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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Just do this: - Go to Billing->Services->Pending - Click on "Manage" in the pending Domain - No uncheck "Use Module" - Click in "Activate" Please tell me if it works
  2. Can you PM the Input and Output of the Tools->Logs->Modules->Internetbs?
  3. Please see first Post Added anouther Order Form (3 order forms in total), renamed Forms to better use, added more image details to clouds
  4. Very strange If you whant, you can PM an Blesta Admin Acess and FTP to your Blesta Instalation to trie to fix it manually.
  5. We are working in something complitly new, but with slider, this two that have been release is just the teasers, better ones are coming Just a smal tip, "Curve Slider", now use your imagination
  6. Please download the latest update and trie the new updates 1.0.4 on first post.
  7. Please edit your file: /your_blesta_instalation_dir/app/views/admin/default/structure.pdt Find the line: </body> Replace with: <?php include(PLUGINDIR . DS . "live_chat" . DS . "views" . DS . "default" . DS . "admin_live_chat_count_include.pdt");?></body> Then refresh your blesta admin window, and see if it works.
  8. Thanks It seams that the javascript code whant added. Are you using the latest Blesta Live Help Download? Can you please uninstall and install it again?
  9. Can you PM your html source to see your current links and then fix the issue?
  10. what was in the cron log? just to trie to debug on our side to fix issues with Support Manager Pro?
  11. Very strange then, how the hell php-fpm reports doble headers? I dont have in any server php-fpm but I will install a dev enviorment in our local Hyper-V server a virtual CentOS/Apache/php-fpm to trie to trace it
  12. Its you Blesta Cache Please go tru FTP and delete in your blesta the folder with the name "1" on /cache/ directory In the next release we will add the auto remove cache code, and also a warning to POP3/IMAP import conflit with existent Support Manager. You can still use the PIPE without any conflits with both Support Manager and Support Manager Pro.
  13. We have almost done more 2 order forms to be released, 3 in total We are going to make anouther one for you with one cloud only abut we have to show the "description" somewehere, wen we click on "Select" we will trie to make some tests to see where it fits better because the "bootstrap" compatibility
  14. Can you confirm if you have both or only one Support Manager/Support Manager Pro?
  15. Hello Blestars UPDATED 25-07-2014 Fixed: bug found by user lodoit that images were not being loaded wen blesta in on a sub-directory. Once again we bring you "Free Content" New Order Form added: Curve Slider Cloud Just see the instruction below, how to download and install. This Order Forms are for Cloud Hosting and Cloud Dedicated buisnesses Curve Slider Cloud Order Form (now 100% responsive) Float Cloud Order Form (now 100% responsive) Exclusive LisenceCart Style Added Multi Cloud (Box) Order Form (now 100% responsive) Multi Cloud (Rack) Order Form (now 100% responsive) How to Install/Ugrade: 1º- Download the Cloud Order Forms: Download Here (updated 25-07-2014) 2º- Uncompress, and upload the folder "cloud" to your blesta instalation in /plugins/order/views/templates/ directory. 3º- Go to Blesta Admin, and click on Packages->Order Forms, now Add an Order Form or Edit your Order Form and you will see the new Order Forms, just select, and save. 4º- Now give it a trie If you like it, and want to donate, please use this PayPal link: Donate Here! Any bugs, or problems please tell us. We hope you like it Regards, PV
  16. PauloV

    Release 3.2.0

    Weel said I have been seeing WHT foruns and some billings systems are still a joke after being released as what they call "stable" lol
  17. It must check first if there is alredy any outher "username" being used as an equal email that is being change. For exemple: User1 as selected "Use Username" as Username user1@domain.tld and the email as user2@domain.tld User2 as selected "Use email" as Username user2@domain.tld and email as user1@domain.tld Now user2 wants to change the email to "user1@domain.tld" You see the problem? On the "Use username" you can insert everything you whant even email adresses and this cause problems if Blesta auto updates usernames as emails if dosent do some checks first. so if there is anouther email it cannot change the username but can change the email
  18. lol, sorry didnt see that
  19. +1 for this, very essential feuture.
  20. More likely Softaculous. @Licensecart: Did you have sucessful installed on your interworx softaculous Blesta 3.2? or you still have timeouts and cannot in any way install via softaculous?
  21. What order form do you use? Whar are the Packages Names that you have insert? Did you change any default blesta file? Did you have trie in nouther browser? InternetExplorer/Firefox/Chrome/Safar/Opera
  22. Yes, lol, sorry for not replying, so many things at the same time that I have forgot you complitly Did you have the problem solved for what you ask me to implement on SolusVM, default SolusVM Username as Blesta Client Username?
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