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Everything posted by sedudohost

  1. bugs, the client can reply to tickets whose status has been deleted
  2. thank's (solved).add user name cpanel in allowuser cfs. smtp with google app, running
  3. I was not sure what was wrong. cfs settings, I already open port 587 and restart exim & cfs
  4. sorry, how to set smtp Mandrill? my settings: Host: smtp.mandrillapp.com Port 587 I try smtp security: none / TSL / SSL: same result. that is error. The log "Connection could not be established with host smtp.mandrillapp.com [Connection timed out # 110]" in the form, ticket "The email failed to send due to a configuration issue." **blesta 3.2**
  5. 3.3 ?? hopefully quickly completed. cause could be a media campaign hosting business
  6. cool. whether really, the latest order form like in the demo version 3.2x?
  7. nice plugin, I have two problems. 1. When I install the "support-managerpro" was not being integrated with the old manager support, and all tickets gone: ( 2. In admin menu there are two support posts. like in the attachment. although, plugin support-manager I have uninstalled thank you ------------- number 2 solved : clear cache browser
  8. @pcfacility already found a solution? Additional information: The error appears when the client did order, but when admin add from the admin area can be successful without error.
  9. means having to install and move blesta in subdomain? if there is no other way? link url for tickets etc temporary there is no problem
  10. hopefully soon be fixed
  11. previously, I have to enter the hostname to the primary domain, but the invoice was written http://domian.com/client/pay/x. when it should http://domian.com /clients/client/pay/x (clients is the subdirectory where I installed blesta)
  12. regards I installed blesta, in a subdirectory (http://domain.com/clients) not a subdomains. problem for - {payment_url} - the bill to the main domain ( http://domian.com/client/pay/xxxxx) not a subdomains ( http://domian.com/clients/client/pay/xxxxx) and hostname can not be written using subdirectories. regards
  13. same case on logicbox "https://test.httpapi.com/api/domains/orderid.json {"status": "ERROR", "message": "The website does not exist for ****. com"} "
  14. solved. I replace all the themes (version 3.0.6) to version 3.0.7 thank you
  15. regards, list of service does not exist in the client account, even though the service list appears in the admin menu Thanks
  16. I want Module domain *.id (from Indonesia), I try to use logicbox but it does not work. examples of API usage in hxxp://kb.digitalregistra.co.id thank you.
  17. sedudohost

    Release 3.0.7

    yes... upgrade sucess !! and no problems Thanks
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