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  1. Auto kickout after x amount of seconds for inactivity, chat puts a bit of strain on the system when people just idle. We used to set ours to longer timeouts but it caused the website to crash a few times.
  2. Well i gotta say cubic if it wasnt for this facebook i would have forgot about the release today, ive been flat out with other items and just totally forgot it was the 14th. Keep up the good work
  3. I dont think it is possible. If they had Teamspeak installed you could have a driect connect link on your webpage with a bit of coding you could also have it to show when a support member is online. Really though your best best would be to use a live chat integrated to Skype or similar, there's a few around that direct connect to allow clients to call you through Skype although ive never used these before.
  4. xiam

    Blesta Baby

    Grats on the new arrival. BTW 3 is a lot worse i have a 13, 12 and 8 year old and they all rev each other up until one cracks its amusing at first but after 8 years you start to loose hair (lots of it) lol
  5. Done it before myself, have been on pain killers and ended up ordering a bunch of items that i didnt really have a need for just thought they were cool, lets just say wife took internet away while on pain meds.
  6. A guy i worked with a couple of years ago was writing web apps for ts3 but it was limited, only showed people online and allowed messages to be sent. He also wrote a rental app that anyone could come and rent a ts3 server for 1-12 hours for testing at the end of this it would reset the users and passwords for the teamspeak server. Not really sure why you would need a web app for ts3 now anyway they have a client for every OS Win, Mac and Linux aswell as mobile apps. What specific needs did you have for it?
  7. Good idea, the configurable credit would be good to have options for only select packages and products, as some items that can be canceled may incur fees for early termination.
  8. Ive been on this update for a while, it was hard to get used to at first but after a while it grows on you, makes it easier now to search what your looking for. My wife is still on the older one and i tried to use it the other night with no success.
  9. Its just a landing page right now in html 5 nothing fancy just while we prep the website for full release.
  10. Thanks, still along way off being finished product. We want to uniform all the menu's from our home page right through the billing and our support pages and try keep the theme going between each.
  11. We decided that just plain text was not enough for our portal page so we added some nice images to suit our design We have many more changes to make on the page before its completed, our current clients using the system are loving it. http://billing.xiam.com.au/
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