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Gutsy last won the day on December 3 2016

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About Gutsy

  • Birthday 12/20/1954

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    New Jersey
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  1. Hello, I moved my website hosting account (FULL cPanel backup) from Site5.com to another host. Blesta (offered by Site5) was working fine after the move on my NEW hosting account for about an hour, but now I am getting a License invalid error: The license failed to validate for the following reasons: The license is not valid for the installed location. I tried using my old license key but it wouldn't work. How can I get this resolved? I am using an OLDER version of Blesta and I just use it to manually create and email invoices to my clients who pay by check. I don't use the online credit card billing features. I assume I need a new license to get this to work? Thank you in advance!
  2. Hello, I found the answer to my post on this forum (should have done this before posting) and it worked!! Look in /config/blesta.php for.. Configure::set("Blesta.max_failed_login_attempts", 10); Change the value of 10 to 100. Then, change it back to 10 or a suitable number. Hope this helps others with a similar situation. Dave
  3. Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me. I am using Blesta 3 and normally use it to manually bill my clients by sending an invoice to them. Today decided to try logging on my Blesta client login account (which I haven't done in a while) at http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/blesta3/client/login/ < ... I replaced my actual domain with MYDOMAIN) using the same password I used to login in to the admin invoicing area http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/blesta3/admin/login/, but I couldn't login. I must have used a different password for the client login area. I clicked on the "Reset my password" link under the /client/login link above but I did not receive an email to reset the password. So I went to the /admin/login link and I clicked on the "Reset my password" link and this time I received the email and it said to click on the link to reset the password. I clicked on the link, used a different password, tried logging onto http://www.MYDOMAIN.com/blesta3/admin/login/ with the new password, but it still shows "too many failed login attempts detected". Does the system reset after a few hours? I tried again to access the /admin/login area 30 minutes later and still can't get access. Can someone PLEASE help me? I need access to my billing system. Thank you so much ... in advance!!! Dave
  4. Than you for our quick response!! Understood.
  5. Hello, This is my first upgrade. The upgrade instructions say to download the latest version and replace folder and related files on the server, however the zip file contains 3 folders. /blesta -I know this folder and files within are to replace what I have on the server . But where do this two folders go? /hotfix-php5.5 /uploads Thanks in advance!
  6. Thank you!! Dave
  7. Oops .. I meant to say that the Remote Access Key was under "API Control Options" .. not API Remote Settings. Dave
  8. Hello, I decided to remove the 32 character Remote Access Key under the API Remote settings and that stopped the cron job from running. Thank you. Dave
  9. I just upgraded from 2.5 to 3.05 and I'm going through and editing the options that were imported. I'm trying to customize the "Default" invoice and at the top left is my Name and Address. I cannot find my Name and Address anywhere under any of the options in version 3.05. I thought my name and address would be editable under "My Info" or under "Invoice Customization" but cannot find this infomation. I also wanted to add my website and email addresses as well to show up on the invoice . How can I edit my information? Also with version 2.5 .. I was able to place my LARGE logo banner at the top of the invoice and when I use the same logo banner in version 3.05 .. it's tiny and placed on the top right of the invoice (see attached comparison). There is plenty of room at the top of the invoice for a larger banner. Any thoughts on Thank you. Dave
  10. Thank you both . This was helpful. Dave
  11. Hello, I'm upgrading from 2.5 to to 3.05. After trying to import my existing data .. it failed and I received this error message: X - A currency with code INR and company ID 1 is already taken. Does anyone know what this means or how to correct this error? Thanks in advance. Dave
  12. I just installed version 3.05 successfully and getting ready to import from version 2.5. The instructions say to place the 2.5 in maintenance mode which I did, however is also says to "Stop the cron job running for your Blesta 2.5 installation" but doesn't provide a link to a page with instructions on how to do so. I thought there would be a "Stop cron job" check box on the "CRON STATUS & SETUP" in version 2.5 ... but nope! i searched everywhere for this information. Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. Dave
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