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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Hello, Are you sure that you donta have "Support Manager" and "Support Manager Pro" installed and active? :)
  2. Hello, There is a simple fix that I have added to Support Manager Pro in my latest update Its because the CSS Position: fixed, has to be changed into Position: absolute The problem is the position of the box that will Drop to the end of the page but will always be visible in all browsers Hope that helps
  3. Hello blestars Update finally here Get it while is HOT! on first post! Any bugs please tell me Regards, PV
  4. Hello To All Just to update that im still working, I was thinking that I could finish this week but there is more work to be done on the Plugin. Give me a few more days to finish Regards to all
  5. Hello Didnt test but im going to update also Regards,
  6. Hello . Yes, it will run on php 7.1 and MariaDB 10.1 1- After the release of the update I will look for a way to limit 2- I have to think the best way to implement and be able to retain the original contacts 3- The upgrade will be like always, smooth and will not loose any data
  7. Hello, I will check before releasing the update Regards, PV
  8. Hello What version of blesta are you using? Can you check your exim logs? Regards,
  9. Hello to all Just one more week to release the update to Support Manager Pro After the update I will add the option to be able to migrate to "Support Manager", and also an option to migrate from "Support Manager" to "Support Manager Pro" so in the future for blesta clients be able to continue using the oficial Plugin witout loosing most of the data (maybe only loosing custum fields and service id relation). Stay tune eheh
  10. Hello Paul If we multi select: -- Invoice #1234 -- Invoice #3456 -- Invoice #7890 Should merge all to the most recent open/unpaid, invoice/pro-forma, that is selected, in this case all into the Invoice/pro-forma #7890
  11. Hello Blestars I have seen that Paul/Tyson/Cody and team are buisy https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2463 Love that CORE can it be relase before May 28 of 2018? Becasue we cant use Blesta until this os done to be compilant
  12. @Paul eheh my dauther dosent like to sleep she has now 7 months my son always sleep a night only the first 3 months was a bit dificult and now he has 6 years time passes fast lol @WebhostingNZ.com Thanks. I hope so but now I have a litle experience from my son, so is a bit easy to adapt eheh @Joseph H Being a father is the most wonderful experience in the world, for me anyway the first smile, the first walk, the first word, and its very quick the years pass @Blesta Addons eheh you have grown very fast im very happy to still find you here and with alot being done by you and your theme
  13. @BlestaStore Thanks
  14. @Paul Thanks it was because my new dauther that as born last year, cosume my free time eheh now with two sons the logistic is more complicated @Blesta Addons @activa After all plugin/modules updates i will see what can we do
  15. @turner2f thanks for the sugestions I will put in the todo list
  16. Hello I will make from scratch the new update and i like to add two important features 1- Import from Support Manager 2- Revert to Support Manager Maybe I will add more option Sure, if you could send me the modifications I can add on this update
  17. Hello blestars We want you to tell us, what do you need for blesta? to be able to start coding
  18. Hello blestars Update coming soon in a link near you... PG13 lol
  19. PauloV

    Support Manager Pro

    Hello I will try to upgrade everithing on Support Manager Pro next week
  20. @to all blestars Thanks, yes im alive but could not pay attention to blesta in the last 2 years Im back and with full stamina eheh Let me read all the updates tomorow and then I will start to help blesta comunity Hope to change to blesta in the next months
  21. Hello everybody im back First of, sorry to all for not updating all my modules/plugins/extensions/etc Have been very buisy the last 2 years family and work eheh My first question is: WTF, Blesta didnt release the new domain system???? We are ready to major change from whmcs to blesta, and also to update all our free modules/plugins/etc but now we are thinking twice I hope to be rong @Paul Any feedback? P.S: @Blesta Addons Sorry for not testing or send anu replies
  22. Hello, What version of Blesta are you using? Its best to ask on main Suport forum or Beta Suport if your are using Blesta Beta 4.0 About Blesta dont show you the notification, its working OK here can you PM me the HTML Source code from your admin page to take a peak? Regards, PV
  23. Hello Sorry the late reply. Give me until tomorow to install Blesta 4.0 beta and make some tests to debug and fix it Regards, PV
  24. Hello, I Didnt have time to update the screenshots, sorry I will try to update them as soon as possible Regards, PV
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