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Gareth-Host Red Dragon

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Everything posted by Gareth-Host Red Dragon

  1. Thanks (Must remember to look for the + signs when adding things Thanks
  2. Hey wheres mine
  3. Thanks. I knew there was an issue with http somewhere, just forgot to look in the header Quick question for you: On your order form when it displays the products it is showing Disk space: xxx Bandwidth: xxx under the product name. How did you do that? Have I missed a setting somewhere?
  4. Well I have done my first pass at integrating Blesta, What do you think? http://hostreddragon.com/account/ Checked it in Chrome, and IE (both latest versions) (Some of the links do not work as this and my main site are still a "work in progress")
  5. Captcha or AreYouHuman would help against bots posting to the helpdesk, but I have had instances where "a human" would submit a "SEO offer" (every other day), got annoying real fast. If you could ban email addresses/domains/IP it would cut down on this type. Even had a hosting/domain firm offer me a domain reseller account at "fantastic prices", yeh right, the prices they offered me to buy domains from them was higher than what I was selling them for on my site. /fail
  6. Not all tickets departments require you to be clients, or registered, the sales department for example.
  7. Ok I have used maxmind before, but I am not used to the new scoring system. For What do you suggest
  8. Only if it was received via email. If they submit it via the portal then it does not use the email system
  9. It would be handy to have 3 options: Ban email address (less effective for general spam as it is often fake (but helps when some idiot of a company decides to submit a "seo service offer" to your support department)) Ban domain (like above, is less effective for general spam, but stops you getting any email from a certain domain (SEO service offers etc) Ban IP (Handy if you get a lot of spam from a particular IP or range)
  10. Most probably:) Also hostredragon just in case someone miss-types
  11. I like the integration, really nice
  12. I blame the politician's. It's always their fault
  13. It was overcast here on Anglesey this morning (as usual). Cleared up about lunchtime, and has been sunny and hot. There's no pleasing us brits, we complain when it's cold and raining, and complain when it's hot and sunny
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