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Everything posted by silvatech

  1. silvatech

    Release 3.1.0

    DO I need to apply 3.08 first since I am on 3.07 or just apply 3.1.0 ?
  2. Yes it is fully compatible, you can even have certain order forms if you want use .com from one TLD while another order form uses the other TLD. (I know you were not asking for this just explaining just how customizable Blesta is. I hope you will share your module with others when you are done writing it =).
  3. yes it is the same as the email address. I was originally thinking that I may have goofed on that so I made a completely new one and had the same issue. Let me know anything I can do to help you reduplicate it. Other then this issue everything else I have tested so far seems to work great.
  4. Reissue seems to be bugged. If I try to reissues a certificate it comes up with the error Please enter a valid approver E-Mail. The logs shos everything is a success so a bit confused the email is valid.
  5. Yeah that is a module I would be interested in seeing as well. The Virtualizor GUI makes Solusvm look dated to me.
  6. I would be interested.
  7. goto reseller, manage, api THen goto Api test account. once that is enabled use your login name and password for the settings in Blesta.
  8. Yeah this was the option I was thinking of and since not on there lol, I had no clue really how to vote.
  9. silvatech

    Release 3.0.6

    Looks like a nice patch =)
  10. Ok, I have shared hosting on a East and West server. Which ever server I add first when I goto add a package the Cpanel packages will load up. If you attempt to select the which ever server is added second the packages will not load up. It appears that their is a bug keeping CPE from when you select an alternative server that it does not check that cpanel for the packages available there. From what I can see their is no way to have currently mutiple servers setup with packages. (well maybe if they were named the same on both servers. Anyone else ran into this issue. It works correctly with the standard cpanel module.
  11. Funny thing I learned the hard way a several years back. While Ubuntu is an excellent for a desktop OS and great in business productivity server environments. Ubuntu is not so great for web hosting. Most software out there for web hosting seems to be more friendly with Centos . The irony here is for desktop computers and gaming most programers go the Debian route . Why it is the opposite in the hosting arena I don't completely know. Keep in mind I am not saying Ubuntu will not work. Edit Oh and if you need help ever feel free to skype me =). silvatech AT silvatech dot net (I like helping out fellow Blesta people )
  12. I have an enom account so I will test it out =).
  13. silvatech

    Release 3.0.5

    I suppose the issue if I click the link by the OP above . Just pointing it out .
  14. silvatech

    Release 3.0.5

    Hmm the patch is not showing up in my client area??!!?? I see a new API docs , but now download for the update.
  15. Would help I knew where your getting stuck at, but I had a different issue with similar bugs. Try in cpanel if you have "select php version". If you do I would set it to native. Before setting it note what version it was set at incase you have to go back.
  16. Awesome news, hopefully the underspending bug can be corrected later. While I love all the bug fixes and suitableness of Blesta. Its great to see some much needed content. Even better with the free price tag now . Or actually perhaps since this is open code the community might be able to help work out the bugs =).
  17. Well this is certainly not good =(.
  18. Normally, I dont ever comment on someones thoughts, but saying blesta releases have been more and more bugs um. Clearly you have not been keeping up with he releases at all.
  19. looks really interesting =)
  20. I am a little confused here as 5 minute wait on cron is standard in the industry. Some of the larger providers actually endup setting it to 15 minutes on allocation.
  21. It looks really nice, shows just how customizable Blesta really is.
  22. Nice work as always Michael, I highly recommend Michael if you ever need help implementing a theme into Blesta.
  23. OK, are you trying to make custom code with orderlinks that goto that payment? I am a little confused what you are trying to do here.
  24. The way hostbill prices for support etc etc keep fluctuating I could see that in ways being big.
  25. While, I am sure you put some code up here everyone will be willing do their best to help. If you are stuck like i was on the CSS I would reccomend Licensecart on this he helped me out and I think he still only charges 20 bucks to get it all cleaned up =).
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