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Service Should Renew When Paid, Not When Invoiced
PauloV replied to PhatPixel's topic in Feature Requests
Why dont you do like the exemple above, the database field "date_last_renewed" alredy exists on blesta: if (!empty($service->date_last_renewed)){ $service->date_last_renewed; }else{ $service->date_renews; } and this way there is no confusing the big problem is everybody that have worked with outher billing systems, the date, until paid confirmation, is always the "date_last_renewed" if exists A good exemple of the problem, is wen a client goes to Client Area, and clicks on Services->Suspended (wen the service is suspended) and will see the "Date Renews" with the "next" renew date insted of the "current" renew date. also on clicking on "Manage" they will see "Renews on" and they will be confused, I'm confused also I have 2 solutions: a) Rename the filed "Date Renews" and "Renews on", change to "Next Renew Date" and add an extra fild with the name "Date Renews" getting the database filed "date_last_renewed" if is filled or the field "date_renews" if the first is not filled. Simple put the exemple code above to not make get the "date_last_renewed" if is filled. We have made this change, and we will use because we know our clients and think like them Regards, PV -
Hello Blestars Today more "funny" stuff append on WHMCS like many of you have recived. We are thinking on develop a plugin to Blesta called "Blesta Bug & Security Submit". Because there are some bugs and some security holes that cant go to public, like as append, and is appening to WHMCS, we have to learn with the mistakes to take steps The plugin will be a simple way to anyone that have found a bug or a security hole to immediately report to Blesta Dev's and will have the fileds: Blesta Version (will auto fill this field); All Plugins/Extensions Installed and versions (will auto fill this field); Bug/Security Rate (dropdown, you will choose betwinn LOW, HIGH, CRITICAL); Email to contact(text field, email address to be reached); URL where the Bug/Security Hole was detected (text field); Short Description of the Bug/Security Hole (textarea field); Steps to Reproduce the Bug/Security Hole (textarea field); ScreenShot of the Bug/Security Hole (upload an image); We need the aproval of the Blesta owners/devs to make this plugin, and send to an email adress they choose, and tell us, for exemple send all submited reports to security [at] blesta.com or something, or we can send a call in json to an API address also Regards, PV
The post that I have posted on WebHostingTalk is on the #3 replay above as an image http://www.blesta.com/forums/uploads/monthly_03_2014/post-9426-0-86538000-1395426767.png Also you can see it on Google WebCache here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:OYdfw2vqagIJ:www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php%3Ft%3D1347143%26perpage%3D2+&cd=1&hl=pt-PT&ct=clnk&gl=pt I will try to escalate the ticket to Dennis Johnson , but after what I have posted here, and Im sure the Bear as read it, I dont think I will never be able to have my member qlpqlp back A response to this forum from Bear would be great, to him defend imself and also to close this, because no one will win anything and only Bear can step foward. Fell free to do what you (all Blesta staff and owners) whant with Blesta Live Chat you have our permission Regards, PV
yes its iframe If you want to integrate Blesta in Wordpress will be a bit dificult, because you have to: 1º- Make commands by API or direct connection to Blesta MySQL Database to get Data 2º- You have to think, what data do you whant, and how secure is Wordpress? (Wordpress with with some modules are very insecure and if an hacker gain acess it will gain acess to Blesta Also if there is direct connection to the Blesta Database or even API) 3º- If there is upgrades in Blesta API or MySQL Database you have to revew all wordpress code integration to correct. thats why, by IFRAME is better (dirty way, but better) You can install Wordpress in one server, and Blesta in anouther secured server and if the Wordpress gets hacked, your Blesta billing system will be safe What you can do with iframes in Wodpress (also joomla or any outhers CMS) is vast, for exemple, you can create plugins, or extensions for Blesta that retrive only parts of Blesta (Login, Menu, Domain Registration, Services, Client Area or part of client area, etc.), than send the response in HTML format and then easily you can put that html code in your wordpress in such a way that it seams 100% integrated: Login Area in the Wordpress "Right Colum" Client Area Menu on the "TOP" Services and Invoices in the "Midle" etc.. each Wordpress "Block" can call a specific iframed section of Blesta, and the code is 100% protected in anouther server. If you or any Blesta client wants to integrate iframed sections of Blesta in a Wordpress or Any CMS, just tell me, and I will gladly help Regrds, PV
