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Everything posted by xison

  1. That has no effect. Paul? Cody? Tyson?
  2. ... anyone?
  3. Hi there, I'm attempting to make-shift an order form for Dedicated Servers utilizing the Universal Module. So far I have it working the way I want, however the input rules do not appear to be working. I am betting I am simply doing it wrong, but it may be a bug, I'm not sure. Anyway, I've created a product under the Universal Module called "Dedicated Server", with the following Service Options: 1) Hostname - Name 'hostname' - Regular Input Box - Required: Yes - Encrypt: No 2) Operating System - Name 'operating_system' - Select Box - Required: Yes - Encrypt: No 3) Special Instructions - Name 'instructions' - Textarea - Required: No - Encrypt: No In the input rules, I have the following, based on the example in the documentation here: http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Universal+Module {"hostname":{ "valid":{ "rule":"isEmpty", "negate":true, "message":"You must enter a Hostname." } }} According to the documentation, it should not allow the 'hostname' parameter to go through if it is empty, but it does on it's merry little way. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.
  4. This conversation reminded me of this image: http://lokwi.com/upl/1252.jpg I grew up on Windows. Well, sorta. When I was 13 years of age I was already making money building websites for local clubs/businesses. When I saved up enough money I built my first computer, and installed SuSE Linux Personal Edition. I've been running Linux ever since. After a couple of other distro's I ended up on Gentoo and stuck with it (sorta, now using Funtoo). When my wife and I first moved in together after high school she had her heart set on a Mac because they were pretty. So I bought her a 2nd Gen Mac Mini. She absolutely hated it. After a couple of weeks we installed Gentoo on it and she was much happier. My kids will be so very confused when they hit school and start using Windows (assuming its still the "standard" by then).
  5. Describe the issue you're experiencing. Attempting to test a few things with the SolusVM module, I am trying to process a $0.00 VPS, and when it comes to the checkout process it does not allow me to actually Check Out. The page reloads. Provide detailed steps necessary to reproduce the issue. 1. Create Product / Service for 1 Month @ $0.00 2. Go to Order Form 3. Choose $0.00 Package 4. Proceed through Checkout process List any generated errors. (The "Oh Noes" error pages are very helpful.) N/A Include the URL the error occurred on, relative to the installation path, ie "/admin/login". /panel/plugin/order/main/checkout/vps Include your configuration settings, i.e. OS, version of Blesta, PHP & MySQL. Blesta 3.0.1 Apache 2.4.6 PHP 5.4.17 MySQL 5.5.32
  6. xison


    Anything to report back?I had a look at it. Not very closely, but I can't determine at a glance whether its an open project? commercial project? Open source with a commercial support channel? Otherwise it looks like a great simple system for small businesses as like a backuo server. Not sure how I feel about how they cram everything in one box (web, email, ftp, dns, nfs/samba, etc. etc.)
  7. xison

    Paypal Fees

    I'm in Canada and the only options I was aware of were Paypal & Stripe. Stripe is great, its really easy to program for and the rates are on par with Paypal. Bluepay looks interesting. Their fee looks to be 1% lower or so (In Canada at least). And their rolling deposit is within 24 hours. This is one thing I'm not fond of with Stripe, as it takes 7 days to deposit to my account. At least with Paypal I can access the funds thru other companies who accept Paypal, immediately after receiving payment. The tradeoff, however, is they can lock your account right out for stupid reasons - I'm sure you've all read the horror stories. I'm going to really look into Bluepay. I don't think Blesta has a module for it yet, do they?
  8. xison

    Paypal Fees

    I always set my pricing with taking into account transaction costs. It's an unfortunate fact of life when it comes to running a business. On the plus side, those fee's are a business expense and can be written off.
  9. What kind of conflict would occur? I can't think of anything that wouldnt allow it to work. One thing I'm not sure about is ordering but /something/ is typically better than nothing. :-)
  10. Would you be so kind to share with us what kind of exploits? The technical people around here enjoy this kind of stuff. Perhaps not exactly what or where (or which competitor) but at least the type of exploit? SQL injections, privilege escalation, simply flawed beyond repair?
  11. Looks real slick. Thanks for the Screenshots.
  12. Would it be possible to make a "Custom Nav" Module? Something to build custom scaffolding (drop-down) menu items utilizing the Module's ability to hook into the menu?
  13. Can we get some screenshots? I can't watch the screencast on my phone. :-)
  14. You can reissue the license in your Blesta account (https://account.blesta.com/client/login/).
  15. I bit the bullet and bought a SolusVM license through LicensePal. Can't wait any longer for proxmox. If the community gets one going I will give it a shot. What I really like about Proxmox is the ability to run OpenVZ and KVM at the same time AND the control panel on the same box.
  16. Firefox across the board (workstation, laptop, mobile phone...) :-)
  17. xison


    So the LicenseCart site says they will launch on Aug. 14th... its the 15th here. Where is the site?
  18. Zpanel intrigues me and I've got a VM with a handful of sites I've been considering setting it up on just to try it out. I like that its open source so easy to extend and modify, and the theory of better security due to more eyes on the code.
  19. xison

    Blesta Baby

    Congrats Paul. Thanks for the reminder I need a vasectomy. I'm done at two. haha
  20. xison


    I like the idea of the Phar. Last time I really lookes at them they seemed kind of half baked and wasn't too sure about them. This was when 5.2 was in beta, though. Namespaces, on the other hand, are freaking awesome! I don't know how I lived without them for so long.
  21. I've never gotten into video games. I mean, I dont mind the odd game of Mario Party (especially when you mix in alcohol). Video games on a computer are simply foreign to me. Programming is my favourite past time (aside from spending time with my wife and kids). It takes skill, patience, and a tonne of problem solving/planning/coordinating. It fulfills me mentally. Family fulfills me emotionally.
  22. I've been 100% Linux since 2004 (I think?). Started on SuSE Personal 9.0, moved to Mandrake about 6 months later, then to Gentoo a few months after that. Now using Funtoo, which is basically the same thing as Gentoo with a few minor differences. I keep a VM of various versions of Windows around for web design/development testing. Even that is pretty minimal these days.
  23. Thanks for your input thus far. Typically I just recommend Paypal or Stripe and be on my way. This is a client of approx 4 years. We keep bumping our heads on this issue. They are not willing to use another gateway provider, nor are they willing to budge on this whole storing the cards (and other info) issue. Basically his justification is "Kijiji does it" and after hours of trying to explain how and why Kijiji does it, it comes down to a frank "I write the cheques, do as I say". Unfortunately this project isn't a simple e-commerce site, which I've done many of in the past and where Paypal or Stripe work very well. I'd be happier not storing /any/ card info with a fully tokenized system. :-)
  24. I'm _very_ familiar with the rules. While the client keeps insisting on storing it, I ensure it is removed after the card is processed. All card accesses are logged, and restricted to the user(s) that need access by way of asymmetric encryption. This is besides the point of what this discussion is about. I'd like to offload a lot of these headaches, as described in my original post.
  25. I'm looking for offsite/remote, PCI-DSS compliant tokenized storage with an API. I can encrypt the data as much as I'd like on the local server but it still bothers me, as it really is not PCI-compliant.
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