreport .= "Universal Package ID = ". $value[0]."\n"; // start reading all Packages foreach ($upackages as $upackage) { // Now we get all Universal Pricing ID's to transfer $upricings = $this->Record->select(array("id","period","term"))->from("pricings")->where("pricings.id", "=", $upackage->pricing_id)->fetchAll(); // we add all Universal Package Pricing ID's that will be converted $sendreport .= "Universal Package Price ID = ". $upackage->pricing_id."\n"; // now we start reading all Universal Pricing ID's foreach ($upricings as $upricing) { // now we get the pricing term to check if its OK, because some times we onlly use months and in this client case we converted months to years for OpenSRS $gterm = $upricing->term; if ($upricing->period == "month") $gterm = ($upricing->term / 12); // We log the original period and the converted period just to make sure its OK $sendreport .= "Universal Package Price Period = ". $upricing->period."\n"; $sendreport .= "Universal Package Price Term = ". $gterm." -> Original Term = ".$upricing->term." \n\n"; // we logs the outher Moduke Package ID that will convert to $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package ID = ". $value[1]."\n"; // Now we strat getting all outher Module Package Pricing ID's $opackages = $this->Record->select(array("pricing_id","package_id"))->from("package_pricing")->where("package_pricing.package_id", "=", $value[1])->fetchAll(); // Now we start the process of transfer to the outher module foreach ($opackages as $opackage) { // we log the Other Module Package Pricing ID $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package Price ID = ". $opackage->pricing_id."\n"; // now we get all all Package Princig ID's mapped (in this case we will get only the "period" by "year" but you can change that for your case) $opricings = $this->Record->select(array("id","period","term"))->from("pricings")->where("pricings.id", "=", $opackage->pricing_id)->where("pricings.period", "=", "year")->where("pricings.term", "=", $gterm)->fetchAll(); // now we read all pricings foreach ($opricings as $opricing) { // we get the outher module princing ID $opricingid = $opricing->id; // we logs all pricing period and term $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package Price Period = ". $opricing->period."\n"; $sendreport .= "AnyModule Package Price Term = ". $opricing->term."\n"; $sendreport .= "\n\n---------------BEGINING---------------\n"; // now we finally have all correct client/service princing ID and service ID we can convert/transfer $oservices = $this->Record->select(array("id"))->from("services")->where("pricing_id", "=", $upricing->id)->fetchAll(); // we strat the final process foreach ($oservices as $oservice) { // we log all transfered service ID to make sure was transfer sucessfull $sendreport .= "Universal to AnyModule Imported Service ID = ". $oservice->id."\n"; // we update the Universal Module ID to the new Module ID $this->Record->where("pricing_id", "=", $upricing->id)->where("module_row_id", "=", $universal_module_row_id)->update("services", array("pricing_id"=>$opricingid, "module_row_id"=>$any_module_row_id)); // we change the Module "key" in this case "user1" to the new "key", in this case "domain" $this->Record->where("service_id", "=", $oservice->id)->where("key", "=", $universal_key_change)->update("service_fields", array("key"=>$any_key_change)); // we remove all unecessary key's that dosent make sense for this Module, in this case we will remove "opt1","opt2","pass","user2" $this->Record->from("service_fields")->where("service_id", "=", $oservice->id)->where("key", "in", $universal_delete_key)->delete(); } $sendreport .= "\n------------------END-------------------\n\n"; } } } } $sendreport .= "\n\n"; } mail($universaltoany_email, "Blesta - Universal to AnyModule Report", $sendreport); -
- 6 replies
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Change Package Belong To Universal Module To A Custom Module
PauloV replied to Blesta Addons's topic in General
Hello naja7host I Have a Plugin for that alredy made I have made for a blesta member some time ago to move from Universal Module to OpenSRS Module I was working on it to be able to move from any Module as easy as a Drop Down to choose from Give me until monday and I will try and release it here -
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
Sorry I didnt explain correctly - Google Play Store Developper Licence it cost us 25€ (one time) - IOS Developper cost us 99€ Year - Windows Develloper Store Licence cost us 99€ (one time) We alredy have the licenses more than 2 years because our company have develop some APP's for some companies In my free time I developp for Blesta, and make some "quick" APP's just for fun to see how they work, and try to make as simple and trying to not use any SeverSide code Thanks for helping, I will think a way for you to help later on, for us the ServerSide is alredy done because we have it working on the company, only left the Plugin/API because the APP is "easy as pie"- 28 replies