Hello, here is de discloser of the helpdesk chat with Bear for you to judge: Ticket Details Ticket ID: YOY-194388 Department: Suspended Users Status: Closed Priority: Normal Created On: Feb 07 2014 8:29 PM Last Update: Feb 09 2014 4:15 PM Edit Properties Status: Priority: Member Information Username: * Your Web Hosting Talk user name Conversation Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 07 2014 8:29 PM Hello, Im a member since 2006 why im suspended? Im not associated with blesta im a user and have bought a licence from blesta and i also have a license from whmcs and clientexec. I only post the blesta chat to see what webhostingtalk members have to say about the new chat plugin that for exemple whmcs and clientexec charge . Can you please explain why and please unsuspend? Thanks in advance. bear Posted On: Feb 07 2014 9:26 PM > Im not associated with blesta im a user You are also the author of that live chat application you were asking others about while pretending to just be interested in it. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 07 2014 9:55 PM Hello, I didnt say I was not the author I only ask what people think about the Live Chat just to see the feedback I was looking for ideas and touts. I dont want to sell anything im a opensource person thats why im offering the chat plugin and outhers future plugins or extensions I whant to ear what people say and whant to help them. Every single day i go to webhostingtalk foruns since 2006 but im not a talk or posting user im like a listener and only post something i realy whant to know. You can check my history logins or posts. Can I reformulate my post and instead of making a subject "Blesta Live Chat coming soon" change to "Blesta Live Chat - your touts needed" and then ask the comunity what they think about the plugin and ask for ideas? Thanks in advance, Paulo Vidal -------- Mensagem original --------De : bear Data:08/02/2014 02:26 (GMT+00:00) Para: vidal@weblx.pt Assunto: [#YOY-194388]: unsuspend qlpqlp > Im not associated with blesta im a user You are also the author of that live chat application you were asking others about while pretending to just be interested in it. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Ticket Details Ticket ID: YOY-194388 Department: Suspended Users Priority: Normal Status: On Hold bear Posted On: Feb 07 2014 10:09 PM > I didnt say I was not the author I only ask what people think about the Live Chat just to see the feedback I was looking for ideas and touts. You also didn't say you *were* the author. You then made it sound like you also wanted to know about other mods for Blesta in what appeared to be done to draw attention away from the script you'd created. We've seen this many times. Had you mentioned something like "this new script we've made" or "my script", it would have been simply removed with an alert letting you know it's unacceptable. By omitting you wrote it and making it sound like you were just interested in it, that's now shilling. > Every single day i go to webhostingtalk foruns since 2006 2004, actually, but you don't participate much if you do visit daily. 21 posts in all those years, 4 of which were counted. > Can I reformulate my post and instead of making a subject "Blesta Live Chat coming soon" change to "Blesta Live Chat - your touts needed" and then ask the comunity what they think about the plugin and ask for ideas? I'm afraid not. Even if you were allowed back, to post that would run into problems with several other rules here. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 07 2014 10:40 PM Hello I was not clarified about that rules (didn't read). My intetions was just to get a reaction from the community and not to break the rules. I will be more careful in the future if you unsuspend my account. Im truly sorry if you get me rong In hopping of getting the unsuspended account , thanks in advance. Paulo Vidal Enviado de Samsung Mobile -------- Mensagem original --------De : bear Data:08/02/2014 03:09 (GMT+00:00) Para: vidal@weblx.pt Assunto: [#YOY-194388]: unsuspend qlpqlp > I didnt say I was not the author I only ask what people think about the Live Chat just to see the feedback I was looking for ideas and touts. You also didn't say you *were* the author. You then made it sound like you also wanted to know about other mods for Blesta in what appeared to be done to draw attention away from the script you'd created. We've seen this many times. Had you mentioned something like "this new script we've made" or "my script", it would have been simply removed with an alert letting you know it's unacceptable. By omitting you wrote it and making it sound like you were just interested in it, that's now shilling. > Every single day i go to webhostingtalk foruns since 2006 2004, actually, but you don't participate much if you do visit daily. 21 posts in all those years, 4 of which were counted. > Can I reformulate my post and instead of making a subject "Blesta Live Chat coming soon" change to "Blesta Live Chat - your touts needed" and then ask the comunity what they think about the plugin and ask for ideas? I'm afraid not. Even if you were allowed back, to post that would run into problems with several other rules here. