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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. MemoryX2

    Rasberry Pi?

    I run full 1080p videos mostly in mkv files, some mp4 and wmv(wmv sucks I know. Long story as to why I have those). The video sizes range from 2gb all the way to maybe 10gb each. Not all of my movies are 1080p HD and all that, but the ones I tested with were as I fell like if it can play that it can play less as well. I haven't actually checked the frames per second during playback but I do know that it plays great. As for the audio, and rca I don't use it either. The raspberry b model has an HDMI port and that's all I use, it also has audio pass through in HDMI which I use as well. Oh, I do know that the is a status page in raspbmc where it will tell the current fps and mine is generally somewhere around ~40-60 fps. I believe the movies fps is a factor their also. I have an Ethernet cable, HDMI and power over USB connected that's it. I control everything else through my network with my smartphone (android of course). Their is an initial lag at the beginning of the movie but afterwards it plays great. I would say the lag could be up to 3 seconds. But after that everything is great. I do have one complaunt, I would like for it to be more powerful obviously. It doesn't load my media library movie covers very fast at all. Other than that its awesome. For the money I don't know of anything better although I need to look into what cloudrck mentioned. I have heard of odroid also it is a more expensive option.
  2. MemoryX2

    Rasberry Pi?

    As I previously said, I use mine for a media player. For a long I didn't buy one because I thought it would be a joke. But a few weeks ago I borrowed a friends and I was blown away at how powerful and well HD movies play. I have been very impressed with the pi, I may even consider buying another or two.
  3. Thanks I will check it out.
  4. I Am having an issue where I can add a service account and all using this module but when I log into the client side and try to manage it says the account does not exist under statistics. Everywhere else errors appear. I verified that the account was created and it was. Anyone else have this issue?
  5. Me either!! :-)
  6. MemoryX2

    Rasberry Pi?

    I have one. I really like it. Its not as powerful as I would like but for the money its very nice. I use mine as a home media center basically. I run raspbmc on it and it loads all of my media off of a NFS. It works really well, it could be better but it is still good.
  7. It does look awesome!! Changing the subject, I actually beat you on first reply for the first time ever Mike! Haha
  8. Looks awesome! Any sneak peaks of an enom module? :-P
  9. We are planning on implementing as much of the order form as possible on our website and then just use blesta for the billing etc until the order forms get better.
  10. Not really. At this point I don't think the devs are even sure. Paul has stated in the past he wants about a 6 ~ 8 week release period, at least something close to that. (I'm trying to remember but not 100%) But anyway. their will be a 3.0.5 out soon, maybe even this week so I would assume that earliest would be roughly 6 weeks from when 3.0.5 is released but their may be a 3.0.6 so it's hard to say. depends on the bugs and all. Most seem to be squashed out. I have to say, we are interested in mass mailing as well. Didn't really realize how nice it was until it was gone.
  11. I believe SSL is still to come. Probably 3.1 or 3.2
  12. It will get better for sure. They already have a great product and it gets better everyday as well. The documentation will get there I'm sure.
  13. +1 from me Paul had said in the past that he was working on the markup to move to bootstrap but I'm not sure when it will happen, that was before the initial release. It will be great when it does though.
  14. Didn't even notice haha (probably because I don't use it)
  15. I haven't really dealt with Modules Garden at all in the past, nor have I known much about them. I mean I had heard of them and heard good things and all that but no first hand experience. I think is says a good deal about the company for them to release the module to the Blesta devs. I hope everything works out well for both sides.
  16. On a clients page their is an option to disable auto suspension for that client. This does not work. I disabled auto suspension on a client with an overdue invoice last night and it still suspended the clients service. 3.0.4 CentOs 6.3 Php 5.3.26
  17. Hmm.. You might could use a php if statement in the mean time. if company_id==1 then .... else .... and have two different scripts from google for the two sites.
  18. So its actually really easy to set it up already. Just add the script google analytics gives you at the bottom of the structure.pdt for whatever company you want to track.
  19. Would be very nice. +1
  20. MemoryX2

    Editing Pdt Files

    Here's a little. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/370-site-integration-with-blesta/
  21. MemoryX2

    Release 3.0.4

    Mine was smooth also. I've upgraded now. @ Paul: Have you seen anymore about the incorrect revenue displayed?
  22. MemoryX2

    Release 3.0.4

    I haven't upgraded yet but I wanted to say I really like how you layed out the security fixes. The fact that you mentioned their were potential security issues and the fact you fixed them. Well done!
  23. MemoryX2

    The Game

    The fights are the best part. My friend was at a game last year where the entire team got in a fight. Like a team mate got hit or something then his entire team jumped the rail and started brawling with everyone! Even the refs were in the fight.
  24. Thanks, Paul. Their is an issue somewhere. My time zones and all seem to match up correctly between Blesta and my server. As well as the client who accessed it and paid. I know where he lives and it was in the same time zone.
  25. This also appears to be affecting system overview widget in the field users active today.
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