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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Its a knowing problem by php-fpm/fcgi and TCPDF, and they dont provide solutions yet: http://www.fastcgi.com/archives/fastcgi-developers/2008-September/000048.html Also blesta DEV's can read this to see the problem The solution is for Blesta change the code for opening the PDF in a new window and not openning in the same window where the bçesta default header is called, because fcgi detect two headers, the header from blesta and after that the header from TCPDF and cause the error.
  2. Problem confirmed in two of our servers with the Latest cPanel + Softaculous (never have installed Blesta or used any trial lisence on this servers) There are no error logs on softaculous or any outher logs on server that we can lookup to trace the problem. Maybe is timeout from softaculous because it downloads some packages and it takes a long time to download, and maybe it breaks connection wen downloading.
  3. PauloV

    Whmblesta Theme

    The problem is text shadows, I cannot do a better "game" with colors I have tried several types and this was the best If you find any way to add better look shoot me the code and I add
  4. PauloV

    Whmblesta Theme

    Thanks some spare time to play a litle lol Added Client Theme
  5. Here is the anouther ideia for Admin/Staff WHMBlesta for Admin/Staff (Admin Download Theme Here) ScreenShot 1: WHMBlesta for Client (Client Download Theme Here) ScreenShot 1: more comming soon
  6. Strange, but if its working now, better than
  7. I never used Python, but Im ready to learn and giv it a trie
  8. This is a confirmed bug (by me, an i also tested on yngens blesta instalation) in the latest Blesta 3.2 Here is how to reproduce it: If you have alredy installed like me, and alredy had setup a logo in settings->company->billing->customization, just click on the X to remove the logo and save 1º - You will see the first bug, that the "no image" error is shown 2º- In database the "Table: company_settings, Key: inv_logo, company_id: 1 Value: " that the value still exists and is not cleaned Now trie to upload an image in a diferent extension, for exemple, if you had befor a .JPG file, trie to upload a .PNG file, it will upload the file, but it will not update the database value key entrie and so it will not show the logo, and also no error message Here is how to quick fix it until Blesta fixes it Here is how to you make it work for now until Blesta fix it: Open your blesta database in phpMyAdmin, click on the top click on the top right click on "SQL" and put this code Change below "[your root path]" with your root path to uploads directory, and also change the image extension to outher than .png if you have anouther type of image: UPDATE `company_settings` SET `value` = '/[your root path]/uploads/1/invoices/inv_logo.png' WHERE `company_settings`.`key` = 'inv_logo'; now execute. Finally go in FTP and see if there is a logo named "inv_logo.png" in the folder /[your root path]/uploads/1/invoices/uploads/1/invoices/, if not, save your logo as png, rename it to "inv_logo.png" and upload. For now its fixed Paul/Tyson/Cody do you need a new Bug tread opened or this is fine?
  9. Yes, your are right, there will be always people that like usernames and outhers that like emails. Its better to have a backoffice option to select a default one, use only usernames or only emails as usernames with an option for a client update the login email/username.
  10. Yes In my opinion, Blesta should remove the "Use Email as username / Use Username" and always use email as username. Almost every hosting bill use email as login, and it is the most used and the most sence on using it
  11. Client FaceBlesta theme added on first post
  12. Yes, the uploaded file/link have a small fix for the IMAP import bug found by you. You have to download the full plugin and replace all files, just that.
  13. PauloV

    Sftp Connection Failed

    Does your Blesta IP got blocked by your sftp firewall?
  14. can you PM your logo to test it in our Blesta Dev? Or open your logo image with an image editor and save it in .jpg format (do it even if you have already a .jpg image just save with anouther name) then upload the image and it will be resolved Sometimes images that have an extension defined are not in that format and can cause erros. For exemple if you have a .bmp or .gif image and you only change the extension to .jpg it dosent format the image but you can still open without problems Im 80% sure that is the problem
  15. The username can only be updated/changed by staff/admin and not by the client.
  16. PauloV

    Youblesta Theme

    Yes, you are right, but there are tastes for everyone We have made just for the fun I dont like but maybe some likes eheh We will release tomorow our Admin and Client theme that we think be the best for us with neutral colors
  17. Hello Please download the latest Support Manager Pro, replace all files and test if the bug on IMAP is gone
  18. Use PIPE or POP3, for now and we will release a fix tomorow for IMAP
  19. Did you uncheck the option on the Support Department that says "Allow only clients to open or reply to tickets" because if it is checked, it only retrives emails that have a client account on blesta, if not trie to remove the department, and then configure again with IMAP, after that send an eail to see if it retrives.
  20. I dont think any registrar supports retriving domain prices, some, like enom, only support retriving the resell prices for sub-accounts and not for main account if Im not mistaken.
  21. Do you have both Support Manager and Support Manager Pro retriving the same emails by IMAP or just Support Manager Pro?
  22. Here is the second ideia for Admin/Staff YouBlesta (Download Theme Here) ScreenShot 1: More are comming soon
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