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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Can you PM the html source to try to see the problem?
  2. New updated version, now with XMPP support (updated 07-03-2014) See first post. Regards, PV
  3. Hello New InternetBS Module update 1.0.1 (Updated 07-03-2014) See first post to download and how to install Regards, PV
  4. Hello, Bug detected: Domain regist/transfer loop on order page. Problem: Wen creating, in this case in admin/packages: (I have omit some fields that are not necessary) Package ID 1 = Domains, Module = eNom, Group = Hosting Package ID 2 = Hosting Plan X, Module = cPanel, Group = Hosting Package ID 3 = Domains, Module = InternetBS or LogicBoxes, Group = Hosting After that, we create an Order From, in this case: Name: Hostin Plans, Type = Domain and Other, Domain Group = Hosting, Package Group = Hosting Wen trying to purchase, it goes in loop on Domain Registration, it does show the Check Domain Availability, and also shows the button to "Order Selected", after that it shows correctly the "Configure" options, but wen clicking the "Continue" buttons it goes again to "Check Domain Availability", and dosent go to Hosting Plan Selection. Then I have created a new Group called "Domains", and have change the Package ID 1 and ID 3 to the new Group Domains, after that I went to the Order From, and edit, and change the Domain Group = Domains, and saved. The problem still the same. Solution that I have found: Finaly I have created a new Order From with the same configurations, and have worked. I have not traced yet the problem, but its very strange. Regards, PV
  5. To resume, we will build an xmpp to support manager and blesta live chat, but will be integrated in one aplication that we are going to Build for Android, Apple(iPhone/Pad) and Windows 8(Desktop and Mobile), to be able to control all Blesta functions and also to push Support Tickets and Live Chat Requests. (Of course it will check the modular options activated or not ) We will release on Blesta Live Chat Beta 1.1 also with the XMPP option on your request Regards, PV
  6. Sorry for the late response Please check if you have added in Packages->Order Forms-> Edit your order form On "Type" select "Domain and Other" Also check if in Packages->Browse you have created a nee package with the "Module" "Internetbs" and in "Group Membership" you have added to "Member Groups" your hosting group. Regards, PV
  7. PauloV

    Release 3.1.2

    lol, now the "outher" has change how to patch things, but now its to late for us the latest versions, like always, has again some bugs (fix one thing and then break two), I cant belive it how can the go so low on things Some loose, some win, for now Blesta wins in all categories It's an amazing work, what Blesta did. Blesta is The Complete Client Management, Recurring Billing & Support Solution
  8. We whant to implement an all in one and not just for Blesta live chat For that we will need the new domain manager , also pro forma invoices and finally the price override to work on all blesta database tables to implement the functions. We could for now activate xmpp for Blesta Live Chat but its not our intention to cause confusion wen we release the aplication for Blesta and have two separated functions Regards, PV
  9. Hello The current "Blesta Live Chat", alredy support XMPP to connect to third party aplications like gtalk or Jabber, but we have disable untill some new features go into Blesta Core, because we fill like its better to make just one full Blesta Android app (it was supose to be a suprise to integrate everithing, tickets, clients and also live chat in the aplication), than make two separeted aplications to manage blesta an blesta live chat. P.S- The first will be for Android, than we will make for iPhone/iPad and in last for Windows(8 mobile). Regards, PV
  10. Thanks for the update Paul Everyday I went to dev to see the news Keep the good work Regards, PV
  11. Many thanks to all of you Blestars To answer all your questions: 1º- To see online visitores do this: Login to Blesta Live Chat -Click on Menu->Online Visitores 2º- To clean online visitores (if it has an abnormal number on cache like on Blesta Menu) Login to Blesta Live Chat - Click on Menu->Online Visitores->Clear List 3º- To go in "Offline Mode": Login to Blesta Live Chat - Click on Menu->Green Man (click on the litle green man to go Red (Red=offline)) 4º- To go in "Online Mode": Login to Blesta Live Chat - Click on Menu->Red Man (click on the litle red man to go Green (Green=online)) We are going in few days, release the Blesta Live Chat Beta 1.1 with several fixes and more integration betwin Blesta and Live Chat The Blesta Live Chat is "Mobile Ready", but it needs some twicking to fully support any Tablet, Mobile, etc. It is in ower plans to release this twicking Regards, PV
  12. Hello again Blestars Article updated to support new Blesta 3.2 with Bootstrap (25-04-2014) We see that are many clients that use, or want to use Wordpress and integrate Blesta, but dont know to, here is a few tips on how to 1º- Install Wordpress (If you dont have alredy installed) 2º- Go to your wordpress admin an click on Pages->Add New 3º- - Enter the Title you want ex: "My Blesta" - Click on "Text" and add the code below (change the URL "http://your-blesta-domain-instalation/" below to fit your blesta domain and folder instalation) : <div style="width: 500px !important; height: 600px !important; padding: 10px !important"> <iframe style="width: 500px !important; height: 600px !important; padding: 10px !important" frameborder="0" frameborder="0" src="http://your-blesta-domain-instalation/"></iframe> </div> - Click on "Publish" and enjoy If you have a problem, just post your wordpress Blesta Integration, and we can help you changing your template to fit. There are outher alternatives, but it needs more compability and more work, but for now this is the easy way Regards, PV
  13. Here you go Solution: Open file: vendors/ckeditor/config.js find on line 8: // Define changes to default configuration here. For example: change to: config.protectedSource.push( /{[\s\S]*?}/g ); // Blesta code // Define changes to default configuration here. For example: Tell me if it worked Regards, PV
  14. I have detected the same problem (its a knowing bug from ckeditor), I have a solution implanted in one client that use the same wysiwyg editor (ckeditor), I will post the solution on monday Regards, PV
  15. Thanks for the warning Please send us your feedback if its working ok or you found any bugs. Regards, PV
  16. Hello to all, We have released a new update, you can download the same plugin in the first post with the updated and corrected bugs that we have detected. You have to uninstall (you will lose your blesta live chat settings) the old Blesta Live Chat Plugin via Blesta Admin, and then upload this new one, and install it again to correct everithing. Regards, PV
  17. Can you please send me a PM with the contents of the file /plugins/live_chat/vendors/blc/settings/settings.ini.php Regards, PV
  18. Thats great news Keepup the good work Regards, PV
  19. Thanks Paul for the answer Any timeline for 3.2 release? Thanks in advance, PV
  20. Hi, Any news on this? We only can migrate from whmcs to Blesta wen this and also the proforma invoices and finaly the custom override price in any client service/domain is implanted otherwise we cant migrate and use Blesta in production We could code the modifications, but we have seen that is pending on core implementation and we needed badly and also any outher whmcs/hostbill Europen hosting business. Regards, Pv
  21. lol the best joke ever This joke as made my day lol
  22. We will update the plugin next week for more functionality and fix some issues. Thanks Niall We will fix on Monday this issue. regards, PV
  23. Yes, we can retrive the "Blesta Support Manager Departments" into "Blesta Live Chat". We will code next week We will trie to work next week something to support Blesta Multi Company also
  24. Can you send me a PM with the Blesta Main Admin HTML/Source (Browser HTML compiled code) to see what is being included on your Blesta admin? Regards, PV
  25. Thats great news Thanks Regards, PV
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