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Everything posted by xison

  1. Be sure the IP Address in your whitelist is your servers outgoing IP address. For example, if you are on a VPS with 5 IP addresses, use the Primary IP address.
  2. I'd like to chime in and point out that the development license is only available for OWNED licenses direct from Blesta. Not monthly licenses.
  3. I'm not certain, as it was over a year and a half ago. I think I was just searching around for a simple web based invoicing system, like freshbooks but self hosted. At the time it was for invoicing my web design/development clients. WHMCS didn't fit my scope at the time, so I was looking around, digging deep. I came across quite a few programs there, but most of them old or seemed abandoned.I came to the site and saw v3 was in development. I purchased a monthly license for two months (I think) through LicensePal as I evaluated v2.5. Then life just got real busy so I put it on hold, and cancelled the license until I came back around to it. Then one day reading WHT, I came across a thread about the Blesta v3 Beta. When I found out I could get in on the beta with a v2.5 license I re-ordered the license through LicensePal. LicensePal has since upgraded my license to an Unbranded v3 license at the same cost as the v2.5 license. So I figured I'd just keep it with them. Can't beat that price. I've since expanded into Domain Registration (ResellerClub/LogicBoxes), Virtual Server Hosting (SolusVM), and currently experimenting with dedicated servers (via the Universal Module). So far I am really enjoying the ease Blesta provides, as I was doing it all manually using an invoice template in LibreOffice. I did have some issues during integration. In my opinion the CSS files are poorly formatted. I don't know if it was for minification purposes or not, though.
  4. (double post)
  5. xison

    Release 3.0.3

    Glad this one is fixed. Will be upgrading tonight. I'm making heavy use of Universal Module for dedicated servers, support services, control panel software licenses (cPanel, etc), and additional IP Addresses.
  6. The license is through LicensePal, correct? They were selling for $85 USD during the Beta. If you purchased at that price, I'd offer $110 but no more (approx 130% of what you paid). I have a monthly license (through LicensePal). I'm happy with it. I'd be willing to buy a used license at a fair price. My personal opinion is if you are serious about selling the license, you should be willing to negotiate. Each day that passes by is another day of support & updates from Philips Data Inc. that goes wasted, thus making the license less valuable to most potential buyers. As stated, this is just my opinion.
  7. I'm surprised no one had mentioned the Universal Module yet. After you figure out how it works, its very powerful. Personally about to launch a companion brand to my web development business that is mostly hosting related: - Domain Names - LogicBoxes Module - Virtual Servers - SolusVM Module - Dedicated Servers - Universal Module I've also set up a bunch of addon services utilizing the Universal Module, such as Server Management, additional IP addresses, Commercial Hosting Control Panels (cPanel, etc.)
  8. *bump*
  9. HotScripts is still around? I found Blesta through AlternativeTo.net
  10. xison

    Bad Luck Day?

    I want to clarify a little better. When in wrote that my wife was yelling and thrashing around in pain, so I made it quick. Just to clarify, it is my wife with the kidney stones and bladder infection. I never explicitly asked, but I'm assuming the bladder infection is caused by the kidney stones. Yes the kidney stones are 9mm each. Unfortunately the Urologist is a hard person to track down so all they did last night was try a couple of different drugs to manage her pain, and an antibiotic for the bladder infection. Now we are home, but have to wait until Monday to book an appointment with the Urologist. Hopefully they get her in quick and figure out a plan of action. Typically any kidney stones over 4mm get an ultrasonic blast to break it up a bit. While that can potentially cause more pain, it allows her to pass them, and be done with it sooner. 9mm is too large to pass on its own. (I want to point out I live in Canada. Healthcare is free, but slow as all hell.)
  11. xison

    Cron Setup

    What Distro of Linux? Some (most?) Linux distro's separate the CLI, CGI & FPM, and mod_php into different php.ini files. What this means is you will need to add ioncube loader to your CLI php.ini file.
  12. xison

    Bad Luck Day?

    I'm sitting in emergency with my wife at the moment. Two 9mm kidney stones, and a bladder infection.
  13. I'll offer you $125 USD if this is still for sale.
  14. Honestly $100-$110 million is low ball. Personally I think it would be worth more than that. The company makes a profit, and is certainly in good condition. As for domain reselling platforms, OpenSRS by Tucows isn't going anywhere. Prices aren't the greatest but they offer so many more tlds than ResellerClub.
  15. Thanks for the confirmation, Paul.Is it direct through Blesta (Philips Data Inc.), or a reseller? When was it purchased?
  16. @webguyz: Is it right from Blesta, or a reseller? When was it purchased? @Paul: Can we get a confirmation on this? ---- Edit: just to be certain, $150.00 USD?
  17. - In depth tutorial on using the Universal Module.
  18. I want to add on here my passwords are all 32-40 characters long, include a-z, A-Z, 0-9 @#$%&*-+()!:;/? and I have had no issues on that front. Using PHP 5.4.17
  19. I am using in testing right now. Just upgraded solusVM today too so plan to do some final testing before I launch my web hosting brand (sister company to web design/development firm).
  20. It sounds like he wants to sell the equivalent of account credit (or tokens, etc). Which would be a one-time charge. Right now he could use the Universal Module to create a 'product' called Impressions, with no fields. Then create a package of a varying amount of credits listed in the Product Details, then set it as a one-time charge for however much he needs to charge for said amount of Impressions for this specific package. That's my best bet for what he is looking for.
  21. (Sorry for doublepost) Also your image slider thing on your beta page has an alignment issue. It floats to the left on my screen, 1920x1200 resolution. This is in Firefox v23 on Linux.
  22. Looks like a file permission problem, or your hard drive has a bad sector. What are the permissions of the /home/cwadminb/public_html/blesta_api.php file currently set to?
  23. xison

    Free Domain With Hosting

    Another route could be to use an Addon Service.. The only downside is you would have to create the Domain Package again at $0.00 and add it to a group set as an Addon Group to your hosting Category (sounds complicated, but could be done).
  24. I got this link in my e-mail from Linked-In, it's a few days old. Some of you may have already seen it before. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ukYf_xvg I know this has always been one of my pet peeves. And why I downloaded so many TV shows in the past (via torrents - they fall in a grey area in Canada so it's presumed legal by many people - thats another topic, though). However, since getting Netflix and cancelling my Television Service, I've noticed I download a lot less. P.S. House of Cards, Hemlock Grove, and Orange Is The New Black were all fantastic in my book.
  25. I will do some digging and provide some more info later. I'm not at my desk for a while (almost dinner time, and then family time).I can tell you I installed the trial on v3.0.0 then upgraded using the v3.0.1 patch.
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