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Ticket Details Ticket ID: YOY-194388 Department: Suspended Users Priority: Normal Status: On Hold bear Posted On: Feb 08 2014 8:26 AM > My intetions was just to get a reaction from the community When you posted at the Blesta forum you made it very clear you were the author, yet when you posted on WHT you acted like you thought Blesta was great because they offered something free like this, and asked what everyone thought about it. Someone looking to get a reaction about a script or addon they made generally posts "hey, what do you think of this addon I created?" or something similar to that. When you posted, it looked to us like you were deliberately acting like an innocent bystander that was just interested in hearing if anyone liked it and other addons for Blesta. This was not a matter of just not knowing our rules, this appeared to be someone deliberately setting out to deceive our members. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 08 2014 11:05 AM Hello, Is there anything I can do for you unsuspend my account? I dont want to lose my account just because i was stupid and didn't read the rules since 2004. I will be a more active member because im a computer/server tecnition and also a software developer. I manage a ISP in Portugal called weblx and i know some of all solutions/answers in hosting/server/programming/security/domains foruns but since 2004 i just like to read what all people have to say. I realy love WHT i realy don want to lose the account. This will be my las reply to this ticket because i dont want you thinking im pressure you in anyway and get me rong again If i get the unsuspended account will be great and one more lesson learned in this life , if i dont get my account unsuspend, i just have to say sorry to all and it was a great run having an account on WHT and i will still visit the foruns but this time like a visitor and not a member Anyway many thanks to all and sorry bear for what i did but truly wasn't for breaking the rules trust me. Best regards, Paulo Vidal bear Posted On: Feb 08 2014 11:08 AM > didn't read the rules since 2004. It really wasn't about reading our rules, but it does bring up the same question. When you posted, why did you make it a point to make sure you didn't mention anything about being the author of it? You had no problem doing so on the Blesta forum posts where it was very clear, it was only when posting here you disguised/avoided that. Why? 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 08 2014 2:30 PM Hello, (breaking my rule that was my last response ) I didnt say because i didnt whant to people say that I was promoting my plugin like i said i only whant to see a reaction like for exemple: Great plugin... Whmcs is better Hostbill is better Blesta dosent have this and that... Just to see what the comunity whant and then i listening than build what people whant and then offer. So simple, i was not promoting just getting a simple reaction from people to my post If you see on blesta forum i post in the same day i post on WHT because i was excited about the feedback of my work and wanted to do more Regards Paulo Vidal -------- Mensagem original --------De : bear Data:08/02/2014 16:08 (GMT+00:00) Para: vidal@weblx.pt Assunto: [#YOY-194388]: unsuspend qlpqlp > didn't read the rules since 2004. It really wasn't about reading our rules, but it does bring up the same question. When you posted, why did you make it a point to make sure you didn't mention anything about being the author of it? You had no problem doing so on the Blesta forum posts where it was very clear, it was only when posting here you disguised/avoided that. Why? 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Ticket Details Ticket ID: YOY-194388 Department: Suspended Users Priority: Normal Status: On Hold bear Posted On: Feb 09 2014 8:46 AM > i was not promoting just getting a simple reaction from people to my post But it was promoting, and doing so as if you had nothing to do with it. Simply put, it was shilling. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 09 2014 9:08 AM Hello, Thinking that way, you where right i was promoting/shilling but it was not thinking that way. I see that i will never be able to get my qlpqlp account back thats ok i diserved. In the future can i open a new account but with outher email address and username? Thanks in advance, Paulo Vidal bear Posted On: Feb 09 2014 9:18 AM > In the future can i open a new account but with outher email address and username? You're permitted only one account on WHT. You can't make a new one. