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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. PauloV

    Release 3.3.0-B2

    Thanks Dont have time to tested but I will in a few days Keepup the good work
  2. Thanks Netbeans (HTML5) + Cordova (to compile)
  3. Hello blestars 16-03-2016 New Updated Blesta Android APP available on Google Play - Updated to latest Cordova for more security - Added more option - Added more color and animations - Added option to contact Blesta greatest developpers - Added option to contact Blesta best License Resellers New Screenshots Hope you like it == Old Updates == 21-09-2014 Finally an IOS (iPhone/iPad) version available IOS applications are more complex to deploy then Android For exemple, for Android Aplication you need an Android Developper licence that is only $25 USD and you can imidiatly deploy, for IOS(iPhone/iPad) you also need an developer licence, and it costs $99 USD per year, and its needs some complex steps to be able to deploy, like generating app profiles with an Cordova Certificate to deploy the final certificate and autorize some devices if you are deploying for Dev, or Public devices. After we submited for IOS developper, it took 1 week to aprove, after an real phon call from a Apple staff to confirm that Im a real company, after that was, pay the yearly license, and start the debuging to deploy the APP After 2 days and almost 12 hours of test/error, test/error lol we finally understand how to correctly deploy an IOS APP with Cordova 16-09-2014 New Updated version available for Android We have added new buttons and now you can easy acess to: Blesta main Website Blesta Blog Blesta Fóruns Blesta Twitter Billing Brawul User Manual Support Manual Developer Manual Core Tracker Some free time to "play" a litle with the new "toys" and we have build an APP to quick acess Blesta Website, Account and Foruns from a simple APP How to Install for IOS (iPhone/iPad) 1- Download the APP Blesta IOS APP here (Updated 21-09-2014) 2- Uncompress. 3- Open iTunes. 4- Select the Apps section on the left. 5- Drag your application to the applications list.. 6- Select your device in the left hand pane. 7- Select the Apps tab. 8- Make sure both the Sync checkbox and the application are selected. 9- Hit the apply button. 10- Your application should be installed on your device. How to Install for ANDROID 1- Download the APP on Android Store Blesta Android APP here (Updated 16-03-2016) Here is some Teasers screenshots from my Samsung Galaxy S4 in Portuguese language We alredy have build for IOS (iPhone/iPad) also, but we need more time to generate the certificate to sign the APP Hope you like it Regards, PV
  4. Yes its very confusing. Plese try this: 1- You have to first activate "Orders Widget" in Billing->Overview, and click on the left in "Manage Widgets" then activate the "Order" (by default the widget is not activated) 2- Now you will see all pending orders, you Have first to "acept" the order before anything helse. Hope that helps Also I thinks this will be optimised on Blesta 3.3-b2
  5. PauloV

    Renewing Domains

    LoginBoxes Works for renewing Here is the proof /** * Allows the module to perform an action when the service is ready to renew. * Sets Input errors on failure, preventing the service from renewing. * * @param stdClass $package A stdClass object representing the current package * @param stdClass $service A stdClass object representing the current service * @param stdClass $parent_package A stdClass object representing the parent service's selected package (if the current service is an addon service) * @param stdClass $parent_service A stdClass object representing the parent service of the service being renewed (if the current service is an addon service) * @return mixed null to maintain the existing meta fields or a numerically indexed array of meta fields to be stored for this service containing: * - key The key for this meta field * - value The value for this key * - encrypted Whether or not this field should be encrypted (default 0, not encrypted) * @see Module::getModule() * @see Module::getModuleRow() */ public function renewService($package, $service, $parent_package=null, $parent_service=null) { $row = $this->getModuleRow($package->module_row); $api = $this->getApi($row->meta->reseller_id, $row->meta->key, $row->meta->sandbox == "true"); // Renew domain if ($package->meta->type == "domain") { $fields = $this->serviceFieldsToObject($service->fields); $response = $domains->details(array('order-id' => $fields->{'order-id'}, 'options' => array("OrderDetails"))); $this->processResponse($api, $response); $order = $response->response(); $vars = array( 'years' => 1, 'order-id' => $fields->{'order-id'}, 'exp-date' => $order->endtime, 'invoice-option' => "NoInvoice" ); foreach ($package->pricing as $pricing) { if ($pricing->id == $service->pricing_id) { $vars['years'] = $pricing->term; break; } } // Only process renewal if adding years today will add time to the expiry date if (strtotime("+" . $vars['years'] . " years") > $order->endtime) { $api->loadCommand("logicboxes_domains"); $domains = new LogicboxesDomains($api); $response = $domains->renew($vars); $this->processResponse($api, $response); } } else { # # TODO: SSL Cert: Set cancelation date of service? # } return null; }
  6. I add a meetting today with one of our company partners and the way to go is to always generate a sequential number, and never repet a number that was alredy generated wen creating an Pro-Forma invoice. A cenario is for exemple. The client only remembers the Pro-Forma number, but that Pro-Forma was alredy payed and converted to an Invoice, it call us, and we try to locate the Pro-Forma email or log with that number, if we have repeted Pro-Forma numbers in outher clients it will be a big mess to us to find things I have also remember anouther way for Cody or Tyson implement on Blesta, is for exemple: In Table Invoices, add two new fields: old_id_format (it stores the Pro-Forma format after payment) old_id_value (it stores the pro-forma number after payment) This way wen adding a payment the function saves the current id_format and id_value and can always check the next sequential number
  7. Sorry to bring this up again, but random unic numbers + hash are not a great suggestion after all I have today a meeting to one of our partners in our company and he said one think that is right For exemple if some one call us to check a Pro-Forma invoice, he have to spell a ramdom number with letters and this take more time than a regular continuing number So Im going to change my first post to only suggest the continuing unic number without any free released number filled again
  8. For the HotFix, why dont you do a function that check for PHP Version or ioncube echo error, and if it detectect the error or php version 5.5+ it auto renames or move the Patch Files? this way you dont have to include extra instructions to install/upgrade blesta to support php5.5
  9. Anouther great plugin from naja7host I will added because I love to mess with CSS and JavaScript and hate to change core files Thanks naja7host
  10. Yes, that is what Im trying to say lol, My English is also not very good
  11. I didnt notice that in the past (didnt tested lol), but in my view (dont get me rong) this is a "Bug" and not a sugestion Dosent make sence because we want client be able to cancell services, but there are one expetion that shows in admin wen creating a package for that specific package as a defined end of life so it has to always be cancelled in that time even if the option. If a user that buys a Blesta license, and he forgot to disable that option (be able to clients canccel services) and a client buys a "Time Limit" package or a "Trial Package" with the "canccel in the end of term" option selected the company will lose money in the end becaus ethe client will still use that package, maybe for free and forever
  12. lol, let me refrase that Pro-Forma invoices are documents with no legall mather, but for tracking propose they are better to see them as "unic" and for that reason I have said the default Blesta 3.3-b1 creates the same numbering for new orders wen that slot is available, so they are repeted and so not sequential in Emails to clients and Logs on Blesta that is dificult to track what is what Wen Paul said in that thread the is not an easy fix, I have to think out of the box for solutions One dirty solution is to use blesta "EVENTS" anouther more complex but real solution is "RANDOM but UNIC numbers", that dosent repet on Emails and Logs wen Pro-Forma invoices are generated But maybe (i didnt have time to peak the code) its more easy to only be sequential like paid invoices
  13. Hello,, some more testing and some issues found Wen we create a Package in Packages->Create Package With the option active "Cancel at end of term" The client in Dashboard->Service [with the scheduled cancelation]->Manage->Status->Cancel Option Can select the "Do not cancel" and the cancelation is removed and client can still use the package. Solution: Only show the option in client Dashboard "...->Status->Cancel Option" if the package dosent have the option "Cancel at end of term" activated.
