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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. lol. My intuition is that "bear" is actually this guy (Jaan Kanellis) leaving the bus, what do you think? Possible "bear"? if its true, here is te reason is not making the right decisions, check the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aY-8LkGpUo
  2. can anyone identify bear from this photo here? just for curiosity Who is he in real life (name? photo?) I have some guesses on Facebook but Im not going to post I really like WebHostingTalk, just dont like bear atitude
  3. its because its a "bear" LOOOOOOOL bear's dosent think like humans specially him its a new kind of bear that misses some part of the brain to stop and think a litle what is doing is rong. I have a filling that sonner bear will be removed from being a moderator on WebHostingTalk because of this
  4. lol, bear make me laugh until I can stand no more In the beginnig he tries to defend WHMCS but in the end he tries to "clean" is name. And now one more Forum deleted by bear from WebHostingTalk And they say Blesta is not being moderated lol Here you have once again more proofs that Blesta and outhers that say WHMCS is not the best are being deleted and moderated I cannot find Google Cache for this forum, I have only find a small text on google cache in the link: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:yiDBSPghjm8J:live-forums.com/thread/994032/994032/WHMCS-vs-Blesta.html&strip=1 Great work bear for showing that you are "the man" keep it going like that
  5. PauloV

    An Intro

    Welcome wfitg
  6. Sorry, I cannot resist. Lol im loving this at WebHostingTalk specially the bear responses: http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?s=196adfd0fc36c5f0d543f50901fae458&t=1399716
  7. Concentrate on Blesta 3.3 leve the rest for later Blesta 3.3 will be a "Blast" with the new upcomming features there is no room for mistakes or for distractions
  8. Why not open a section on main website www.blesta.com with all modules and plugins available to all new custumers see and be able to download?
  9. Can you PM me the source code (html code from browser) of the admin support manager to see if the paths are correct to fetch the javascript?
  10. UPDATED 05--06-2015 (code corrected, bug was found by Tyson and applied on Blesta 3.5) Here is the missing renew command coded, for enom module: open file [blesta instalation directory]/components/modules/enom/enom.php find on line 408: public function renewService($package, $service, $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null) { return null; } replace with: public function renewService($package, $service, $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null) { $row = $this->getModuleRow($package->module_row); $api = $this->getApi($row->meta->user, $row->meta->key, $row->meta->sandbox == "true"); // Renew domain if ($package->meta->type == "domain") { $fields = $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields); $tld = trim($this->getTld($fields->domain), "."); $sld = trim(substr($fields->domain, 0, -strlen($tld)), "."); $vars = array( 'NumYears' => 1, 'tld' => $tld, 'sld' => $sld ); foreach ($package->pricing as $pricing) { if ($pricing->id == $service->pricing_id) { $vars['NumYears'] = $pricing->term; break; } } // Renew the domain $command = new EnomAll($api); $response = $command->Extend($vars); $this->processResponse($api, $response); // If the domain renewal failed, it may be expired, so attempt to re-activate and renew it instead if ($this->Input->errors()){ $vars = array( 'NumYears' => $vars['NumYears'], 'DomainName' => $fields->domain ); $response = $command->UpdateExpiredDomains($vars); $this->processResponse($api, $response); } } else { # # TODO: SSL Cert: Set cancelation date of service? # } return null; } Hope that helps Regards, PV
  11. Yes I know, but if by default we can make themes without any css ovewrite, then better
  12. Hello, One thing that "annoys" me is the Theme text shadows, some combinations of shadows dosent look good on themes. Can we have an option to not input any hexadecimal text shadows, or even disable or make transparent? Regards, PV
  13. the fix works on both ways One more thing, change the title of your first post from "Admin Tools Plugin - Edit: Do Not Install" to something like "Admin Tools Plugin - Works 100%"
  14. The javascript that we have on Support Manager Pro to add the ticket count badge change dynamically the name, so something must be rong on your plugin. Can you please check wen you open a ticket if it shows a red badge showing the number of open tickets?
  15. check this post how to: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2001-support-manager-pro-tickets-delete-merge-spam-multiple-tickets/page-6#entry19748
  16. I have installed your plugin, excelent work Only one small "bug" found, flag images dosent load wen Blesta is installed on a sub domain. to fix it: open admin_utils/views/default/admin_clients_emails.pdt on line 25 find: $dirname = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . DS . str_replace(ROOTWEBDIR, "", PLUGINDIR); replace with: $dirname = $this->base_uri."../plugins/"; open admin_utils/views/default/admin_clients_usernames.pdt on line 25 find: $dirname = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . DS . str_replace(ROOTWEBDIR, "", PLUGINDIR); replace with: $dirname = $this->base_uri."../plugins/"; open admin_utils/views/default/admin_countries.pdt on line 18 find: $dirname = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . DS . str_replace(ROOTWEBDIR, "", PLUGINDIR); replace with: $dirname = $this->base_uri."../plugins/"; open admin_utils/views/default/admin_countries_edit.pdt on line 17 find: $dirname = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . DS . str_replace(ROOTWEBDIR, "", PLUGINDIR); replace with: $dirname = $this->base_uri."../plugins/"; Keepup the good work
  17. No problem, you can have both working without any issue besides duplicated tickets and duplicated email imported (only if using pipe on both), and ofcourse duplicated nav bar menus
  18. No, the renew command is now only missing on enom module, logicboxes have the renew command
  19. The problem is client side that clients will see 2 options on navbar, to send Tickets and it will cause some confusing to the clients. Its not recomended to use both of them, but you can without any problems.
  20. Cool didnt notice that, I will later install your plugin (didnt have time to peak a litle yet) and trie to see is we continue with Blesta Bookmarks or engage with a litle extra options on your Admin Tools Plugin No problem mate we will test naja7host Admin Tools and maybe we will add extra options to it
  21. Thanks we will trie later to post more teasers form Client Area also
  22. Updated InternetBS Module update 1.0.4, first Release Candidate (Updated 31-07-2014) Fix: Now domains can be renewed automatically after payment confirmation. Please check first post to download and upgrade/install. Regards, PV
  23. I did not say it was you How do you think that it was you that I was talking about being from WebHostingTalk?
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