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 09 2014 2:52 PM Sorry to reopen this ticket again, but now that I have read (for the firts time) the forun rules to defend myself when it says on forum rules: "...A shill is an owner, employee or associate of a seller of products or services who pretends (or purposefully omits) any association with the product or service.." Im not the owner, or employee or associate of a seller. The owner of the LiveChat is "Remigijus Kiminas" from this website: http://livehelperchat.com/ I only made a simple plugin that conects the LiveChat and Blesta, like we use on my company on WHMCS also. Also when it says "...or purposefully omits...", I didnt purposefully omited, like I said I ask one question to the comunity what they think, if so you could move my post to the "Software & Scripts Offers & Requests" because you where the first person to read/respond, and after you had visited the Blesta Foruns you could warning me because I have been a good member since 2004 (ok I didnt pay any money for advertising or membership), but you could have that in consideration, it is 10 years and not one or two months member. then the rules say: "..while pretending to be a satisfied customer or interested bystander..." I was not pretendig, and I was not interesting, I was asking from people what they think, and not acting as interested. for the rest of the rules, i was not paid, I have paid one week ago for a full unbranded license of blesta, if you whant proof, I also have a license from WHMCS active and actualy using on my company www.weblx.pt, and also have purchase 2 weeks ago a full licence from ClientExec, because I was looking for a new billing solution and thats wy i got Blesta. If you see on Blesta foruns, I also made a internetbs module because we use on WHMCS and nedded to work on Blesta, and then we made it, after that we had made a "bridge" betwin LiveHelperChat and Blesta, but we dont own none of them, or be associeted with any of that company. I was upset wen I ask if I could regist a new account, and you said no because the foruns rules, but you could also ask or even counseling, like for exemple: I will suspend you for 2 months or even 6 months for this, and also tell me to be carful in the future. You also could tell me, because the EU laws, I could ask you to delet my qlpqlp account and any personall data, and after that I could register again, and also tell me to be carful in te future. I didnt know you "bear" I have research a litle and I do know now that you are one of the administrator of WHT and you are a very respectfull person. Can you please advise me what to do to get my 10 years account unsuspended, or atlest a new account, deleting the qlpqlp account because I can only have one account? Sorry abou my english, and some of the hard words, but I think you understand Best regards, Paulo Vidal bear Posted On: Feb 09 2014 3:03 PM > I only made a simple plugin that conects the LiveChat and Blesta Yes, *you* made something that you then posted here about, which associates you with *your* creation. Your creation, your post, and it was shilling because you purposefully left off the fact you wrote it. The rule can't possibly cover every possible permutation of this, but posting here as if you were only interested in the product you made is hiding your association. By your own admission, you didn't want to be seen as advertising it, so left that off. Intentionally. > I could register again, and also tell me to be carful in te future. You are permitted one account *only*. We don't delete any accounts, and don't allow more than one under any circumstances. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Paulo Vidal Posted On: Feb 09 2014 3:23 PM Hello, Ok thanks for the reply. I will trie to swallow this frog and forget. Just a small note: In EU laws you are obligated to delet an account if a user asks I hope in the future you can be more open in helping people. Thanks again for everything. Regards, Paulo Vidal bear Posted On: Feb 09 2014 4:15 PM > Just a small note: In EU laws you are obligated to delet an account if a user asks This forum is owned and operated in the United States. 'bear' WHT Community Leader [I may close your ticket after responding. If you feel there was more that needed discussion, replying will reopen it.] Anouther thing, Why WebHostinTalk, or even WHMCS wants to do such a thing, like moderating outher billing systems like Blesta? that's not make any sence since I think Blesta has helped WHMCS in th past: http://blog.whmcs.com/?t=81890 https://twitter.com/blesta/status/403561979165425664 or Im seeing rong? Regards, PV
Confirmed, all Blesta posts on WebHostingatalk are being moderated and some removed. An employee of us as registered at webhostingtalk and he as responded at this post http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1358015 telling only that Blesta has a License Plugin and the post was removed and the member account banned. Well done WebHostingtalk!
Lol I didn't think as an insult Iframes will live forever and as a programmer is a very professional way to integrate some functions We have to ask why big companies like social networks use it? Because its easy for any normal user to implement API takes many coding and hours developing bur in the outher end is more personal.
I have explained, and also he has read Blesta forum saying Free Blesta Live Chat and my post on WebHostingatalk like he as answer on my post in the above image
The more frustrating thing is that in 10 years of being a WebHostingatalk member I never had a warning or modereted post, and in a single post we have been banned for ever because Bear thinks I was not telling people on the post that we have maked the plugin lol. I was only asking an opinion and after days on saying and trying to explain to Bear amd even saying sorry, I have give up Of course every day I go to WebHostingatalk but now without a member account.
