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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. I think the problem is related to this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2143-service-should-renew-when-paid-not-when-invoiced/?hl=invoice%20date The "Confusing" name problem This has to be changed
  2. Yes, this is an interesting ideia + 1 for this
  3. Great work Thanks once again
  4. You can reset your admin password on Blesta Admin Login. Just go to http://[your blesta domaiin instalation]/admin/login/reset/ and put your rmail adress to get a reset email
  5. PauloV

    Domain Not Ordering

    Make shure that you had selected on your order form the type "Domain and Outher", in Packages->Order Forms Your email template has some text that is causing problems, Trie to edit your email template in your Package, and post it here the contents to help you debug
  6. Glad that worked
  7. lol, lets see We had a similar situation on one of our clients that had installed openssl but forget to add the php extention on php.ini
  8. Yes, in this case Resell.biz is the best choise for any new or current buisness, for resell domains
  9. Keepup the good work
  10. OK, now I understand, "Product Filters" on order Forms Its a good feature but I think is not a priority feature for now I can tell you for now, its not very hard to integrate, but has to be integrated in the design on Order Forms
  11. Glad that worked
  12. Create a .php file, for exemple phpinfo.php with the code below: <?php phpinfo(); ?> Then browse/open the file and search for openssl If it dosent show up, you dont have openssl active on your PHP If so, open your php.ini file, search for ;extension=php_openssl.dll Change to: extension=php_openssl.dll Then restart your apache server and trie it again to see if on phpinfo.php alredy shows the openssl, if so, you will be able to install blesta Hope that help
  13. Sorry, I didnt understand your english very well (mine english is also not very good) Are you trying to say that you want a "Shoppong Cart" in your Blesta to tell the client What Products/Services are in the "Cart"?
  14. Sorry my mistake There is no option for that right now, so its a a +1 for this You can, for now, edit the lablet and in the begining add a letter or a number because is sorting by name: change the name to a.) Facility b.) RAM c.) Dedicated IP or 1- Facility 2- RAM 3- Dedicated IP and it will order correctly for now is the only way
  15. Just ask all features that you really need here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/11-feature-requests/ Maybe some of them we can help, like "service transfer" to be able to transfer to anouther client, we need that option, so we will build it
  16. You can alredy order the Package Group Options, and also Options on Groups [How to Order Packages Groups Option] Packages->Options Now click on your "Option Label" name (Im not talking clicking in "edit" ) It will show a new box below the your Option Group with all Options If you "mouse over" in each "option" you can sort order ---------------------------- [How to Order Options] Click on Packages->Options->[Options() Tab] Now click on your "Label" name (Im not talking clicking in "edit" ) It will show a new box below the your Option with all Options If you "mouse over" in each "option" you can sort order I hope that hekp
  17. Hello, Why not, create on your email adress associeted with Groovehq, foward or get to your Blesta Support Manager PIP/IMAP/POP import email to ticket? You dont need any special module to do that because Blesta Support Manager alredy supports that You can also create a special department to get only the Groovehq emails and imported as Tickets to that department If you only need a Live Chat Support system that can work in your Blesta and integrate in all your website pages, you can use our free Plugin in our Blesta Free Blesta Live Chat Plugin: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1928-blesta-live-chat-rc-104-2%C2%BArc/
  18. I also agrre with domaingood, The transaction info should show on the Invoice Its easy to add, so I Say: +1 for this
  19. Just download your Blesta Version here: https://account.blesta.com/client/plugin/download_manager/client_main/ Inside you will see a folder called "hotfix-php5.5" open the folder you will see a sub folder called "Blesta", open it, then just grab the "app" folder and replace your "app" folder in your server
  20. Wen replying you can choose the staff to assign. Also there is a log entry that the STAFF name as answerd that ticket, its only one extra click on replying I thinks is better this way, because if you really whant to assign to you or any outher staff, you can choose so, if not, you dont need to do anything, and anouther staff can also continue replying the same ticket if the client answers it
  21. PauloV

    User-Editable Services?

    Licensecart is right, the Upgrade/Downgrade option in Client Area will be released on Blesta 3.3 that is almost there , so to answer all your questions: 1. Currently, only manually if the client ask you, you can suspend it. Also the client is able to Cancel the service. If the client dosent pays, Blesta auto suspend the service after x days of not paying the invoice 2. After the Blesta 3.3 release, that will bring the new Upgrade/Downgrade options to services, in Beta we can ask to add new features if they dont show by default 3. It will be out on Blesta 3.3 4.We also want that options. Wen Blesta 3.3 come out we will test it and we will ask them, for exemple to add the option to: Select, in each Package, wich Packages can it upgrade from the same Package Group, it could be possible to, for exemple: [Package Group A] Package A1 Package A2 Package A3 Package A4 [Hidden Package, and dont show on Client Order From or Client Upgrade/Downgrade Options] Package A5 Package A6 [Package A2 can Upgrade/Downgrade to] Packages A3 Packages A5 Packages A6 [Package A3 can Upgrade/Downgrade to] Packages A5 Packages A6 etc..
  22. Open file /[your blesta instalation]/components/invoice_templates/default_invoice/default_invoice_pdf.php on line 533, find: 'y_pos'=>114, Change to: 'y_pos'=>134, and that will lower the "Invoice" a litle to be below your Logo
  23. Are you using the Blesta PHP 5.5 patch files on your Blesta Instalation? If not, just download the Full Blesta, in your installed version, and just upload the Patch PHP 5.5 files and replace yours
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