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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. Only can be changed in direct database if data is uncrypted Blesta has a function that encrypts all data so it can be handy in this case. Encrypt all client data on Array, is better this way. Exemple: If you have an PDF sored on file, and some change the data on database, it will not help, because you cannot find the file (if you alter the database file link), you can also generate a new Certified PDF on the fly, or even delet the file accidently or the file go corrputed, but if you have all data encrypted on database. you can search data and it will be very dificult to change data on database, and you will be able to generate PDF on the fly. And because we can only auto back by default database in Blesta, if something goes rong you have backups to regenerate everything I propose to save encrypted client data on Array in database, also, but not mandatory in my point of view, generate a file and save it, if the file dosent exists, Blesta will generate a new one, if not, blesta will link to the existing file
  2. Dont compare what is incomparable Blesta = Great Script/Great Comunity/Great Forum Outhers (WHMCS/ClientExec/HostbillAPP) = No Comment Please Lisencecart dont make "smoke" and dont make "excuses", we all make bad decisions, its human, acept that @wanah: If you need help on making the changes you ask please PM me and I will do it for free, dont abandon Blesta "Boat" just yet Peace to all
  3. @Licensecart: I have to agree with wanah, blesta team should view and answer presales questions. 3 days without oficial answer gives bad image to blesta Thats why I have answer because wanah was waiting for an answer There is no excuse for this even for Blesta 3.5 busy day. 24 houra is OK to wait but more than that gives some people something to think about @wanah: Dont worry this situation is not normal and im shure you will be amazed what blesta team and all of us will do for it and for help you
  4. For the invoice numbering you can define in admin->setings->system->invoice customisation On the Pro forma invoice format jut put: FA{year}{month}A{num} This way will show like this exemple: FA201501A15 1st invoice of January 2015 FA201501A105 105th invoice of Feburary 2015 If you want only 2 digits by year its not complicated but you have to change one core file and only one line of code Now for suporting zeros, im in europe/portugal and its not mandatory to have zeros on the left its only mandatory to have sequential numbers. If you really need to fill zeros, again, only need one line of code on one core file Ate least, going to first number each month, one core file with one line of code Its easy I could help you on this but im a litle busy one one project for one Blesta client right now
  5. Yes i agree, but you forgot one thing, client details have to be always saved on the invoice and cannot ever be changed once the final invoice is generated
  6. Its a bit more complicated but I will try to add it
  7. In client area the badge only shows if there is any ticket waiting an response from any admin/staff Exemple: In admin open a ticket for that client or respond a ticket from that client
  8. You can duplicate the English language file and rename the file name to french but you have to do this for all mpdules/plugins that you have not translated yet.
  9. PauloV

    Whmblesta Theme

    Thats great news
  10. PauloV


    Now that cPanel add MariaDB as option insted MySQL lol, and we go to PDO connectors pressure from PHP7, what the future will old? We use CloudLinux on shared enviorments on all our servers, so we use betwin PHP 4.6 and php 5.6 eheh all with latest satable MySQL from cPanel. Off topic: I hate innodb engine (if DB is corrupted it can compromise all databases stored on that engine), MyISAM is good wen corrupted but a litle slow running. In developing some APP's and Websites we sitll use old fashion MySQL with MyISAM Engine, so it will take some time for us to adapt
  11. PauloV

    Whmblesta Theme

    Paul is right, its WHM from cPanel company and not WHMCS, lol @Paul: You should (re)considering DropDown menus to Client Area and Admin Area, it takes more time to navegate betwin Horizontal Sub Menus than Vertical Sub Menus, and its proven to be more effetiant and cleaner Or the new way that mobile menus open on right or left sliders like this exemple: http://demos.jquerymobile.com/1.4.5/panel-swipe-open/#demo-page The "wheell" is alredy invented we only need to engage more features
  12. This is a known problem from blesta, proforma invoices numbers in blesta are reused after conversion to final invoice. we hope next release they will find a solution like me and naja7host has released a temporary fix for this
  13. Hello, Did you add your server IP to OpenSRS white list?
  14. I never used mandrillaapp api, but it seams like you are using the same api for dev and live, is that correct? If so, maybe thats the problem. Some apis authenticate with the domain/subdomain and/or IP, so, if you alredy authenticate in dev, maybe tou will need to get or renew the api key to authenticate corretly. That measure is normal and i bet that, if you do the same tests on whmcs you will face the same problems The problem is not in the blesta mail framework but in the api authentication method. I hope you continue using blesta If you need help you can pm me and i will trie to help you quickly You will not regret using blesta trust me
  15. PauloV

    Bad Luck?

    Lol I love 13 number, its my lucky number, special on Fridays seriously My teory is: If you think bad things you will attract more bad things. If you think good/positive things, you will see that everything will work ok even on bad situations Positive=happiness Negative=Oh noes!!... lol
  16. Hello again Updating this forum with some interesting news Today i have recived an email from WHT that my account was again activated. I was given a full pardon because of the International Amnisty Day. Im back lol
  17. I will trie to help you add more functionality on this case
  18. Hello naja7host, I have request Paul some time ago, to automaticly translate all variables languages using Google Translate API on all languages, and then we can check one by one and manually change the variables that where not tranlated correctly, so I have in mind, like your screenshot is something like this: 1º- We have to manually (it can also be done automaticly by a plugin), install all languages that we want to translate (it will only need to duplicate the English language folder on all Blesta/Modules/Plugins and rename the folder and language file to the languages that we want, and than activate/install on Blesta Admin ) 2º- Next the Plugin will automaticly translate all vars using Google Tranlate (yes I know that some language definitions, google translate dosent work very well) 3º- Finally we will go to the listing of all files to translate/fix, like in your screenshot, and we can see and compare the tranlated variable to the native English variable and we can correct if we like This way we can Boost all languages in no time, because we only need to fix a few language definition that Google Translate dosent know.
  19. Hello, Blesta Live Chat Plugin as 1903 Files and 380 Folders Please check if that is correct, comparing with the amount of files and folders you have uploaded
  20. This plugin as so many potential. One of the best available Thanks naja7host.
  21. @Paul: Simplifying things Pro-forma invoices should always have sequential not reused numbering. Final invoice should always have the date of creation/converted (im not talking paid date), and should always have for tracking/search propose the pro-forma old number and also all client details saved (simple way as an array) to not be changed ever. Resolving this will be all good
  22. lol OFF TOPIC, but real facts in this buisness, related with the OP question: vacation???? what is that name? LOL I personaly dont know what is a real vacation in almost 17 years (before I openned my buisness) never rest more than 2 days, and I cant shutdown my smartphone to check emails or check if servers are ok more than 30 minuts LOL its an habit, a really bad habit but i cant stop doing it And now that im a father since 2012, my child complets my rest by playing with im lol
  23. did you check what folders name are missing?
  24. +1 this as to be fixed (i didnt confirm this issue, i will triee to confirm next week)
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