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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. I agree with you eXtremeSHOK But if you really need this, you can, for now use the "Drafts" renamed to "Quotes" We also need "Credit Notes" that are still not implemented
  2. Also sorry about the late reply. Can you PM the "Source/Compiled" HTML code from one of your blesta admin pages to see what code my plugin have changed to check where is the problem?
  3. Sorry the late respose. If you need help, PM me your details
  4. cool, thanks, Paul and Tyson Lol, i saw that title some time ago, and always forgot to ask how, lol I first sid a search on the forum and didnt found any results, so I asked eheh I also saw some time ago (dont remember where, I remember that I was to busy that time), some way to test, or send to the "Beta MarketPlace" all Plugins, is that true? @Paul: Yes, I agree, on do some kind of graphic and/or text to get attention to all dev's Blesta has an huge potential for dev's no outher script has this potential, so we have to "explore" lol
  5. Hello, I see some blesta members with the group "Alpha Developers" what is that, and what can I do to deserv it to? Regards, PV
  6. We will support this long term, because we use in our system this Mod, because the code is OPEN, you or anyone can make changes in the future, so there will be no problems on any one support it We didnt implement that option yet, because there is some problems that have to be resolved like: - Existent Tickets (numbering) on "Support manager", while importing from "Support Manager Pro". - Existent "KB", while importing from "Support Manager Pro". Maybe after the "OpenSRS Module" update and the "Blesta Bookmarks" Plugin release, I will add the solution for my Mod
  7. For now you can see the "MarketPlace" in here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/28-the-marketplace/ and here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/forum/9-contribute/
  8. Hello Paul/Tyson/Cody, On this Post http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4279-logicboxes-domains/ a problem was found by the user rfhmendes. If we have (almost everyone will have) multiple TLD's Packages on the same "Group", and we have enable the option for client "Upgrade/Downgrade", "Change Packages", Clients can Change the "TLD", and this cannot happen I propose for now a Quick fix to disable on Type "Domain" the option on Client Area to "Change Package", for later on, on the new Domain System you can implement a final solution Thanks in advance
  9. PauloV

    Logicboxes Domains

    Great finding. This is a BIG problem, I have tested and can confirm this issue (latest Blesta 3.4.3), this cannot, ever, never, happen on Domains On Domains people only have to have the option to Change "Terms" and not "Change Package" I consider this as a BUG, because its not the intended way for Domains to Work. I Will open a BUG post for this to be resolved
  10. PauloV

    Duplicate Order

    Do you have prorata enable? what are the dates in the description of each order and invoice?
  11. PauloV

    Release 3.4.3

    Thank you guys (Paul/Tyson/Cody) for all your hard work (love the new smile eheh)
  12. Sorry for the Late Response tynan Many thanks for the Donation Many thanks for the Donation cleverhost Today I have finish all pending work (some blesta plugin maide for Blesta Clients ), and now I will continue to update the Modules And Plugins released Tomorow I will start with OpenSRS to add more features like many people has asked me Stay tuned!
  13. Yes, for me
  14. Lol, my mistake sorry Cody and naja7host Naja7host is right its not a problem in due date because we do not legally need that field on final invoice, only need on Pro-forma for customers to see
  15. Cody check this, is what we want Exemple 1) If the Invoice is the Final Invoice (converted from Pro-Forma to Invoice), the date is the date of the convertion, and not the date of Payment Exemple 2) If the Pro-Forma Invoice is paid in full, the invoice is converted to Final Invoice, and the Final Invoice as to have the date of the convertion (converting from Pro-Forma to Final Invoice) Exemple 3) If Pro-Forma invoice is partial paid, dont convert to final invoice, and the date stay the same Think that Pro-Forma is one document and Final Invoice is anouther document totally diferent from the first one, and the dates dont have to do with each outher, thats why we need diferent sequential number, and we need also to check/search both documents in Blesta every day
  16. Thanks Paul, many thanks for your donations
  17. Thanks The info is on my signature //If you like it, and want to donate, please use this PayPal link: Donate Here!
  18. PauloV

    Backup Questions

    "Smells" like we need a new plugin eheh to Auto Delete/Rotate old MySQL Backups
  19. First of all, thanks We are working on an update because we have recived one dontion from one of our blesta members to acelerate the process For the Domain and Outher, wen the client goes to that form, they have the option "Skip, Order Other Items", you can change that test for someting like "Skip, I alredy have a domain" to dont make any confusion
  20. This sould be investigated deeper to reproduce
  21. Paul is right, this is not an CentOS issue (we use centos 6.x on all our servers), the problem, that is not really a problem is on some aditional config in PHP.ini P.S- Cannot reproduce the problem on fresh Centos 6 with default latest cpanel with blesta.
  22. Its almost Sunday, so lets relax and move on
  23. PauloV


    lol, im always learning didnt know about the litle twick thanks naja7host
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