Iframes is the best way to integrate any website or script For exemple Facebook/Twitter/Google Plus etc. uses iframes on almost every plugin you put on your website (if you integrate) If you dont like iframes dont use it This post is only to help people who want to be helped Regards, PV
Hello Blestars Just for curiosity, did you recently post anything on www.webhostingtalk.com ? Was your post moderated? Do you see any push to a specific Hosting Panel on moderation, or topics lately? Regards, PV
Service Should Renew When Paid, Not When Invoiced
PauloV replied to PhatPixel's topic in Feature Requests
Lol, you are right in the two sentences Off topic: We know that Bear as a Blesta user account in this forum and is watching what we say For "Bear": Dont get us rong, but, I have seen lately in WebHostinTalk that every Blesta post is heavily moderated ,and we know that Bear was, or is a WHMCS forum moderator, so Bear do everithing to keep WHMCS focus Like Bear say: "Have a problem? don't we all?" lol -
Service Should Renew When Paid, Not When Invoiced
PauloV replied to PhatPixel's topic in Feature Requests
a litle off topic, but in response to CubicWebs to understand our business model We are in business since 1998. Since that time we where in Hardware and Software market until 2004, wen we have go into Hosting Business (I have a qlpqlp WebHostingTalk user Account since 2004, but I was banned by Bear because a small post on "Hosting Software and Control Panels" about Blesta Live Chat, asking a public opinion ), since then until 2006 we where door, to door (literally), showing our services, we have grow from 1 Euro month to several thousand's in a few months (only in Portugal/Europe), after that we have purchase our space in a Portuguese Data Center and we have build our own servers (Housing), piece by piece, now we manage several dozens servers with several thousand websites, each one. We also are accredit registrar in .pt domains (Portugal domains), and we work also with eNom/InternetBS/ResellerClub registrars, and we manage several thousand's domains With Blesta in as our main admin/client manager, we are planning to go International (Africa/Brasil/Rest of Europe). We work from small people that don't know how a website work, or how an email work, to big corporate businesses, we treat all clients the same, we don't judge a small client or a big client, all are clients and we can grow with them. We can happily say, since 2006 we do zero publicity, no google adwords, no flyers, no newsletters, no door to door, no anything, and we grow every day You know why? because we are good in what we do, and try to help everyone in a easy and quick way Also we don't raise our prices since 2004, lol We also do outer main services like: Webdesign (Design/Consulting) SEO (Consulting/Action) Programming (Software/Web/Mobile) Hardware (Maintenance/Assistance) That's why we are focus on "Support Manager" plugin, and now on "Client Side" to help improve things in Blesta. An happy customer is a good customer, and eventually will tell another customer to purchase a service now on topic: a small thing like a renew date can cause several confusing to clients, that will raise questions and some unhappy customers Regards, PV -
Service Should Renew When Paid, Not When Invoiced
PauloV replied to PhatPixel's topic in Feature Requests
The problem is, on Hosting Buisness there isnt many people with "common sense" eheh We somtimes have to "make a draw" or "take a picture" to tell a client how to do somthing or how things work, its not an easy task in IT world Regards, PV -
Service Should Renew When Paid, Not When Invoiced
PauloV replied to PhatPixel's topic in Feature Requests
If you as a client recive an invoice reminder that says: Hosting XPTO.com (17/03/2014 - 17/03/2015) then you login to your account and see on your hosting service: Hosting XPTO.com Date Renews = 17/03/2015 you ,as a new client, that dosent know how tings work, think that maybe is an error, and we have invoiced rong, so we recive a new Support Ticket asking why the renew date is in 17/03/2015 ,ad we have send a invoive reminder for 17/03/2014 if the service "expires/renews" only in "17/03/2015" In 100 clients we can teach how things work with Blesta, but with more ten 5000 clients, its a bit dificult to manage all support tickets asking why this and why that This is a simple and easy fix because there is alredy a field with the actualy renew date: Open: app/views/client/default/client_services_service_infobox.pdt Find: <li> <?php if (!empty($service->date_renews)) $this->_("ClientServices.manage.text_date_renews", false, $this->Date->cast($service->date_renews)); else $this->_("ClientServices.manage.text_date_renews_never"); ?