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Everything posted by silvatech

  1. Domains issue I had in Blesta is still their now so I am confused by your comment as that is promised in version 4.2. So my thoughts still remain the same. At the time of that post I no longer like the road Blesta taken instead of fixing what need more priority in my personal opinion. So no lies simply Blesta did not deliver on what I feel are critical components to a hosting system. I gave it over a year and still never delivered. Your showing your immaturity right their thinking a comment on an software years later on promise of what I was told by the developer did not pan out to mean someone is a liar? Sadly as much as I like certain components of Blesta it just never delivered. Thank you for your comments of well being with my family. I don't hate you just feel your immature. In fact I wish you the best and hope the best for you.
  2. Sadly, any licenses I had with license cart a long time ago I got rid of. As i soon found out talking with him on Skype that he is an immature young adult. In fact reading and seeing how he is handling this situation shows it. Clear sign to me was when I had a difference of an opinion with him on a WHT thread and he blocked me off of Skype. I hope whoever emailed me about taking over his company today Mike did not rip off on buying his company.
  3. Pretty much in same boat as you. Why I kept my Blesta license, but wont even consider it without proper domain Management.
  4. silvatech

    Release 3.6.1

    Honestly pretty much 100% agree with this post. I love the idea of Blesta, but just does not support what I need for a hosting company. (have talked to Paul over phone on this in the past.) Ironically thinking of using my license for remote support billing.
  5. The expect international format I had same issue with the plugin They expect an international format and for some reason it don't seem to pass right. Similar issue actually with the gogetssl plugin.
  6. Were fine on the SSL part of it, where I got a little concerned is on some of the links referring to 3rd party software changes. Glad to here its all up and good =).
  7. I am not sure the best section for this, but Michael thought here would be best. This may or may not be an issue I just got an email from paypal that they are making changes. here is the email I received. ACTION MAY BE REQUIRED: PayPal service upgrades for merchants. Because we support our merchants in helping them grow their business, we continue to make significant investments and improvements to our infrastructure. These improvements sometimes require us to perform necessary service upgrades. Please read below as we explain what the change is, and what action may be required by you.* What’s happening? Over the course of 2015 and 2016, PayPal will be working towards upgrading various SSL certificates. The changes include upgrading the following: The version of the VeriSign Trusted Root Certificate used to establish secure connections to PayPal. The signing algorithm of certificates (from SHA-1 to SHA-256). Why is this happening? We’re taking measures to address industry-wide security concerns which aren’t unique to PayPal. When implemented, these measures can help us improve the security and reliability of our PayPal integrations and help guard against current and future security threats. When is this happening? We’ve published the schedule of our service upgrade plan. Please check our 2015-2016 SSL Certificate Change microsite for the most recent updates as published schedules may change. Our efforts to upgrade SSL certificates for our production endpoints are scheduled to start in May 2015, and will continue into next year. Please note – The Sandbox environment is ready for testing. Testing in the Sandbox environment is one of the best ways to make sure your integration works. What do I need to do? For information regarding the important details of these upgrades, how it may impact your integration, and what you must do to future-proof your integration, please refer to the Merchant Security System Upgrade Guide on the microsite. *Please note – If you’re impacted by this upgrade, you may be required to implement these changes prior to the dates listed on the microsite. Otherwise, you may not be able to process payments through your current integration with PayPal. In addition, if you’re integrated with a third party, please check with them on any additional steps you may need to take. Questions can be directed to our Merchant Technical Services team on our Technical Support website. Click here for more information. Thanks for your patience as we continue to improve our services.
  8. If you really want to save the most money. I would buy the license from license cart and purchase your hosting separately. quick look it looks like he has it on sell for $7.30. Way I see it couple bucks back in your pocket may not sound like much, but in course of a year its 24 bucks. Just be for warned on the terrible music he is playing on the coupon page.
  9. I recommend you check what one of the programers that visit the boards here would charge to develop the module you need.
  10. I have to agree I would also like to see FR added to Blesta.
  11. Stripe works the way your wanting. (at least If I understand what your looking for. )
  12. For credit card processing I personally like stripe
  13. I don't see a reason for Blesta to waste time on a module already done. Not only is it counterproductive and keeps much other needed development from getting done. It would discourage developers to work up modules for Blesta.
  14. Agree if you buy from a 3rd party buy from Lisence cart MIke is great at support and help.
  15. you click on manage and you will see the option to add support for a year.
  16. I have a feeling you may have been targeted as well if noone else has gotten this email. Please let me know what happens after you contact the police and that I am currios.
  17. If you think modules are free in WHMCS you are in for rude awakening. I have seen far more free support from the community here. 3rd party mopdules are not supported by WHMCS either.
  18. ROFL, is WHMCS starting to see the competition and realizing just how bad the threat is that they have to start posting smack now?
  19. silvatech

    Release 3.1.2

    update notes look good I look forward to testing it =).
  20. I am ready and really looking forward to it =).
  21. I was in admin creating an SSL for my customer with the Gogetssl module. After entering all the information for the phone number 1-555-555-5555. The next page I would get internal error. Well I had to check the logs to find out from the logs. a:3:{s:5:"error";b:1;s:7:"message";s:3:"110";s:11:"description";s:60:"Please type correct administrator phone number, only numbers";} I assume instead of saying internal error like on the other modules it should inform the customer (what data was entered wrong.) that phone numbers can only be numbers.
  22. Thanks Paul, it was indeed a missed part of the build.
  23. Fatal error: Class 'PDO' not found in /home/reasonab/public_html/billing/lib/loader.php on line 73 Oh noes! Class 'PDO' not found on line 73 in /home/reasonab/public_html/billing/lib/loader.php Anyone know what may be causing t his error. I moved to an upgraded server and now I get this error in blesta when I goto the front page or try to goto the admin page.
  24. WOW, looks great, I cant wait to see the finished product =).
  25. I would Same reccomendation I would make =).
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