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Everything posted by 10RUPTiV

  1. 10RUPTiV

    Auto Payment

    Can be something with Stripe ?
  2. 10RUPTiV

    Auto Payment

    Hey guys... It's the second month in a row that we have the same issue! We only have 2 clients with registered credit card in their account. Only one of them is set to auto payment. Since the last 2 months, the cron job runs but don't create the transaction in blesta. That mean, the invoice is still unpaid, the credit card got charged and the next day, it's the same thing, so we need to refund the client. The other client, got a strange issue, she paid herself manually the invoice 2-3 days ago (before the auto payment date) , the invoice is set to closed and I got the transaction BUT the auto cron job, charge again the client for the same amount, but didn't create the transaction but I can see it in our Stripe dashboard and we need to refund again this transaction! Last month, when I got the issue, I set both client to NON-auto payment, but sounds like it's not working fine as the job run today and charge both of them, even the one already paid!
  3. Hey guys... What will be necessary to have custom field "global" for ALL group, instead of having to create the same custom field in all group ? It's a pain to move a client to another client group and having to re-enter all the same information over and over for all custom field that are the "same" in both group. For example, we have a custom field called "Customer ID", we need it in all client group but if I move a client to another group, I need to remember the customer id value to put the same thing after changing the client group. Custom field like this one, need to be "global" no matter which client group we use...
  4. It would be nice if in the ticket instead of "Add client" we can have also "Add as a client contact" ...
  5. Tyson, Works fine for the email .... but with this change, all other plugin that have no FR_FR language file got empty text instead.... that's not very useful... Any other way to force the plugin supportmanager to use french ?
  6. We are already using French as the default language in Default language under Settings/General.... and the support manager language are going out with english...
  7. Folks... Any way to set the default language for the auto-reply email... We would like to use the default in French instead of english...
  8. Hi, Anyway is able to see the attachment from an email piping into Support Manager?! Our clients always send us attachment, and looks like support manager can't handle email attachment....
  9. Hey guys... Need help from a Blesta dev that will be able to do a custom report... We need to find which client we have under the "General" group that have no services at all OR that have only 1 service name "domain". We need that, 'cause we just saw that since we migrate to blesta, we have some client that are using our service as FREE since 2013 So to find them and without having to do them one by one.... it will be nice to have a kind of report so we can run it some time to do some spot check during the year... thanks
  10. I would like to know what/where to do to use lightbox.... I have no problem working with a modified template file, we are taking note here and we re-do the modification after an upgrade of Blesta... We really like this mod and need to use it with a lightbox!
  11. Naja.... Anyway to open the HTML invoice in a way to keep the header and footer of blesta to keep all the navigation ? Or maybe using a "lightbox" ?
  12. Got one payment today from Stripe and sounds working fine in 3.4
  13. Is it normal that the menu option is now Support instead of Support Pro ?
  14. Just curious to see if PauloV have some update for us
  15. Ohhhhh sounds like me Works perfectly after disabling Admin Tools! Any idea why ?
  16. Hey guys... Got a strange issue since a while.... not sure if it's since 4.3.0 but under Manage Plugin, not having this issue under Manage modules, If I click Disable or Uninstall, I got the confirmation dialog without any option (see the screenshot) Any idea.... ?
  17. Tyson, For a real example, we just figured out that we have at least 50% of our clients (over 300) that have no service defined. Our clients never add/remove services them self, we need to do it ourself manually. So since a week we are adding services into each client, like domain name, and we put the renewal date for the NEXT real date somewhere between today and after. What I need to do, it's to generate an invoice "today" for all the service in the future to generate an invoice for the last year without any invoice. I don't want to assign a service to a client with the option create an invoice, add another service, add the service to the same invoice and modify all the date inside the invoice. I would prefer to have a generated invoices based on all services but with no date and without renewing the date! OR I will change the next renew date for the YEAR before (directly in the database) and hope Blesta will generate an invoice because it will think he forgot to renew some services in the past....
  18. Pretty sure it's an easy things to do... I would like to be able to create an invoice for example today, for all services in the account without changing the renewal date!
  19. It would be nice to have the Knowledge base separate from the support plugin for people like us that use Support Manager Pro ....
  20. Hi, Since the last update to Blesta 3.3, I got a little issue. Recurring service date in the invoice are not good. Instead of having yesterday in a service invoice : Nov. 02 to Dec 02, I got Mar 02 to Nov 02. Everything works fine before 3.3 for that! And if I'm right, Mar 02 is the FIRST renewal for this service for this client.... sounds like the date range is not using the right value.
  21. 10RUPTiV

    Pdf Issue

    Ok found the problem! We have French and English in Blesta, and under French, I didn't use the same font as english, and sounds like this one give us issue. Change it back to the same as english, and everything works fine!
  22. 10RUPTiV

    Pdf Issue

    Nothing, just plain US caracters!
  23. 10RUPTiV

    Pdf Issue

    Hi, Don't know why.... but clients saying that Adobe Acrobat is telling them to have "Adobe Reader 11.0.09 Font Packs - Asian and Extended Language Pack" for our PDF from Blesta... Any idea ?
  24. 10RUPTiV

    Auto Debit

    How I can double check if an account under "Payment accounts" is set to "auto debit" ? Can't see any field for that...
  25. 10RUPTiV

    Auto Debit

    Hi, I'm unable to have auto debit working. I got one client that put the credit card on file, I can without a problem use it manually and works fine. But using the auto debit, never got it working. I put Invoice Days Before Renewal to 7 days and the Auto Debit Days Before Due Date to "Same Day". The invoice is made, but the payment never made automatically...
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