Love the clouds and the video presentation You could use one more color insted only using blue and white for exemple for the Online Chat, the green would be great Anouther thing, is that your website is very "heavy" in JS, maybe you should optimese your code a litle or some devices will strugle to load and run the javascript functions. Also there is an error, its trying to load /wp-content/themes/scribe/css/style.php?ver=4.4.2 but it dosent exists Hope that helps
Im on the same "boat" as you and naja7host also, because we work with/in Europe If we could we do it on each "mind" way, but its great that each one thinks diferently, in global we will help to increse blesta functionality to helps us all in the way we want Lets get our hands "dirty" in April (hope not in day one lol), and start testing the new 4.0 @Paul/Tyson/Cody keep it up, no stress, one thing I personally hate is to "stress" me wen Im coding lol Blesta 4.0 will have to be released wen its ready and not wen we whould like to be ready
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
That is my next step, for now is only a small proof of concept My Ideia for now is: Build a Blesta Plugin called "Mobile APP" that will create an API to be able to connect with an Android/IOS/Windows APP There will be 2 APP's, one for Client and one for Staff Initially Im thinking to charge for it a small fee because it will use a server side for license check and also because Upgrades and Compability for new Mobile Phones/Tablets, and for listing on Android/Apple/Windows Store that have anual costs ==Blesta Mobile APP Plugin== - Your Mobile APP Company Logo - Your Mobile APP Background Color - Your Mobile APP Font Color - Your Mobile APP Main WebSite URL (its best to be Mobile Ready because it will be display on an Embebed Browser on the APP) - It will have a WYSIWYG editor for you to add content for the Entrace Page of your Blesta Client APP - It will have an option to send a "Notification" for all Mobile devices that have your APP installed (it will work like SMS's it will POP if the Mobile Device acepted to recive APP Notifications) == Blesta Client APP (It will be multi company ready witout any extra costs) == Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, contacts and it will display you Entrance Content and left slider menu with 3 options: - Main Website (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe") - Client Area (it will onpen inside the APP like an "Iframe") - Contacts (it will display company name, adress and phone) == Blesta Staff APP == Once installed and connected it will auto retrive your logo, background color, font color, and it will display your latest "Open Tickets", And how much money did you make "Today", how many "New Orders", and left slider menu with 1 option: - Admin (after the next Blesta Release 4.1 we will adapt an Admin Mobile Ready Template and will offer for free, for now it will embeb the Admin as it is) Later on we will add more functionality to the Plugin and APP's Like always, im open to sugesttions The "Blesta APP" is only for "Fun" making some tests using some frameworks and see it working- 28 replies
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
New update available - Added Blesta Twitter Feed - Fixed Typo - Optimised Layout - Fixed Scrolling Issue - Changed Blesta Profile Links with some direct Post Links available witoutregistration - Changed Reseller (LicenseCart), profile link with the oficial LicenseCart website - Added Blesta Copywrite from "Phillips Data, Inc" Hope you like it Open to more sugesttions- 28 replies
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
Dont know what is best Website (Singular) or Websites (Plural), my intention is to say that is the Blesta Main Website No prob I will add everyone, and I will also add a jquery function to random show in any position all DEV's/Resellers because I think its fair to see in Random and not by "My Choise" of position- 28 replies
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
Thanks I will check later, tomorow, to improve it, also I have a typo on "Licence" insted "License" Im thinking on replace the "Forum Profile Link" with something else Maybe the direct Dev/Reseller Email Address, But Id prefer to be on the Blesta Foruns to see all traffic directly to Blesta Comunity Im open to suggestions After I have polish this I will convert the APP into: IOS APP Windows APP- 28 replies
[Mobile APP] Blesta Mobile App - Android And Ios(Iphone/ipad)
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
Hello blestars 16-03-2016 New Updated Blesta Android APP available on Google Play - Updated to latest Cordova for more security - Added more option - Added more color and animations - Added option to contact Blesta greatest developpers - Added option to contact Blesta best License Resellers If you are a DEV or a Blesta Reseller please ask me to add your username and Forum Profile link to Blesta APP, I will add you on the next update If you are a DEV or a Blesta Reseller that are on my APP andyou dont want it, please ask me to remove it New Screenshots Hope you like it- 28 replies
I agree with you What modules and plugins and/or functions are missing for your case in blesta?
