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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. I like the op especially used in this way.
  2. Everything on our main website is SSL protected. We have internal sub domains and things that are not but places with client interaction on our site is SSL.
  3. Could be worse.. You could be using vBulletin right now :-P For those that don't know they apparently had a huge hack a day or two ago.
  4. Hope you guys like it! Right now it doesn't have the real colors in it that it will be released as, I was testing the Blesta theme changer and didn't reset it. I can say that I'm really excited about it. In all honesty I made this for myself but I thought other people might want something like this as well so I posted it.
  5. I have modified every theme file that is included in Blesta. In many cases I completely changed the the architecture. For example, Blesta uses <ul><li> for probably 90% of the entire theme. I'm not saying that it is bad or anything but I changed all of that to rows and I changed the buttons... I've done a lot. I still have to modify the order forms and I pretty much have completed the ticket system. It is looking good (to me at least) but their are also some places I need to make just a little better as soon as I get it out. Mostly I just need to finish the order pages, and make a few refinements in other places, but it is basically done. You're welcome to login with the test account and see what you think. If you see any bugs let me know what page they are on and I will fix it as soon as I can.
  6. I haven't actually started selling it yet. I just don't know if many people will be interested in it or not. Just an update I have almost got it coded so that it works with the client theme's in Blesta so many of the colors will be changeable!
  7. Time to try out the license module.. Jk
  8. Thanks!
  9. Its coming along very well. In fact, I'm almost completely finished with the entire theme. The client area is done for now, I may revisit it in the future and tweak it more but not yet. The support is about 90% done as well. There didn't seem to be much interest in it so I may or may not sell it, I don't know. I wish I could get it merged upstream into blesta.
  10. Lol. I'm not complaining about it Loving Blesta so far!
  11. Yeah, it's literally a 5 minute fix. I have been trying to do it on each update but I occasionally forget.
  12. It really sounds like you guys are getting it done and that's awesome!!
  13. Bootstrap Conversion ******************************************************************************* I have been and still am in the process of building a completely responsive theme for Blesta. It is not completely finished but is very close to being complete. I plan on selling this theme for a low cost so that I can continue updating it. Desktop Screenshots ******************************************************************************* Tablet Screenshots ****************************************************************** Will post these in just a moment. Mobile Screenshots ****************************************************************** Will post these in just a moment. Try it yourself! ****************************************************************** We all know actions speak louder than words, so login and see what you think! http://dev.memoryx2.com/members/client/login Login: test Password: tester
  14. I was thinking that part too. I would like to see most popular but most recent by default. They probably have that option and just set it the other way around. That would be cool
  15. Doesn't hurt to ask.
  16. I like the way cpanel does it honestly. http://features.cpanel.net/
  17. Awesome!! If we write stuff that helps out a lot is it possible that you guys would merge it upstream? For example the bootstrap conversion I'm working on. I'm probably going to sell it as a theme but I would prefer to give it to you guys and it be part of stock Blesta..?
  18. For me, I'm not sure how much I would use it. The thing to me is this, I might only use it 3 times a year but those few times I did use it I would be thinking "things like this is why I love blesta." I'm gonna say +1 not because I would use it often, but because it would make blesta a sleeker piece of software.
  19. Widgets work now. But I have not styled them much as of yet. Their is a conflict between the Bootstrap js & the Java js.
  20. This idea is kinda far out there, and probably won't happen... But this is by far one of the coolest ideas yet! I would like to have that on my tablet!!!
  21. Does anyone wonder why we jumped ship? *hint* *hint* This seems to be happening almost weekly now... (refering to exploits, which you may not have even found I don't know but I do know their main priority is adding bugs not fixing them)
  22. I just tried it. It is the same. I have more stuff done on it as well now. 3@memoryx2.com qwertyuiop
  23. +1000000 This is very important!
  24. I certainly agree with that as well.
  25. Check out this topic about Bootstrap. I'm working on converting Blesta to Bootstrap, and I have offered Paul my code. My conversion is probably 60-70% complete. I have a few things that are not perfect, and all but it is getting there. It is also fully responsive. http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1308-moving-to-bootstrap/
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