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Everything posted by garybarr
I keep getting random emailed from my Blesta with the subject of "Service Change" and the email is completely blank. I can't seem to find out what is triggering this to happen, nor how to change the email template to give me more information. I don't see anything with that title in the settings->emails area. The logs don't seem to show it happening at the same time anything else is happening. Any ideas?
Yeah, I wondered about that... So I guess you are saying, if the Package EVER had a subscriber, it can't be deleted, it has to be turned inactive instead and stay there forever? It still would be nice to be able to find out who, if anyone, is active on that package. I assume if I don't know about someone and inactivate it, they stop getting billed... I would love to know so I could close out an old package, but be able to move them to a new one first.
I am trying to clean house on packages that are no longer used... However, when I try to delete them, I get "The package could not be deleted because a service is currently using it." and it won't let me delete it. I then added a new package just to test it, tried to immediately delete it, but still I get that message on even the newly created package. Am I missing something? Part 2: Is there a way to find out if someone is using a package? Like if I want to delete XYZ Package, is there a way to make sure nobody is under that plan first? It looks like the previous problem is trying to tell me someone is using the package and refusing to delete... However, as I explained, it's blocking it even when nobody is using the package.
I went in, saw Billing at a Glance (and all other plugins) had Upgrade button. I clicked on Upgrade with Billing at a Glance, and got the same error. So I did as you said, uninstalled it, reinstalled it and it went just fine... I then upgraded all the other plugins and had no errors on them. So that seemed to do the trick... I wonder what caused it, but as long as we are going, it's all good! :-) Thanks for the help!
Yes, directories all are 0755 and php's are 0644.
Actually, ALL my PHP files are all set for 644, is that wrong?
Odd, the permissions are 0644 for the files in the billing_overview directories (and dir are 755). I assume I should change them all to 0666... Does that fix it, or do I need to rerun the ~/admin/upgrade feature?
FileZilla...Like I normally do. It shows 6253 successful transfers, 0 Failed transfers. That part all seems to have gone fine. But open to suggestions.
I upgraded from 3.1.1 to 3.2.0 and uploaded the files like normal, however, when I went to ~/admin/upgrade and clicked update, I got this: Oh noes!SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry '2-1-revenue_year' for key 'PRIMARY' on line 124 in /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/lib/model.php Printing Stack Trace: #0 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/lib/model.php(124): PDOStatement->execute(Array) #1 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/components/record/record.php(216): Model->query('INSERT INTO `bi...', Array) #2 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/plugins/billing_overview/billing_overview_plugin.php(118): Record->insert('billing_overvie...', Array) #3 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/app/models/plugin_manager.php(274): BillingOverviewPlugin->upgrade('1.0.0', '3') #4 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(210): PluginManager->upgrade('3') #5 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/components/upgrades/upgrades.php(74): Upgrades->processExtension('plugin', NULL) #6 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/app/controllers/admin_upgrade.php(80): Upgrades->start('3.1.1', '3.2.0') #7 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/lib/dispatcher.php(111): AdminUpgrade->process() #8 /home/digicom/public_html/blesta/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/admin/upgrade/...') #9 {main} But it seems to be working? Shows 3.2.0... Seems to be working ok, as far as I can tell... I added a client. Added an invoice, all went well. Should I be concerned?
I'm sure it's something I don't have setup correctly, but I've been trying to figure out for weeks what it is. Honestly, I mostly use Blesta for billing services I provided personally, so I normally just create invoices. However, I am trying to add a domain to a customers account, (which used to work, but I'm not sure if it has since I went to Blesta 3)... But when I click on Add Service, I click on Domain (which uses Universal Module, I do not have it talk directly to enom), I enter in the information, click Continue, and then I get this error: Oh noes! Undefined property: stdClass::$service_rules on line 683 in /home/mysite/public_html/blesta/components/modules/universal_module/universal_module.php I'm sure I just don't have something set right, but for the life of me, can't find anyplace I have not setup properly. Any ideas? FYI, it's currently Blesta 3.1.1
I have a number of hosting customers that still pay by check and they are used to writing the same amount each month and mailing to me... However, once a year, their payment should be $12 higher for domain renewal... and they miss that. So, I record the payment, minus the $12 they left off. Thus, leaving $12 due... and I write them a little reminder letter explaining why this month is more... They are all great people, they never miss a payment, so I want to extend them an extra month to pay me the extra $12... However, I can't, because I posted a partial payment and that's pretty annoying. I can see why it won't let me change other things after a partial payment, but I don't understand why giving them extra time to pay the rest is anyone's business but mine? Or how it would effect ANYTHING else... Instead, I have to go back in and un-post the payment, or let the system send them nasty letters (or even suspend their service) if they don't pay it immediately. I try to remember not to post the payment before I change due date, but I'm still finding myself forgetting and having to undo my work. Can this please be changed?
The problem is that, unless they pay immediately and I just happened to notice that I billed them $35 and catch that they paid $50, I'll have no idea... Thus when their monthly service fee for hosting comes up, it pays them with my tip, because it shows up as a credit. I have no way to know they did it... And the likelihood of me catching if they pay even an hour later, is very low. Looking back, I've had 4 customers that their tip, became their payment for monthly service... and that's just the ones I randomly caught. Maybe even something like and option to "Add a purchase" and I could set it up for "$5 Tip to Technician" or something like that.... But even just being alerted in ANY way that a customer has overpaid, would gain my attention to fix it.
I provide a service where I repair computers online for my customers and some times, they leave tips for me when making the payment. The problem is, it's great that it allows them to pay more, but it give them a credit for their tip... So when it bills them for their monthly service, it uses my tip to pay their bill. (Unless I catch it of course, then manually unapply the payment, change invoice price, resave, then wait for the CRON to apply the credit to their bill. Is there any other way? Also, possible addition idea.... Any chance of adding an option that allows them to add a "tip" that shows up. It may increase the amount of people who think about it and do it... Increasing my bottom line which makes me smile. :-)