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Everything posted by sedudohost

  1. thank you, the activation / settings in the cwp module have already been solved. unfortunately when creating / activating packages it can't. there is a comment "An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request" and in tools / logs / module / Input myhost.domain.com|account_new a:9:{s:6:"domain";s:18:"mynewdoamin.com";s:4:"user";s:6:"usercwp";s:4:"pass";s:3:"***";s:5:"email";s:24:"email@gmail.com";s:7:"package";s:3:"1Gb";s:5:"inode";s:1:"0";s:12:"limit_nofile";s:3:"100";s:11:"limit_nproc";s:2:"40";s:10:"server_ips";s:20:"myhost.domain.com";} output Error myhost.domain.com|account_new <html><head><title>Slim Application Error</title><style>body{margin:0;padding:30px;font:12px/1.5 Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;}h1{margin:0;font-size:48px;font-weight:normal;line-height:48px;}strong{display:inline-block;width:65px;}</style></head><body><h1>Slim Application Error</h1><p>The application could not run because of the following error:</p><h2>Details</h2><div><strong>Type:</strong> ErrorException</div><div><strong>Code:</strong> 8</div><div><strong>Message:</strong> Trying to get property of non-object</div><div><strong>File:</strong> /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/index.php</div><h2>Trace</h2><pre><div>#0 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/index.php(0): Slim\Slim::handleErrors(8, 'Trying to get p...', '/usr/local/cwps...', 0, Array) <div>#1 [internal function]: {closure}() <div>#2 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/Slim/Route.php(0): call_user_func_array(Object(Closure), Array) <div>#3 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/Slim/Slim.php(0): Slim\Route->dispatch() <div>#4 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/Slim/Middleware/Flash.php(0): Slim\Slim->call() <div>#5 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/Slim/Middleware/MethodOverride.php(0): Slim\Middleware\Flash->call() <div>#6 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/Slim/Middleware/PrettyExceptions.php(0): Slim\Middleware\MethodOverride->call() <div>#7 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/Slim/Slim.php(0): Slim\Middleware\PrettyExceptions->call() <div>#8 /usr/local/cwpsrv/var/services/api/v1/index.php(0): Slim\Slim->run() <div>#9 {main}</pre></body></html>
  2. Thank's I have already upgraded to the latest version. and error log there are comments "[2020-02-14 00:27:30] general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port {" code ": 8," message ":" Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port "," file ":" / home / usercwp / public_html / billing / components / modules / centoswebpanel / centoswebpanel.php "," line ": 914} [2020-02-14 00:30:51] general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port {"code": 8, "message": "Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port", "file ":" / home / usercwp / public_html / billing / components / modules / centoswebpanel / centoswebpanel.php "," line ": 914} [2020-02-14 02:03:07] general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port {"code": 8, "message": "Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port", "file ":" / home / usercwp / public_html / billing / components / modules / centoswebpanel / centoswebpanel.php "," line ": 1134}" and "/ home / usercwp / ... ', 914, Array) # 2 /home/usercwp/public_html/billing/components/modules/centoswebpanel/centoswebpanel.php(914): Monologue \ ErrorHandler-> handleError (8,' Undefined prope ... ',' / home / usercwp / ... ', 914, Array) # 3 /home/usercwp/public_html/billing/app/models/services.php(1348): Centoswebpanel-> editService (Object (Object ( stdClass), Object (stdClass), Array, NULL, NULL) "
  3. in new version. I have an error
  4. Regards, After upgrading to versions 4.8 and 4.8.1 the centos webpanel module did not work, when I created a new account there was a warning 'Something went wrong. Undefined property: stdClass :: $ port " I tried the reconnection of the module there the warning "A connection to the server could not be established. Please check to ensure that the Hostname and API Key are correct." I've changed the port from 2082 to 2083. ip port 2087 and I have tried to delete it, still an error whereas before (the lower version) there were no problems. **google translate
  5. Thank you, I am almost frustrated setting the cwp module in Blesta. but can succeed with this method
  6. whatever ports are needed to be opened in the firewall, I am already an IP whitelist but it still doesn't work. even though the IP server and IP billing are the same I use CSF and Modsec (Comodo WAF)
  7. Regards, when I create an account (by checking the "Use module") there is a comment "Gateway Timeout. The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application." and there is no error log from the cwp module. but there is an error log when suspending account (via cron) "a: 3: {s: 7:" success "; b: 0; s: 7:" message "; s: 68:" Allowed IP's not set or you don't have access from IP: xxxxx! "; S: 4:" code "; s: 3:" 500 ";}) and when I click login (image caption) then it open hostname:2081 (admin area), not hostname:2083 Thank's **Google Translate
  8. regards, I am a cwp pro user, I have created an API in "API access management" and put it in cwp modules (blesta). the problem is: 1. account list remains 0, although there are several accounts on the cwp server. 2. can't create a cwp account from blesta, when I create an account there is a comment "Gateway Timeout. The gateway did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or application." **Google translate
  9. Is it no longer being developed? is there a latest update?
  10. how the progress of this plugin?
  11. Why suddenly, when it would confirm the payment "xxxx.com/admin/clients/recordpayment/xx/" appears comment "The xxx.com page is not working xxxx.com is currently Unable to handle this request. " and and it just happened, previously not a problem.
  12. +1 added in blesta 4.xx
  13. Can you give a step that must be done? I have a copy of the files related to knowlegde base to support manager pro folder.
  14. Hello. I previously used support manager pro, but I need a knowledge base feature, and the feature is located in plugin (support manager) blesta native. how to import data (ticket) from the support manager pro to support manager? warm regards,
  15. Regards Ihave been looking at the forums and it seems no one has discussed, I want the payment module Gateways using netteler. may be added. Thank you Hamzah ** sorry payment Gateways
  16. solved
  17. the same error
  18. each search domain, it always appears comment "That domain name is not supported" when previously no problem. I'm using version 3.5.3
  19. sedudohost

    Release 3.5.3

    updated... done..
  20. you can read at this link http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1064-affiliate-system/
  21. regards I want a feature import description from WHM / directadmin, so for instance we choose a package, then the amount of information bandwhit, hosting space, add on domains etc. can directly appear in the description form. regard, **sorry with my english
  22. I tried to order a domain, and succeeded. that was the problem when I want to activate there is a comment "The status of this service is currently In Review and must be changed to Pending before it can be activated. This can be done through the widget on the Orders Billing Overview page using the Order plugin, or by a third-party plugin responsible for managing orders. " how? or where a menu to change the status of an order? because I was looking at the menu / admin-> clients-> editservice not find it? http://prntscr.com/4x89dy
  23. regards, I have a problem. the notification, no tickets yet unrequited, but when I checked. it turns out none of the new ticket and there is a comment "There are currently no tickets with this status."
  24. try downgrade to version 1.0.0. I myself puzzled, why should the latest version instead there is an error. there may be an explanation of team blesta
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