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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Hello, Restricted Packages Show on Upgrade/Downgrade Client Side. 1- Add a restricted package 2- Add a non restricted package to the same group 3- Add the non restricted package to the client 4- Login to client area, and trie to upgrade/downgrade the package, you wil see also the restricted package
  2. Hello, I dont think so The service is set to 1 Month (30 days) also there is no option for "pro-rata" selected and only affects wen a client is ordering in this case also we do not trie the "upgrade/downgrade" so its not an "upgrade/downgrade" issue Hope it helps you Note: Create a package like in the fisrt post, and then go true to portal as a client and buy that package, you will see that the cancelation will not be set
  3. How can we offer a trial package to our clients and then if the client upgrades it can continue using the service? I think this is the only way, and we also can "Restrict" the "trial package", in this way cliets can only upgrade and after the upgrade they cannot select again the trial package. Also only after payment confirmation, the client can upgrade/downgrade again even if that removes the cancelation request. Can anyone else tell your touths on this? We use on WHMCS and also used on AWBS this option to offer trials to our clients and it works great
  4. Im trying to add the event "Appcontroller.structure" to a plugin "plugins/my_name/my_name_plugin.php" but still cannot run I have trie almost everithing but no luck My latest try was: public function getEvents() { return array( array( 'event' => "Appcontroller.structure", 'callback' => array("this", "addCode") ) ); } public function addCode($event) { //$params = $event->getParams(); $params['controller'] .= array("AdminLiveChatCount"); $params['action'] .= "body_end"; $params['portal'] .= "admin"; $event->setParams($params); if (!array_key_exists("body_end", $return)) $return['body_end'] = null; $return['body_end'] .= "<p>Hello World!</p>"; $event->setReturnVal($return); } Any help? Thanks in advance PV
  5. Thanks I also see this post now, that can help me http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2979-more-events/?p=23298
  6. Hello Can anyone help me to see what Im doing rong? I want to call the controller "AdminLiveChatCount" wen the event "Appcontroller.structure" triggers on "body_end" in "admin" side public function getEvents() { return array( array( 'event' => "Appcontroller.structure", 'callback' => array("this", "addCode") ) ); } public function addCode($event) { //$params = $event->getParams(); $params['controller'] = array("AdminLiveChatCount"); $params['action'] = "body_end"; $params['portal'] = "admin"; $event->setParams($params); }
  7. Wen you have a package active with a "Cancel at end of term" active and the client login and make an upgrade to outher package without the limitation of the "Cancel at end of term" option, the current "Cancel at end of term" of the original package to the new package is still present. 1- Add a package with "Cancel at end of term" option 2- Add a second Package in the same group without the option "Cancel at end of term" 3- Purchase the first package (add in admin because there is a bug purchasing as client), and activate 4- Now login as client and upgrade to the new package that dosent have the "Cancel at end of term" option by default and activate You will see that the package will still terminate in the end of the first package. Solution: Wen upgrade/downgrade if there is any "Cancel at end of term" Scheduled, it has to be removed. And if the new package as also the option "Cancel at end of term", as to be added after the invoice is paid.
  8. Yes, sorry, I forgot that, I have added because of a bug I have detected now and I have posted in bugs Then it only needs the "In review" filter
  9. Hello, We have added a package like this: Name = Package 1 1 Month Price = 0 Checked "Cancel at end of term" Wen adding the service in Admin side, it Scheduled correctly the cancelation period Wen ordering like a normal client, and activate the service in Admin side it dosent Scheduled the cancelation period. Thanks in advance, PV
  10. Hello, It will be greate if you add the filters: In Review Scheduled (alredy exists a great icon telling that) to the client area widget and also to the admin client details service widget, thosent make sense only show in Billing->Services Thanks
  11. Wen adding a package with a 0 (zero) as price to offer a trial, for exemple: Package 1 1 Month Price = 0 Select "Cancel at end of term" Wen a client tries to order and the Cart Total is 0 (zero), it still display the "Payment" options, and it should not display the Payment Option and only finish the order. With the new option to "Upgrade/Downgrade" we can do like this: Create a trial package with limited time, then add in the same group outher packages, and if the client dosent upgrade to anouther package it will terminate in the end of the trial
  12. Void a "Pro Forma" invoice, is converted to an "Invoice" 1- Activate "Pro Forma" invoices in settings 2- Make an order 3- In Admin void the "Pro Forma" invoice Pro Forma invoices, wen void, it has to mantain the "Pro Forma" numbering and not convert to an "Invoice" because there is no transaction or payment for that service, maybe create a new status called "Cancelled" and add a new button to the "Pro Forma" invoice to be able to cancel and not void, only "Invoices" be able to "Void", and "Pro Forma" only can be "Cancelled" Thanks
  13. Thanks Tyson , I have removed the Order From and created a new one and now is almost perfect only two anoying things: 1º- On Domain, there is no Currency Select Box. 2º- If you alredy have in cart a saved package with one of the currency, for exemple a domain in "EUR", you cannot change currency to "USD", only if you empty the cart and start again.
  14. OK I have done that and its showing correctly, but there is still a problem. I have 2 currencies set USD and EUR, I have update the currency exchange in admin, but wen ordering, I have the dropdown to select a diferent currency. Wen I select it dosent auto exchange and it goes to default currency that I have set on the package. How can I do?
  15. How can I set currency schange?
  16. Describe the issue you're experiencing: wen there is more then one currency enable, and wen there is a price set in only one of the currencies we cannot continue wen buying a domain or we cannot see prices wen selecting a service (for exemple hosting package) Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. - Enable on settings 2 currencies - Add a service package with 2 currencies and only set a price to one of the currencies (in my exemple I add EUR and USD, and only set a price on EUR) - Add a Domain package with 2 currencies and only set a price to one of the currencies (in my exemple I add EUR and USD, and only set a price on EUR) - Now try to buy a domain (you can check status but cannot continue) - Now try to skip and trie to buy a service (you cannot see prices) - Now on the service change the currency to "EUR" and try again from the beginig, you will be able to buy the domain and service correctly. Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, version of module/gateway/plugin if applicable, version of PHP & MySQL. Blesta 3.3-b1, PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.5, Default Modules from Blesta 3.3-b1 Possible Solution: Make a default currency or Make a function to make as default only the currency that has a price or Show a warning message to the client saying that there is no price set for the selected currency
  17. PauloV

    Release 3.3.0-B1

    Downloading and will install in a few hour's Many thanks Paul/Tyson/Cody
  18. PauloV

    We're Back!

    F5, F5, F5 lol
  19. On phpMyAdmin, select your blesta database, then select on the leaft the table named "settings", on the right search fot the "key" named "root_web_dir", then edit the "value" changing to the correct root dir Edit: lol Paul was faster than me
  20. Hello, Do you have "debug mode" active on Blesta? Do you have nginx installed?
  21. PauloV

    An Intro

    welcome hostu_ops
  22. PauloV

    Install Error

    For anyone facing the same problem, if you alredy have openssl installed but blesta fails to detect, just enable openssl on you php.ini adding this line ate the end: extension=php_openssl.dll
  23. Well done Well I will remove my task to make a "News Plugin" and help naja7host on his Plugin
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