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  1. That fix worked perfectly, thanks Michael! Cheers!
  2. Blesta is at mydomain.com/support The Root Web Directory is set correctly. client_url is not following it. client_url is skipping the /support/ part and not including that in links. It goes straight to mydomain.com/client/ I want it to go to mydomain.com/support/client instead, like it should. Thanks!
  3. Hello everyone, In Settings > System > General, I have /home/mywebsite/public_html/support/ set as Root Web Directory (Note Blesta is in /support/) , However on my emails to clients..... http://{client_url} is NOT including the /support/ part. It is resulting in 404 page because the URLs are all domain.com/client/ instead of domain.com/support/client Ideas? Thanks!
  4. Sorted. It was ModSecurity preventing some forms from being submitted and writing data from /support/ to the DB. Thanks for everyone's suggestions and quick assistance!
  5. Thanks, I've checked that page and have everything checked like you do. Thanks Tyson, I am looking in to this right now, with the help of the web host provider as well. Haven't found anything yet.
  6. Thanks for your quick response, Michael. I've checked staff group and it seems fine (see screenshot https://www.dropbox.com/s/ckdtrihpd9upzdv/Screenshot%202016-01-20%2021.32.16.png?dl=0 ) Wordpress is installed on domain.com ... so it is domain.com/support/admin to get to Blesta admin. Perhaps something was changed in .htaccess or the actual file permissions, you're right. Didn't want to mess with those until I checked everything else though...... & no to CloudFlare & rocket. Thanks.
  7. Creating my first support department at /admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_departments/add/ results in 403 Forbidden, access denied, error on the webpage. Before changing any file permissions on the server... wanted to check with you guys. Thoughts? Blesta Version 3.6.1
  8. eunger9

    Enom Status

    How are things going re: Domain Registrar Plugin?
  9. I remember introducing Multicraft to the team back in May/June of 2012! So glad to see it finally added!! A bit too late for me to use it now, but perhaps in my next project Will definitely recommend it to industry partners, once it's out of beta. Congratulations all!
  10. The buttons overlapping like that looks awful, in my opinion. To a potential customer, it seems like a lazy designer left a site unfinished.
  11. Oh. Scratch that. I just updated the VERY old thread about Amazon Thanks for the update Paul. Perhaps we'll see it before 2015
  12. Bump. Anyone working on this? Blesta devs? Amazon Payment Services is a great way for users to accept payments and it's a super smooth experience for customers. +1 to this request. Unless it already exists and I missed it?
  13. Any update to this? I'd like to accept Bitcoins through Blesta. Edit: this is really nice because it does the exchange instantly into your bank account, you never have the risk of holding on to BTC.
  14. Good idea, I should create an account there some day! They replied back and said it should be ready within the next week, awesome!
  15. Still waiting for this... I'll shoot Softaculous and e-mail and see what they're up to. This is one of the features holding me back from buying Blesta.
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