  14. In my opinion its better to continue showing the option to upgrade, and if the client upgrades it will remove a scheduled cancellation if the client change the package, because i think we can use the alredy existent option on packages "cancel at the end of the term" to "force" a client to upgrade a package. What I suggest is for clients not be able to upgrade to packages that have the option "cancel at the end of the term" this way here will be no problems
  15. VPS are only good for cheap licesing, but I never recommend a VPS for anything in production, only for testing or DNS faillover backup plan Today we can have very cheap servers and we can also, like Paul said and good, to separte services Here is a list of very cheap and reliable servers (we have more several dozens of servers with them) to buy if you are a server admin: hetzner.com (serverboerse.de/en/) online.net ovh.com (kimsufi.com) I have in the past back in 2002, I think, some VPS in http://www.serverint.net/ they where the best at that time If today i choose a VPS, because Im a server admin, the first thing I look is Dedicated Ram and Virtual Ram, the higher the better But for a normal user that is starting buisness or want to move from anouther VPS or from a Hosting package in our feedback they look only for in this order: 0.- Price (looool) 1.- Disk Space 2.- Bandwidth 3.- Cpu Hz 4.- Ram 5.- Cores 6.- Datacenter Location 7.- Lisencing/Software included Hope that helps
  16. I started only to find a cool framework for responsive websites, and ended to find a better almost perfect IDE to build Responsive Websites + Mobile APP's Thanks for all (naja7host), helping find the Perfect IDE for building Responsive Websites + Mobile APP's, and the great is that all is free NetBeans (https://netbeans.org/) + Cordova (http://cordova.apache.org/)+ (SDK's of all Mobiles) = The Best Free APP Builder for Android/IOS/WINDOWS Mobile NetBeans (https://netbeans.org/) + HTML5 = The Best IDE for building Responsive Websites Many thanks to flangefrog in this post: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/2973-fully-custom-blesta-order-page/#entry23967 and ofcourse some reserach what NetBeans can do that outhers dont do P.S- Installing everithing on Windows 8.1 take me one full day of researching and testing/debugging, but in the end it compensates every hour spended Now I can build and test in real time my APP's and/or Responsive Websites on my SmartPhone/Tablet/Browser in mutiple OS's Everithing is now set to start building an APP for IOS and Android for Blesta (wen I get some free time, and finish some pending work at the office) To anyone ho want to start build mobile aplications now its the time, its so easy, like a simple website (some acknowledgement in javascript/css/html ofcourse) I use UNITY3D in the past but takes more time to develop than this, UNITY3D is good only for games, for app's takes alot of time
  17. Hello, Since its maybe dificult to implement right now the sequential unic numbering for Pro-Forma invoices, why not use the same function as for the Support Ticket system? For exemple insted of: Pro-Forma 1 Pro-Forma 2 Pro-Forma 3 ..... Generate for exemple like this: Pro-Forma 7262425-db3d- Pro-Forma 5675552-sh9r- Pro-Forma 1673519-hb4d- I think this way will be unick and impossible to see duplicates if we also add in the function the php date(Date + time) wen generatin the invoice number + hash Please read this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3313-pro-forma-invoices-random-number-hash-like-on-support-tickets/#entry24385
  18. @Cody Yes I have understood the way it works since the beginning Like I said in my personal use its very confusing and like naja7host said is correct In one month if we have every day, 10 new orders and every day 5 payments, for lets say for the last 5 orders, the same numbering will be used for outher clients and here is the problem For any accounting even for no legal mather every type of document it's better to have a unic not repeated (Im not talking about duplicated documents) sequential numbering to not make any confusing wen tracking records A very easy and dirty fix is to use an event to save the lastest proforma number in a separate field in the database and wen triggered an order get that number +1 and change the proforma invoice number Wen blesta 3.3 goes stable we will add this event in our case because its much better to see things and track records Its only my opinion, and i think every accounting software works this way also
  19. In our personal case we cannot use blesta without unic sequential numbering because is very confusing for us admins also for clients and for tracking payments also. For exemple, dosent make any sense 100 clients recive an email to pay with the same Proforma numbering even if diferent values and services it will be saved on logs and emails as the same number very veryyyyyy.... confusing Sorry Paul/Tyson/Cody but dosent make any sense using a released number. Another example is this: Proforma 1 Proforma 2 ..... Proforma 1500 Now if we pay the Proforma 2 the number 2 will be released but the next order will be with Proforma 1501 The bigest problem is tracking proforma payments and confusing emails with same number
  20. Thanks Paul Yes I think is the same Why not retain a key ID in config table for each type of document this way a new document will check the ID key for that type and just increase a number to always store the latest sequential number
  21. Is something like this you want? http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3031-blesta-bookmarks-plugin-comming-really-soon-p/?hl=blesta+bookmarks We have almost done, just waiting fot Blesta 3.3 to go stable to release it
  22. Hello, Some more free time to make a litle more testes and found anouther issue Wen, for exemple we have 4 Pro-Forma invoices pending payment like this: Pro Forma-1 Pro Forma-2 Pro Forma-3 Pro Forma-4 And we add a payment or the client pays the "Pro Forma-4", if there is new order it will be created with "Pro Forma-4" and this cannot happen, all numbering as to be sequential even if any document is pay, cancelled or voided. Thanks in advance, PV
  23. Lets go CTRL + Z to UNDO changes until the Filter Shows again LOOOOOOOOOL
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