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- blesta vs whmcs
- whmcs
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A litle correction on your POST Blesta register modules alredy Support: WHOIS managment Nameservers change GET EPP Key Only DNS and Email Fowarding is not fully supported (My InternetBS and OpenSRS blesta modules Support this and also diferent prices for regist/transfer/renew domains)
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- blesta vs whmcs
- whmcs
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The solution of naja7host is simple and makes sence Think this way: 1º- You go to a hosting website to Buy a Hosting Plan, and click on "Buy Hostin Plan A" 2º- You are redirected to Blesta Order page that only shows 3 options I Would like to register a new domain. I would like to transfer my domain I will use my existing domain and update my nameservers You dont need any outher extra options, because you will by a Hosting Plan and not "Only" a Domain One of the "Confusions" abouth the order pages is this one that naja7host show how to make it work
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- blesta vs whmcs
- whmcs
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Hello Blestars To raise the mood hover here I ask all your "FREE" opinions about the Blesta VS WHMCS For me is: Blesta Advantages - Blesta is Secure - Blesta is Well Coded - Besta lets you see 99% of code for you to make changes - Blesta team is Friendly and Open to sugestions - Blesta Comunity is great and help each outher, most of the time for FREE - 99% of Modules/Plugins/Extensions made by developpers are FREE - Blesta is Mobile Ready - Blesta have some of the best Plugins outh there like cPanel Extended (V1/2), Blesta Online Chat and Admin Tools from naja7host - Blesta Order Forms are very clean and eye pleasent - Blesta Client Area, is one of the best looking outh there - Blesta is EU Ready (need some small improvments) - Love to be able to Bill unlimited by Day/Month/Year - Love to be able to make a bill by Hour Blesta Disavantages - Blesta needs some EU improvments on Invoice/Orders (Store on DB Client Details for TAX proposes) - Blesta needs some EU improvments on Invoice/Orders/Services (be able on first page to select the Language/Coin and auto fetch the correct TAX for that Country) - Blesta needs some improvments on Domain Module Setup (be able to set diferent prices for Register/Transfer/Renew) - Blesta needs some improvments on Domain Module Setup (be able to set auto prices for 1 to 10 years to quickly deploy) - Blesta needs some improvments on Domain Module Order Pages (be able purchace more clearly a Domain with Hosting and Hosting With a Domain) ------------------------------------- WHMCS Advantages: - WHMCS as an huge list of Modules/Plugins - WHMCS as an huge forum members that help each outhers - WHMCS eams solid product, but in realitty... WHMCS Disavantages: - I dont trust WHMCS since it got Hacked more than once - WHMCS code is bad (we dont know how bad because we cannot see the code, but was hacked more than once because of the bad coding) - WHMCS let down a lot of Clients including me (im still using untill I finish some modification on Blesta) - WHMCS is limited to what it can do, but dont do a bad job. Its works but with patches - WHMCS and cPanel are doing a really bad JOB, for me was a very bad decision on cPanel buy 49% shares of WHMCS, and now cPanel is trying to integrate WHMCS (yes I have notice they are slowlly adding WHMCS to it, and if they do I quicly Switch for exemple to Interworx) There are more and more to tell from Blesta VS WHMCS, please share your mind Blesta needs more "LOVERS" "Blesta needs you!" Thanks to all, PV Blesta VS WHMCS
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- blesta vs whmcs
- whmcs
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Its easy to implement I will add this on the next release of my Support Manager Pro
If you want I can make it work just PM me to send you a quote
[Plugin] Support Manager Pro - Tickets Delete, Merge, Spam, Multiple Tickets.
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in Contribute
Hello, It dosent suport but its not very complicated to integrate If you want I can send you a Quote to add that option, I have to make a Blesta Module, and then add some extra options to Support Manager Pro to fully support Tickets Limiting as you want. Regards, PV -
If you want I can send you a quote, just PM me
Allow Payment Reminders To Be Sent Later Than Scheduled Date
PauloV replied to srn's topic in Feature Requests
Lol its almost April