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Everything posted by PauloV

  1. New update Fixed: Temporary unlock domain to make changes, and then lock again after changes Added: Better error handeling, displying the direct error message from OPENSRS api on Client and Admin side See first post!
  2. I will fix that tomorrow
  3. There is alredy a resell.biz module for blesta The "Logicbox" module works with resell.biz or any outher logicbox registrar ( @Paul/Tyson/Cody Maybe it wold be a god idea duplicate the module Logicboxes and rename it on every registrar existent that uses the same platform I know that the best way is to not rename but more than 90% of hosting companies dont know that Logicboxes is used on several registrrars (yes i also know that you have on your website here http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Logicboxes)
  4. New Update Optimised in only one core modify file, the patch file for set diferent prices for diferent types:​Domain RegisterDomain TransferDomain RenewNow it only needs to modify one file, the [blesta-instalation-folder]/plugins/order/lib/order_types/domain/order_type_domain.phpif you apply the patch files before to set diferent prices for diferent types, you can replace the file [blesta-instalation-folder]/app/models/packages.php with an original file and then apply the new patch file in the first post.
  5. Hello blestars Here it is new functionality for OpenSRS OpenSRS can now do: Added: [Admin]->[Settings]: Set/Get Registrar Lock Added: [Admin]->[Settings]: Get EPP Code (Transfer Key) Added: [Admin]->[Nameservers]: Set/GET Nameservers Added: [Client]->[Settings]: Set/Get Registrar Lock Added: [Client]->[Settings]: Get EPP Code (Transfer Key) Added: [Client]->[Nameservers]: Set/GET Nameservers Next week I will add: [Admin]->[Whois]: Set/Get Domain Contact Info [Client]->[Whois]: Set/Get Domain Contact Info Please see first post whow to install/upgrade P.S- Sorry about the late release (the late was due the "cokkie" authentication that OpenSRS needs for some commands, and cant be tested on sandbox and was driving me craizy lol)
  6. I think this will be fixed in the final 3.5 you can, for now, patch your self your enom module to work right away using my instructions here: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3028-enom-module-missing-renew-extend-command/#entry21773
  7. Unfortunately blesta still dont target the "big money" (domains) and its more focus on (services) than (hosting) or (dedicated/cloud) Blesta can gain a big BOOM (and we as clients also gain more with this boom) if in the next release (3.6 I hope) focus only on (Domains) naja7host and a.daniello is right blesta should change the system as it is, is very confusing for new custummers. 1- Client goes to the website and click on "Buy Hosting" 2- Client choose hosting and options for hosting and is redirected to choose one of the options: a) Regist a new domain b] Transfer a domain c) Alredy have a domain 3- After choosing the right option, if a) or b] with will choose the domain options, and is redirected to the cart to login or creat an account. if the client on the website clicks on regist or transfer a domain, then the way should be: 1- it checks the domain avaliability and shoes the options: a)if available shows price and continue button, b] if its not available shows an option to transfer and the transfer price of the domain and the continue button 2- after that shows the options for that domain and continue 3- now, if this is a must, show an warning that the domain dosent have any hosting package, and an option to choose a hosting option or continue without hosting package a) if it choose to add a hosting package, show all available hosting packages for that group and the options for that hosting b] if choose to not add the hosting, then is redirected to the cart to finish there are many ways to do this, but this exemple and the naja7host are some of the good ways
  8. bottom line (after the night sleep eheh) @Licensecart sorry my last response i was too harsh on the words for you We all need something, need something is wath makes the world moving (i think is the meaning of life lol)
  9. PauloV

    Release 3.5.0-B3

    Thank you Paul/Tyson/Cody
  10. Good old times watching this in the sofa wen there wasn't Tablets or windows XP eheh
  11. Windows 8 pro and love it I'm not a fan of closed systems like windows but in windows I have several software licenses that I use daily, in the other hand I have in my Hyper V almost all OS (Maverick,CentOS,Windows XP) for Dev proposes I already pre request a windows 10 upgrade because it will be for free to all Windows 8.1 users like me Love new things/toys eheh
  12. @Licensecart sometimes i regrate to reply because of some of your responses (yes i know that you talk your mind insted of thinking first before reply). Sarcasm dosent fit you We all know that blesta devs Paul/Tyson/Cody are working very hard and we all support them for this great hosting billing system. I think I alredy said this to you in several outher ocasions but in outher words. Life is to short to waste in nonsense thin gs pieace
  13. You can try my Support Manager Pro plugin that have a lot of features, some of them like SPAM auto detect built in Just check my signature links
  14. +1 fot Domain Management first and Mass Mailler next We can live without Mass Mailler (so many free alternatives there for Mass Mailler), but we cannot live without the new Domain Managmente System lol just count how many blestars have asked in this forum post for the new Domain Management system Doctrine naja7host serge me something to think about
  15. Im a BIG supporter for the new Domain Management system, we need badly, but for now we can close our eyes a litle, all of us developpers are also helping a lot on the Domain functionality, so if you need any special requriment just ask us to help you add it I think WHMCS 6.0 will be the turnaround for blesta did you check WebHostingTalk foruns recently lol, (i have a broken rib, and i can't laugh because it hurts eheh, but I cant stop it) For all visitores viweing this foruns, try blesta for free, and judge for your self the power in your hands
  16. Sorry for the late reply Internal server error can be cause for any .htaccess file bad coding or any filde/folder bad permission, check if all files have CHMOD 0644 and all folders have CHMOD 0755 If you want any help, you can PM the access details to check and fiz the problem strange, it works ok in our dev enviormente with and without subdomain. Dis you change from domain to sub domain wen you installed the plugin? maybe can be blesta cache menu Try to uninstall and install it again, if it dosent work, you can PM the access details to check and fix the problem
  17. Hello more 48 to 72 hours to the release yes, Im filling much better thanks, the problem was on the first week, now I can bend and Im starting since monday to quicly finish late work to finish this progects Regards, PV
  18. sorry guys once again Two weeks ago I was very buisy, and last week I have broke a rib (playing with my son lol), now Im in recovering at wome at least for 3 weeks, so I will try to focus next week on this and finally relase all new funtionality. Sorry all
  19. I agree with you naja7host, I also hope Paul/Tyson/Cody change the task and add as an array or blob in the database An exemple is, how to get the invoice data by API? if the data is store in file will be very dificult to get by API, the only solution is to store in database
  20. Hello blestars :blesta New update: Added: .FR Domain fields Just go to the first post how to Update/Install InternetBS Module
  21. Simply make the mysqldump in a folder with blesta config file, gzip, send it to the backup directory
  22. Hello, I see that if you dont have config/blesta.php backup with the database backup, all encrypted data is not "recovered", so my sugestion is to also include the file config/blesta.php on the cron blesta backup, for safety reasons P.S- yes i do daily offline full backups to a external cloud storage, but backups is never to much
  23. @Paul Thats very good news
  24. If you want a quote send me a private message
  25. Sorry for the late reply I will fix it on Monday
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