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Everything posted by MemoryX2

  1. Yeah I can't wait! I love Blesta but the client area needs alot of work.
  2. Easier order forms have not yet been implemented. I believe the plan is to move to bootstrap and redo the order forms in 3.2.
  3. Does that affect the support ticket department area?
  4. Can you post your portal code?
  5. You have to have 4 or more departments before it messes up. I updated the op
  6. If there are multiple support departments configured they do not line up for the client when creating a new support ticket. 3.0.7 & 3.1.0 B1 This only happens with 4 or more departments.
  7. This also comes into play also when changing departments, priority, staff assignment, and status. I think this is going to be a big deal to most people.
  8. Just as long as my tickets keep importing (cPanel piping)
  9. MemoryX2

    Release 3.1.0-B1

    Are bug fixes in 3.0.7 and the coming 3.0.8 automatically implemented into 3.1? For example 3.0.8 isn't released yet, but I saw a post from Tyson about some bug where he said fixed core xxx 3.0.8. So will 3.1.0 b2 have that fix rolled in as well?
  10. True. It's not life or death (at least for me)
  11. Is this something that can be implimented in 3.1 or something that we would have to wait for a new release like 3.2 for?
  12. Ho ho ho Merry Christmas!!!
  13. This looks like a fantastic module!
  14. Did you upgrade with the patch or the full version? It may be possible that somehow you corrupted a file or two when you uploaded the patch or something. Just an idea. Don't know for sure. I used the full version just to make sure all of my files were up to date.
  15. MemoryX2

    Release 3.1.0-B1

    3.1 looks awesome so far! I haven't done any testing yet, but I just installed via gui with no problem! Thanks!
  16. MemoryX2

    Release 3.0.7

    Upgraded with no problems! Thanks!
  17. MemoryX2

    Release 3.0.7

  18. Put the client number in an uneditable field on the client info page, client number and sign up date
  19. I'm interested in this also
  20. Sweet!
  21. The GUI looks sweet!
  22. I will finish the order template asap so that I can begin releasing this theme in a beta. After that I will continue updating and working out bugs.
  23. I will try to update it more now. I haven't had much time lately. Plus I've gotta update the files from the 3.0.6 release.
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