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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. This was an 1st April Fools prank and a really good prank
  2. keepup the good work
  3. Its seems to be time limit on MySQL Trie to edit (if you have root access on server) etc/my.cnf then add or change the lines on [mysqld]: wait_timeout=2400 ##you can raise even more connect_timeout=360 ##you can raise even more Hope it helps
  4. Looks good in mobile mode (i have accessed with Android Samsung S4)
  5. +1 for the EU invoice like Max as said
  6. PauloV

    Changing The Url

    Maybe it was blesta nav cache Wen you make any changes to paths you have to delete the cache files to refresh the navigation urls.
  7. +1 Thanks for you to
  8. Great work Blesta It would be great if in the order forms, if there is alredy a Domain in Cart, be able to auto populate the Domain Field from the Hosting/Server/etc Keep up the good work
  9. Wen Canceling a Service, for exemple Domains, have to be an Option to Revert/Change the status again for that service to Active/Pending/Suspended.
  10. Wen Registering/Transfer a Domain, should be able to use the default Contact Owner or create/use any Aditional Contact, or populate the fields using the contact info Registrant/Tecnical/Admin/Billing info to use for that domain
  11. Wen Transfering a Domain, it must show on the Invoice/Order/Details that is a "Domain Transfer", it may cause confuse to the client (it make me confuse not showing anywehere its a domain transfer). Possible fix, just add a new language variable (Transfer) to be added before the service name if its a transfer. For exemple, if the service is called "Domain .com" in the cart, order details and invoice, will show "Transfer Domain .com - mytestdomain.com (16/04/2014 - 16/04/2015)" To be better, Blesta Should separate complitly the "Services" and "Domains" because Domains dosent work the same way as services do.
  12. On Blesta Admin and Client Dashboard, wen viewing a client account on "Services", add the "In Review" Status filter. Dosent make sence not showing that filter, because, wen a client order a service, if it dosent show on any status (active, pending etc.), the client assumes there is an error on ordering the service. Possible fix: This a simple task, just add the filter
  13. Short answer, yes Please check this post: Migrate from WHMCS to Blesta Regards, PV
  14. 1.) Pick which one is nicer Second http://i.imgur.com/vHGhdg6.jpg 2.) Which you think is the themforest template. Second. 3.) Any suggestions you have. The second Layout on the bottom where is #000 (Black), I changed to #444 (Gray),and all text, changed to #eee (Light Gray) I Also added a Facebook Like Box Widget with Faces at bottom side by side with Twitter feed: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/like-box-for-pages
  15. PauloV

    Implement Trial Period

    Hello, Why dont you create a new "Package" called for exemple "Trial Package" and then on "Princing", set the term 1 Month, on price leave it 0.00, and then check the option "Cancel at end of term". Finally on the "Welcome Email" just put a message, for exemple: Then if your client contact you, just edit the Client service to outher Paid Package I hope, for now it helps you
  16. Hello 1- Describe the issue you're experiencing. Re: There is a bug on some areas of Blesta that only shows wen enabling Debug Mode. 2- Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. Re: Wen enabling debug mode on blesta.php to Configure::errorReporting(-1); On, navigating in some settings like for exemple: If you have eNom Module Installed (or any outher registrar module) If you have a Domain Package added and active on one client ,and then on Blesta Admin, navigate to: Clients->Browse->{click on a client with an Active eNom or outher Registrar Domain}->{Click on Manage on an Active Domain}->Whois You will see that the page dosent parses and it sows the error: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given on line 54 in /{blesta instalation root path}/helpers/html/html.php I have reproduced this bug in several outher areas os Blesta 3.1.3 (dont remeber where , but is the same bug) 3- List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) Re: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given on line 54 in /{blesta instalation root path}/helpers/html/html.php 4- Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". Re: admin/clients/servicetab/1/2/tabWhois/ 6- Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. Re: Blesta 3.1.3, PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.1.73
  17. For cPanel/WHM, just do: Login to your WHM, and then go to: Service Configuration->Mailserver Configuration Then go to "Idle Check Interval", and lower the value in seconds After that go to your Webmail (RoundCube, Horde, etc.) and on configuration set your settings "Check for new messages"
  18. Does it show any screen error message?
  19. This Plugin runs on Blesta 3.1.2 or above I didn't understand the second question/problem
  20. Just to understand, the problem also occur on original Blesta Support Manager ?
  21. Better wait a few more days ar weeks and release 3.2 with more features, then release quickly without many features
  22. We dont use Skype The latest, Support Manager Pro, Plugin, only works on 3.1.3, because we have merged all modifications from 3.1.2 and 3.1.3, maybe is that the problem. To post here the Source Code, open your browser and then navigate to Tools->View Source then copy all the test, and send me a PM but post the Source Code on the option "Code" is the small icon with <> sign
  23. Are you using the latest 3.1.3 Blesta? Didi you trie to Uninstall, and Install it again? Can you send me a PM with the HTML Source of your Blesta Admin to trie to debug?
  24. For now we use WinMerge to compare and merge http://winmerge.org/ You can also use Vim to compare and merge: http://www.vim.org/download.php We are thinking in developing some new mods and plugins to blesta, after 3.2 release, one of the mods, is to be able by "Client Groups" select a default "template" from the "apps/views/client/" folder
  25. Hello, Update Released! Please download the Module Again on the First Post, and replace the files, and then test. Please report if is alredy fixed. Regards, PV
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