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Everything posted by cloudrck

  1. Where?
  2. I learned I won't be buying an Xbox One
  3. I paid $500 plus $100 for ipam. Which turned out to be buggy as hell and unusable. Since there is no support unless you pay I moved on. The software isn't good, but it has potential. But I wouldn't care if the software was rock solid, with customer service in the can, and Hostbill breaking laws, it's a waste of investment.
  4. The jokes on people like me who paid $$$ for the software.
  5. I brought up advertising it so your clients will be more aware of it's existence and be more inclined to refer to the FAQ's before contacting your support.
  6. A majority of customers will refuse to read regardless. But a lot depends on how you advertise your FAQ section. You have to make sure there is a very noticeable link on your home page. Above that, frequently advertise to where you have contact with your customers (newsletters, twitter, blog, etc..)
  7. It begins with "Ho"
  8. I was actually thinking the same thing as my previous billing software had this and it was pretty useful. I honestly don't think would be too dificult, but I've never looked at Blesta's template engine.
  9. Nginx has a learning curve when coming from Apache. A handful of the default configurations of PHP/FCGI from vendors don't go so well with Nginx. As with SSL, I found Nginx will want to start the handshake from scratch each page load. And the stock FPM Process Management settings are set very low. I'll post a lot more soon. I only use PHP-FPM at the moment, rather than plain CGI. As I think it's a much better process manager
  10. Nginx has a system similar to Apaches mod_rewrite, while at the same time being completely different. It's also very robust, with the ability to use Perl or any other scripting language. This would go in the server{} area for your particular domain. Of course, there are more than one way to achieve rewriting for Blesta with Nginx, but I think this is the most efficient, and avoids the evil IF-IS many people use with Nginx configurations. If anybody is interested, there are loads of other settings that I use to speed Blesta up, which I'm still working on at the moment. To make it easier to update https://github.com/cloudrck/blesta-nginx location ~ (\.pdt) { return 403; } location / { error_page 404 = @blesta; log_not_found off; if ($request_uri ~ "^(.*)/install.php$"){ rewrite install.php /%1/install/ redirect; } } location @blesta { rewrite ^(.*)$ /index.php last; }
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