> </li> Change: <li> <?php if (!empty($service->date_renews)){ if (!empty($service->date_last_renewed)){ $this->_("ClientServices.manage.text_date_renews", false, $this->Date->cast($service->date_last_renewed)); }else{ $this->_("ClientServices.manage.text_date_renews", false, $this->Date->cast($service->date_renews)); } }else{ $this->_("ClientServices.manage.text_date_renews_never"); } ?> </li> Open: app/viwes/client/default/client_services.pdt Find this: <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("ClientServices.index.text_never", true) : $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_renews));?></td> Change to: <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("ClientServices.index.text_never", true) : empty($services[$i]->date_last_renewed) ? $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_renews) : $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_last_renewed));?></td> Open: app/viwes/admin/default/admin_clients_servicetab.pdt Find: <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("AdminClients.services.text_never", true) : $this->Date->cast($this->Html->_($services[$i]->date_renews, true)));?></td> Change to: <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("AdminClients.services.text_never", true) : empty($services[$i]->date_last_renewed) ? $this->Date->cast($this->Html->_($services[$i]->date_renews, true)) : $this->Date->cast($this->Html->_($services[$i]->date_last_renewed, true)));?></td> Open: app/viwes/admin/default/admin_billing_services.pdt Find: <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("AdminBilling.services.text_never", true) : $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_renews));?></td> Change To: <td><?php echo (empty($services[$i]->date_renews) ? $this->_("AdminBilling.services.text_never", true) : empty($services[$i]->date_last_renewed) ? $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_renews) : $this->Date->cast($services[$i]->date_last_renewed));?></td> Regards, PV -
Core-1049: Doesn't Display Tos On Registration Forms When Enabled
PauloV replied to ExelionLLC's topic in Bugs
+1 to be fixed -
Service Should Renew When Paid, Not When Invoiced
PauloV replied to PhatPixel's topic in Feature Requests
This have to be changed Wen a client goes to client area it sees the next "Renew Date" insted the actually renew date. Can you Devs's added to core? it is very important this issue to be fixed ASAP Regards, PV -
[Module] Internet.bs Domain Registrar Module - R/c 1.0.4
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
strange. We have tested and the only way to show that problem is, if you choose on "Type" "General". Try to remove the Order From, and create it again please. Regards, PV -
[Plugin] Support Manager Pro - Tickets Delete, Merge, Spam, Multiple Tickets.
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in Contribute
New Update released, please see first post. Regards, PV -
New Update released, please see first post. It as bug fixes, and the "bug "Undefined property: LiveChatPlugin::$base_uri on line 189" found by clamhost" fixed also Any bugs found, please tell us. Regards, PV
- 223 replies
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- online chat
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Just an update to all XMPP/GTalk option as a lot of flows that we have detected in the past 2 weeks (that's why we don't wanted to release that options), and dosent work 100% even with a dedicated server with XMPP (we have tried on direct GTalk server and also a dev XMPP server), so we are building a new push notification system to Handle Android/Iphone/Windows request's from Blesta Live Chat, without a nedded external server. We are testing several php/javascript libraries to handle the push notifications, and after the push we are building one APP to comunicate with Blesta Live Chat to handle the Chat Sessions. It will take some time to have a beta, so for now the best option is to use GTalk, just requres you to have a gmail account with Chat Active, or for advance users install your hown XMPP server, or even better, as sugested by secforus_ehansen, contact im by PM to use a shared XMPP server to handle the requests
- 223 replies
- live chat
- online chat
(and 3 more)
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[Module] Internet.bs Domain Registrar Module - R/c 1.0.4
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
On your Blesta admin click on Packages->Order Forms then "Edit" all your Domain Order Form, and on "Type" choose "Domain and Other" and on "Domain Package Group" select the Domain Group and save. -
We could build an Blesta CSF Unlock IP Plugin to unlock CSF IP's from DirectAdmin and cPanel. if no one has anything against, we will start this week (We have build one for WHMCS and its easy to migrate to Blesta)
[Module] Internet.bs Domain Registrar Module - R/c 1.0.4
PauloV replied to PauloV's topic in The Marketplace
Use the URL: http://exhz.co.uk/billing/plugin/order/main/preconfig/order